blob: c08e109db37fb46b9a3d098f4e6dff1db91e865f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal
import com.devexperts.dxlab.lincheck.*
import com.devexperts.dxlab.lincheck.annotations.*
import com.devexperts.dxlab.lincheck.paramgen.*
import com.devexperts.dxlab.lincheck.stress.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
import kotlin.test.*
@OpGroupConfigs(OpGroupConfig(name = "consumer", nonParallel = true))
@Param(name = "value", gen = IntGen::class, conf = "1:3")
class LockFreeMPSCQueueLinearizabilityTest : TestBase() {
private lateinit var q: LockFreeMPSCQueue<Int>
fun reset() {
q = LockFreeMPSCQueue()
fun close() = q.close()
fun addLast(@Param(name = "value") value: Int) = q.addLast(value)
* Note, that removeFirstOrNull is not linearizable w.r.t. to addLast, so here
* we test only linearizability of close.
// @Operation(group = "consumer")
// fun removeFirstOrNull() = q.removeFirstOrNull()
fun testLinearizability() {
val options = StressOptions()
.iterations(100 * stressTestMultiplierSqrt)
.invocationsPerIteration(1000 * stressTestMultiplierSqrt)
.addThread(1, 3)
.addThread(1, 3)
.addThread(1, 3)
LinChecker.check(, options)