blob: d433d95b80f6a63f11c896974b02b22601c2b3be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
import kotlinx.html.*
import kotlinx.html.div
import kotlinx.html.dom.*
import kotlinx.html.js.onClickFunction
import org.w3c.dom.*
import kotlin.browser.*
import kotlin.math.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Starting example application...")
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", {
val Double.px get() = "${this}px"
private fun HTMLElement.setSize(w: Double, h: Double) {
with(style) {
width = w.px
height = h.px
private fun HTMLElement.setPosition(x: Double, y: Double) {
with(style) {
left = x.px
top = y.px
private fun random() = kotlin.js.Math.random()
class Application {
private val body get() = document.body!!
private val scene get() = document.getElementById("scene") as HTMLElement
private val sw = 800.0
private val sh = 600.0
private var animationIndex = 0
private val animations = mutableSetOf<Job>()
fun start() {
body.append.div("content") {
h1 {
+"Kotlin Coroutines JS Example"
div {
button {
onClickFunction = { onRect() }
button {
onClickFunction = { onCircle() }
button {
onClickFunction = { onClear() }
div {
id = "scene"
scene.setSize(sw, sh)
private fun animation(cls: String, size: Double, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(HTMLElement) -> Unit) {
val elem = scene.append.div(cls)
elem.setSize(size, size)
val job = launch {
animations += job
job.invokeOnCompletion {
animations -= job
private fun onRect() {
val index = ++animationIndex
val speed = 0.3
val rs = 20.0
val turnAfter = 5000.0 // seconds
var maxX = sw - rs
val maxY = sh - rs
animation("rect", rs) { rect ->
println("Started new 'rect' coroutine #$index")
val timer = AnimationTimer()
var turnTime = timer.time + turnAfter
val turnTimePhase = turnTime - floor(turnTime / turnAfter) * turnAfter
var vx = speed
var vy = speed
var x = 0.0
var y = 0.0
while (true) {
val dt = timer.await()
x += vx * dt
y += vy * dt
if (x > maxX) {
x = 2 * maxX - x
vx = -vx
if (x < 0) {
x = -x
vx = -vx
if (y > maxY) {
y = 2 * maxY - y
vy = -vy
if (y < 0) {
y = -y
vy = -vy
rect.setPosition(x, y)
if (timer.time >= turnTime) {
timer.delay(1000) // pause a bit
// flip direction
val t = vx
if (random() > 0.5) {
vx = vy
vy = -t
} else {
vx = -vy
vy = t
// reset time, but keep turning time phase
turnTime = ceil(timer.reset() / turnAfter) * turnAfter + turnTimePhase
println("Delayed #$index for a while at ${timer.time}, resumed and turned")
private fun onCircle() {
val index = ++animationIndex
val acceleration = 5e-4
val initialRange = 0.7
val maxSpeed = 0.4
val initialSpeed = 0.1
val radius = 20.0
animation("circle", radius) { circle ->
println("Started new 'circle' coroutine #$index")
val timer = AnimationTimer()
val initialAngle = random() * 2 * PI
var vx = sin(initialAngle) * initialSpeed
var vy = cos(initialAngle) * initialSpeed
var x = (random() * initialRange + (1 - initialRange) / 2) * sw
var y = (random() * initialRange + (1 - initialRange) / 2) * sh
while (true) {
val dt = timer.await()
val dx = sw / 2 - x
val dy = sh / 2 - y
val dn = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
vx += dx / dn * acceleration * dt
vy += dy / dn * acceleration * dt
val vn = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy)
val trim = vn.coerceAtMost(maxSpeed)
vx = vx / vn * trim
vy = vy / vn * trim
x += vx * dt
y += vy * dt
circle.setPosition(x, y)
private fun onClear() {
animations.forEach { it.cancel() }
class AnimationTimer {
var time =
suspend fun await(): Double {
val newTime = window.awaitAnimationFrame()
val dt = newTime - time
time = newTime
return dt.coerceAtMost(200.0) // at most 200ms
fun reset(): Double {
time =
return time
suspend fun delay(i: Int) {
var dt = 0.0
while (dt < i) {
dt += await()