blob: 5cd80b5d8d26b05ed53fecc15059de4e0bee991d [file] [log] [blame]
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package cases.whenMappings
sealed class SampleSealed {
class A : SampleSealed()
class B : SampleSealed()
class C : SampleSealed()
fun SampleSealed.deacronimize() = when (this) {
is SampleSealed.A -> "Apple"
is SampleSealed.B -> "Biscuit"
is SampleSealed.C -> "Cinnamon"
inline fun SampleSealed.switch(thenA: () -> Unit, thenB: () -> Unit, thenC: () -> Unit) = when (this) {
is SampleSealed.C -> thenC()
is SampleSealed.B -> thenB()
is SampleSealed.A -> thenA()