blob: 9a19437bc6f174716470e94d6809b807865ec12a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.channels.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internalAnnotations.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.timeunit.*
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.*
* Scope for [select] invocation.
public interface SelectBuilder<in R> {
* Registers clause in this [select] expression without additional parameters that does not select any value.
public operator fun SelectClause0.invoke(block: suspend () -> R)
* Registers clause in this [select] expression without additional parameters that selects value of type [Q].
public operator fun <Q> SelectClause1<Q>.invoke(block: suspend (Q) -> R)
* Registers clause in this [select] expression with additional parameter of type [P] that selects value of type [Q].
public operator fun <P, Q> SelectClause2<P, Q>.invoke(param: P, block: suspend (Q) -> R)
* Registers clause in this [select] expression with additional parameter nullable parameter of type [P]
* with the `null` value for this parameter that selects value of type [Q].
public operator fun <P, Q> SelectClause2<P?, Q>.invoke(block: suspend (Q) -> R) = invoke(null, block)
* Clause that selects the given [block] after a specified timeout passes.
* If timeout is negative or zero, [block] is selected immediately.
* @param time timeout time
* @param unit timeout unit (milliseconds by default)
public fun onTimeout(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, block: suspend () -> R)
* Clause for [select] expression without additional parameters that does not select any value.
public interface SelectClause0 {
* Registers this clause with the specified [select] instance and [block] of code.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
public fun <R> registerSelectClause0(select: SelectInstance<R>, block: suspend () -> R)
* Clause for [select] expression without additional parameters that selects value of type [Q].
public interface SelectClause1<out Q> {
* Registers this clause with the specified [select] instance and [block] of code.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
public fun <R> registerSelectClause1(select: SelectInstance<R>, block: suspend (Q) -> R)
* Clause for [select] expression with additional parameter of type [P] that selects value of type [Q].
public interface SelectClause2<in P, out Q> {
* Registers this clause with the specified [select] instance and [block] of code.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
public fun <R> registerSelectClause2(select: SelectInstance<R>, param: P, block: suspend (Q) -> R)
* Internal representation of select instance. This instance is called _selected_ when
* the clause to execute is already picked.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
public interface SelectInstance<in R> {
* Returns `true` when this [select] statement had already picked a clause to execute.
public val isSelected: Boolean
* Tries to select this instance.
public fun trySelect(idempotent: Any?): Boolean
* Performs action atomically with [trySelect].
public fun performAtomicTrySelect(desc: AtomicDesc): Any?
* Performs action atomically when [isSelected] is `false`.
public fun performAtomicIfNotSelected(desc: AtomicDesc): Any?
* Returns completion continuation of this select instance.
* This select instance must be _selected_ first.
* All resumption through this instance happen _directly_ without going through dispatcher ([MODE_DIRECT]).
public val completion: Continuation<R>
* Resumes this instance in a cancellable way ([MODE_CANCELLABLE]).
public fun resumeSelectCancellableWithException(exception: Throwable)
* Disposes the specified handle when this instance is selected.
public fun disposeOnSelect(handle: DisposableHandle)
* Waits for the result of multiple suspending functions simultaneously, which are specified using _clauses_
* in the [builder] scope of this select invocation. The caller is suspended until one of the clauses
* is either _selected_ or _fails_.
* At most one clause is *atomically* selected and its block is executed. The result of the selected clause
* becomes the result of the select. If any clause _fails_, then the select invocation produces the
* corresponding exception. No clause is selected in this case.
* This select function is _biased_ to the first clause. When multiple clauses can be selected at the same time,
* the first one of them gets priority. Use [selectUnbiased] for an unbiased (randomized) selection among
* the clauses.
* There is no `default` clause for select expression. Instead, each selectable suspending function has the
* corresponding non-suspending version that can be used with a regular `when` expression to select one
* of the alternatives or to perform default (`else`) action if none of them can be immediately selected.
