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* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.test
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.*
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
* This [CoroutineContext] dispatcher can be used to simulate virtual time to speed up
* code, especially tests, that deal with delays and timeouts in Coroutines.
* Provide an instance of this TestCoroutineContext when calling the *non-blocking* [launch] or [async]
* and then advance time or trigger the actions to make the co-routines execute as soon as possible.
* This works much like the *TestScheduler* in RxJava2, which allows to speed up tests that deal
* with non-blocking Rx chains that contain delays, timeouts, intervals and such.
* This dispatcher can also handle *blocking* coroutines that are started by [runBlocking].
* This dispatcher's virtual time will be automatically advanced based based on the delayed actions
* within the Coroutine(s).
* @param name A user-readable name for debugging purposes.
class TestCoroutineContext(private val name: String? = null) : CoroutineContext {
private val uncaughtExceptions = mutableListOf<Throwable>()
private val ctxDispatcher = Dispatcher()
private val ctxHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
uncaughtExceptions += exception
// The ordered queue for the runnable tasks.
private val queue = ThreadSafeHeap<TimedRunnable>()
// The per-scheduler global order counter.
private var counter = 0L
// Storing time in nanoseconds internally.
private var time = 0L
* Exceptions that were caught during a [launch] or a [async] + [Deferred.await].
public val exceptions: List<Throwable> get() = uncaughtExceptions
// -- CoroutineContext implementation
public override fun <R> fold(initial: R, operation: (R, CoroutineContext.Element) -> R): R =
operation(operation(initial, ctxDispatcher), ctxHandler)
public override fun <E : CoroutineContext.Element> get(key: CoroutineContext.Key<E>): E? = when {
key === ContinuationInterceptor -> ctxDispatcher as E
key === CoroutineExceptionHandler -> ctxHandler as E
else -> null
public override fun minusKey(key: CoroutineContext.Key<*>): CoroutineContext = when {
key === ContinuationInterceptor -> ctxHandler
key === CoroutineExceptionHandler -> ctxDispatcher
else -> this
* Returns the current virtual clock-time as it is known to this CoroutineContext.
* @param unit The [TimeUnit] in which the clock-time must be returned.
* @return The virtual clock-time
public fun now(unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)=
unit.convert(time, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
* Moves the CoroutineContext's virtual clock forward by a specified amount of time.
* The returned delay-time can be larger than the specified delay-time if the code
* under test contains *blocking* Coroutines.
* @param delayTime The amount of time to move the CoroutineContext's clock forward.
* @param unit The [TimeUnit] in which [delayTime] and the return value is expressed.
* @return The amount of delay-time that this CoroutinesContext's clock has been forwarded.
public fun advanceTimeBy(delayTime: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS): Long {
val oldTime = time
advanceTimeTo(oldTime + unit.toNanos(delayTime), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
return unit.convert(time - oldTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
* Moves the CoroutineContext's clock-time to a particular moment in time.
* @param targetTime The point in time to which to move the CoroutineContext's clock.
* @param unit The [TimeUnit] in which [targetTime] is expressed.
fun advanceTimeTo(targetTime: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) {
val nanoTime = unit.toNanos(targetTime)
if (nanoTime > time) time = nanoTime
* Triggers any actions that have not yet been triggered and that are scheduled to be triggered at or
* before this CoroutineContext's present virtual clock-time.
public fun triggerActions() = triggerActions(time)
* Cancels all not yet triggered actions. Be careful calling this, since it can seriously
* mess with your coroutines work. This method should usually be called on tear-down of a
* unit test.
public fun cancelAllActions() {
// An 'is-empty' test is required to avoid a NullPointerException in the 'clear()' method
if (!queue.isEmpty) queue.clear()
* This method does nothing if there is one unhandled exception that satisfies the given predicate.
* Otherwise it throws an [AssertionError] with the given message.
* (this method will clear the list of unhandled exceptions)
* @param message Message of the [AssertionError]. Defaults to an empty String.
* @param predicate The predicate that must be satisfied.
public fun assertUnhandledException(message: String = "", predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean) {
if (uncaughtExceptions.size != 1 || !predicate(uncaughtExceptions[0])) throw AssertionError(message)
* This method does nothing if there are no unhandled exceptions or all of them satisfy the given predicate.
* Otherwise it throws an [AssertionError] with the given message.
* (this method will clear the list of unhandled exceptions)
* @param message Message of the [AssertionError]. Defaults to an empty String.
* @param predicate The predicate that must be satisfied.
public fun assertAllUnhandledExceptions(message: String = "", predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean) {
if (!uncaughtExceptions.all(predicate)) throw AssertionError(message)
* This method does nothing if one or more unhandled exceptions satisfy the given predicate.
* Otherwise it throws an [AssertionError] with the given message.
* (this method will clear the list of unhandled exceptions)
* @param message Message of the [AssertionError]. Defaults to an empty String.
* @param predicate The predicate that must be satisfied.
public fun assertAnyUnhandledException(message: String = "", predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean) {
if (!uncaughtExceptions.any(predicate)) throw AssertionError(message)
* This method does nothing if the list of unhandled exceptions satisfy the given predicate.
* Otherwise it throws an [AssertionError] with the given message.
* (this method will clear the list of unhandled exceptions)
* @param message Message of the [AssertionError]. Defaults to an empty String.
* @param predicate The predicate that must be satisfied.
public fun assertExceptions(message: String = "", predicate: (List<Throwable>) -> Boolean) {
if (!predicate(uncaughtExceptions)) throw AssertionError(message)
private fun post(block: Runnable) =
queue.addLast(TimedRunnable(block, counter++))
private fun postDelayed(block: Runnable, delayTime: Long) =
TimedRunnable(block, counter++, time + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(delayTime))
.also {
private fun processNextEvent(): Long {
val current = queue.peek()
if (current != null) {
/** Automatically advance time for [EventLoop]-callbacks */
return if (queue.isEmpty) Long.MAX_VALUE else 0L
private fun triggerActions(targetTime: Long) {
while (true) {
val current = queue.removeFirstIf { it.time <= targetTime } ?: break
// If the scheduled time is 0 (immediate) use current virtual time
if (current.time != 0L) time = current.time
public override fun toString(): String = name ?: "TestCoroutineContext@$hexAddress"
private inner class Dispatcher : CoroutineDispatcher(), Delay, EventLoop {
override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) = post(block)
override fun scheduleResumeAfterDelay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit, continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>) {
postDelayed(Runnable {
with(continuation) { resumeUndispatched(Unit) }
}, unit.toMillis(time))
override fun invokeOnTimeout(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit, block: Runnable): DisposableHandle {
val node = postDelayed(block, unit.toMillis(time))
return object : DisposableHandle {
override fun dispose() {
override fun processNextEvent() = this@TestCoroutineContext.processNextEvent()
public override fun toString(): String = "Dispatcher(${this@TestCoroutineContext})"
private class TimedRunnable(
private val run: Runnable,
private val count: Long = 0,
@JvmField internal val time: Long = 0
) : Comparable<TimedRunnable>, Runnable by run, ThreadSafeHeapNode {
override var index: Int = 0
override fun run() =
override fun compareTo(other: TimedRunnable) = if (time == other.time) {
} else {
override fun toString() = "TimedRunnable(time=$time, run=$run)"
* Executes a block of code in which a unit-test can be written using the provided [TestCoroutineContext]. The provided
* [TestCoroutineContext] is available in the [testBody] as the `this` receiver.
* The [testBody] is executed and an [AssertionError] is thrown if the list of unhandled exceptions is not empty and
* contains any exception that is not a [CancellationException].
* If the [testBody] successfully executes one of the [TestCoroutineContext.assertAllUnhandledExceptions],
* [TestCoroutineContext.assertAnyUnhandledException], [TestCoroutineContext.assertUnhandledException] or
* [TestCoroutineContext.assertExceptions], the list of unhandled exceptions will have been cleared and this method will
* not throw an [AssertionError].
* @param testContext The provided [TestCoroutineContext]. If not specified, a default [TestCoroutineContext] will be
* provided instead.
* @param testBody The code of the unit-test.
public fun withTestContext(testContext: TestCoroutineContext = TestCoroutineContext(), testBody: TestCoroutineContext.() -> Unit) {
with (testContext) {
if (!exceptions.all { it is CancellationException }) {
throw AssertionError("Coroutine encountered unhandled exceptions:\n${exceptions}")