blob: 3a9dfa6fbc2d5d7197bb2a9bde05749ac73b64f4 [file] [log] [blame]
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.CoroutineContext
* Receiver interface for generic coroutine builders, so that the code inside coroutine has a convenient access
* to its [coroutineContext] and its cancellation status via [isActive].
public actual interface CoroutineScope {
* Returns `true` when this coroutine is still active (has not completed and was not cancelled yet).
* Check this property in long-running computation loops to support cancellation:
* ```
* while (isActive) {
* // do some computation
* }
* ```
* This property is a shortcut for `coroutineContext[Job]!!.isActive`. See [coroutineContext] and [Job].
public actual val isActive: Boolean
* Returns the context of this coroutine.
public actual val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext