blob: d2d7e96d71fdd9a61c600a855f504a61d3b1d9e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
* Channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.
* This is a buffered **single-reader single-writer channel**.
* Read operations can be invoked concurrently with write operations, but multiple reads or multiple writes
* cannot be invoked concurrently with themselves. Exceptions are [close] and [flush] which can be invoked
* concurrently with any other operations and between themselves at any time.
interface ByteChannel : ByteReadChannel, ByteWriteChannel
* Creates buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.
public fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean = false): ByteChannel =
* Creates channel for reading from the specified byte buffer.
public fun ByteReadChannel(content: ByteBuffer): ByteReadChannel =
* Creates channel for reading from the specified byte array.
public fun ByteReadChannel(content: ByteArray): ByteReadChannel =
* Byte channel that is always empty.
val EmptyByteReadChannel: ByteReadChannel = ByteReadChannel(EmptyByteBuffer)