* | **Receiver** | **Suspending function** | **Select clause** | **Non-suspending version**
* | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------
* | [Job] | [join][Job.join] | [onJoin][SelectBuilder.onJoin] | [isCompleted][Job.isCompleted]
* | [Deferred] | [await][Deferred.await] | [onAwait][SelectBuilder.onAwait] | [isCompleted][Job.isCompleted]
* | [SendChannel] | [send][SendChannel.send] | [onSend][SelectBuilder.onSend] | [offer][SendChannel.offer]
* | [ReceiveChannel] | [receive][ReceiveChannel.receive] | [onReceive][SelectBuilder.onReceive] | [poll][ReceiveChannel.poll]
* | [ReceiveChannel] | [receiveOrNull][ReceiveChannel.receiveOrNull] | [onReceiveOrNull][SelectBuilder.onReceiveOrNull] | [poll][ReceiveChannel.poll]
* | [Mutex] | [lock][Mutex.lock] | [onLock][SelectBuilder.onLock] | [tryLock][Mutex.tryLock]
* | none | [delay] | [onTimeout][SelectBuilder.onTimeout] | none
* This suspending function is cancellable. If the [Job] of the current coroutine is cancelled or completed while this
* function is suspended, this function immediately resumes with [CancellationException].
* Atomicity of cancellation depends on the clause: [onSend][SelectBuilder.onSend], [onReceive][SelectBuilder.onReceive],
* [onReceiveOrNull][SelectBuilder.onReceiveOrNull], and [onLock][SelectBuilder.onLock] clauses are
* *atomically cancellable*. When select throws [CancellationException] it means that those clauses had not performed
* their respective operations.
* As a side-effect of atomic cancellation, a thread-bound coroutine (to some UI thread, for example) may
* continue to execute even after it was cancelled from the same thread in the case when this select operation
* was already resumed on atomically cancellable clause and the continuation was posted for execution to the thread's queue.
* Note, that this function does not check for cancellation when it is not suspended.
* Use [yield] or [CoroutineScope.isActive] to periodically check for cancellation in tight loops if needed.
public suspend inline fun <R> select(crossinline builder: SelectBuilder<R>.() -> Unit): R =
// TODO suspendCoroutineUnintercepted
suspendCoroutineOrReturn { cont ->
val scope = SelectBuilderImpl(cont)
try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
private val UNDECIDED: Any = Symbol("UNDECIDED")
private val RESUMED: Any = Symbol("RESUMED")
internal class SelectBuilderImpl<in R>(
private val delegate: Continuation<R>
) : LockFreeLinkedListHead(), SelectBuilder<R>,
SelectInstance<R>, Continuation<R> {
// selection state is "this" (list of nodes) initially and is replaced by idempotent marker (or null) when selected
private val _state = atomic<Any?>(this)
// this is basically our own SafeContinuation
private val _result = atomic<Any?>(UNDECIDED)
// cancellability support
private var parentHandle: DisposableHandle? = null
/* Result state machine
+-----------+ getResult +---------------------+ resume +---------+
| UNDECIDED | ------------> | COROUTINE_SUSPENDED | ---------> | RESUMED |
+-----------+ +---------------------+ +---------+
| resume
+------------+ getResult
| value/Fail | -----------+
+------------+ |
^ |
| |
override val context: CoroutineContext get() = delegate.context
override val completion: Continuation<R> get() = this
private inline fun doResume(value: () -> Any?, block: () -> Unit) {
check(isSelected) { "Must be selected first" }
_result.loop { result ->
when {
result === UNDECIDED -> if (_result.compareAndSet(UNDECIDED, value())) return
result === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED -> if (_result.compareAndSet(COROUTINE_SUSPENDED,
)) {
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Already resumed")
// Resumes in MODE_DIRECT
override fun resume(value: R) {
doResume({ value }) {
// Resumes in MODE_DIRECT
override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) {
doResume({ Fail(exception) }) {
override fun resumeSelectCancellableWithException(exception: Throwable) {
doResume({ Fail(exception) }) {
internal fun getResult(): Any? {
if (!isSelected) initCancellability()
var result = _result.value // atomic read
if (result === UNDECIDED) {
result = _result.value // reread volatile var
when {
result === RESUMED -> throw IllegalStateException("Already resumed")
