blob: cd87ede7e3fa27a0fe717875148507d799e3797a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public expect open class LockFreeLinkedListNode() {
public val isRemoved: Boolean
public val nextNode: LockFreeLinkedListNode
public val prevNode: LockFreeLinkedListNode
public fun addLast(node: LockFreeLinkedListNode)
public fun addOneIfEmpty(node: LockFreeLinkedListNode): Boolean
public inline fun addLastIf(node: LockFreeLinkedListNode, crossinline condition: () -> Boolean): Boolean
public inline fun addLastIfPrev(
node: LockFreeLinkedListNode,
predicate: (LockFreeLinkedListNode) -> Boolean
): Boolean
public inline fun addLastIfPrevAndIf(
node: LockFreeLinkedListNode,
predicate: (LockFreeLinkedListNode) -> Boolean, // prev node predicate
crossinline condition: () -> Boolean // atomically checked condition
): Boolean
public open fun remove(): Boolean
public fun removeFirstOrNull(): LockFreeLinkedListNode?
public inline fun <reified T> removeFirstIfIsInstanceOfOrPeekIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T?
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public expect open class LockFreeLinkedListHead() : LockFreeLinkedListNode {
public val isEmpty: Boolean
public inline fun <reified T : LockFreeLinkedListNode> forEach(block: (T) -> Unit)
public final override fun remove(): Nothing
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public expect open class AddLastDesc<T : LockFreeLinkedListNode>(
queue: LockFreeLinkedListNode,
node: T
) : AbstractAtomicDesc {
val queue: LockFreeLinkedListNode
val node: T
protected override fun onPrepare(affected: LockFreeLinkedListNode, next: LockFreeLinkedListNode): Any?
override fun finishOnSuccess(affected: LockFreeLinkedListNode, next: LockFreeLinkedListNode)
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public expect open class RemoveFirstDesc<T>(queue: LockFreeLinkedListNode): AbstractAtomicDesc {
val queue: LockFreeLinkedListNode
public val result: T
protected open fun validatePrepared(node: T): Boolean
protected final override fun onPrepare(affected: LockFreeLinkedListNode, next: LockFreeLinkedListNode): Any?
final override fun finishOnSuccess(affected: LockFreeLinkedListNode, next: LockFreeLinkedListNode)
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public expect abstract class AbstractAtomicDesc : AtomicDesc {
final override fun prepare(op: AtomicOp<*>): Any?
final override fun complete(op: AtomicOp<*>, failure: Any?)
protected open fun failure(affected: LockFreeLinkedListNode, next: Any): Any?
protected open fun retry(affected: LockFreeLinkedListNode, next: Any): Boolean
protected abstract fun onPrepare(affected: LockFreeLinkedListNode, next: LockFreeLinkedListNode): Any? // non-null on failure
protected abstract fun finishOnSuccess(affected: LockFreeLinkedListNode, next: LockFreeLinkedListNode)