result is Fail -> throw result.exception
else -> return result // either COROUTINE_SUSPENDED or data
private fun initCancellability() {
val parent = context[Job] ?: return
val newRegistration = parent.invokeOnCompletion(
onCancelling = true, handler = SelectOnCancellation(parent).asHandler)
parentHandle = newRegistration
// now check our state _after_ registering
if (isSelected) newRegistration.dispose()
private inner class SelectOnCancellation(job: Job) : JobCancellationNode<Job>(job) {
// Note: may be invoked multiple times, but only the first trySelect succeeds anyway
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) {
if (trySelect(null))
override fun toString(): String = "SelectOnCancellation[${this@SelectBuilderImpl}]"
private val state: Any? get() {
_state.loop { state ->
if (state !is OpDescriptor) return state
internal fun handleBuilderException(e: Throwable) {
if (trySelect(null))
handleCoroutineException(context, e)
override val isSelected: Boolean get() = state !== this
override fun disposeOnSelect(handle: DisposableHandle) {
val node = DisposeNode(handle)
while (true) { // lock-free loop on state
val state = this.state
if (state === this) {
if (addLastIf(node, { this.state === this }))
} else { // already selected
private fun doAfterSelect() {
forEach<DisposeNode> {
// it is just like start(), but support idempotent start
override fun trySelect(idempotent: Any?): Boolean {
check(idempotent !is OpDescriptor) { "cannot use OpDescriptor as idempotent marker"}
while (true) { // lock-free loop on state
val state = this.state
when {
state === this -> {
if (_state.compareAndSet(this, idempotent)) {
return true
// otherwise -- already selected
idempotent == null -> return false // already selected
state === idempotent -> return true // was selected with this marker
else -> return false
override fun performAtomicTrySelect(desc: AtomicDesc): Any? = AtomicSelectOp(desc, true).perform(null)
override fun performAtomicIfNotSelected(desc: AtomicDesc): Any? = AtomicSelectOp(desc, false).perform(null)
private inner class AtomicSelectOp(
@JvmField val desc: AtomicDesc,
@JvmField val select: Boolean
) : AtomicOp<Any?>() {
override fun prepare(affected: Any?): Any? {
// only originator of operation makes preparation move of installing descriptor into this selector's state
// helpers should never do it, or risk ruining progress when they come late
if (affected == null) {
// we are originator (affected reference is not null if helping)
prepareIfNotSelected()?.let { return it }
return desc.prepare(this)
override fun complete(affected: Any?, failure: Any?) {
desc.complete(this, failure)
fun prepareIfNotSelected(): Any? {
_state.loop { state ->
when {
state === this@AtomicSelectOp -> return null // already in progress
state is OpDescriptor -> state.perform(this@SelectBuilderImpl) // help
state === this@SelectBuilderImpl -> {
if (_state.compareAndSet(this@SelectBuilderImpl, this@AtomicSelectOp))
return null // success
else -> return ALREADY_SELECTED
private fun completeSelect(failure: Any?) {
val selectSuccess = select && failure == null
val update = if (selectSuccess) null else this@SelectBuilderImpl
if (_state.compareAndSet(this@AtomicSelectOp, update)) {
if (selectSuccess)
override fun SelectClause0.invoke(block: suspend () -> R) {
registerSelectClause0(this@SelectBuilderImpl, block)
override fun <Q> SelectClause1<Q>.invoke(block: suspend (Q) -> R) {
registerSelectClause1(this@SelectBuilderImpl, block)
override fun <P, Q> SelectClause2<P, Q>.invoke(param: P, block: suspend (Q) -> R) {
registerSelectClause2(this@SelectBuilderImpl, param, block)
override fun onTimeout(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit, block: suspend () -> R) {
if (time <= 0L) {
if (trySelect(null))
val action = Runnable {
// todo: we could have replaced startCoroutine with startCoroutineUndispatched
// But we need a way to know that Delay.invokeOnTimeout had used the right thread
if (trySelect(null))
block.startCoroutineCancellable(completion) // shall be cancellable while waits for dispatch
disposeOnSelect(context.delay.invokeOnTimeout(time, unit, action))
private class DisposeNode(
@JvmField val handle: DisposableHandle
) : LockFreeLinkedListNode()
private class Fail(
@JvmField val exception: Throwable