blob: e77eaae3a27a3cd726c6e4ab66334b43075786df [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.reactor
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.*
import reactor.core.*
import reactor.core.publisher.*
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
* Creates cold [mono][Mono] that will run a given [block] in a coroutine.
* Every time the returned mono is subscribed, it starts a new coroutine.
* Coroutine returns a single, possibly null value. Unsubscribing cancels running coroutine.
* | **Coroutine action** | **Signal to sink**
* | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------
* | Returns a non-null value | `success(value)`
* | Returns a null | `success`
* | Failure with exception or unsubscribe | `error`
* The [context] for the new coroutine can be explicitly specified.
* See [CoroutineDispatcher] for the standard context implementations that are provided by `kotlinx.coroutines`.
* The [coroutineContext] of the parent coroutine may be used,
* in which case the [Job] of the resulting coroutine is a child of the job of the parent coroutine.
* The parent job may be also explicitly specified using [parent] parameter.
* If the context does not have any dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor], then [DefaultDispatcher] is used.
* @param context context of the coroutine. The default value is [DefaultDispatcher].
* @param parent explicitly specifies the parent job, overrides job from the [context] (if any).
* @param block the coroutine code.
fun <T> mono(
context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
parent: Job? = null,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T?
): Mono<T> = Mono.create { sink ->
val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context, parent)
val coroutine = MonoCoroutine(newContext, sink)
coroutine.start(CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, coroutine, block)
/** @suppress **Deprecated**: Binary compatibility */
@Deprecated(message = "Binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
@JvmOverloads // for binary compatibility with older code compiled before context had a default
fun <T> mono(
context: CoroutineContext = DefaultDispatcher,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T?
): Mono<T> =
mono(context, block = block)
private class MonoCoroutine<in T>(
parentContext: CoroutineContext,
private val sink: MonoSink<T>
) : AbstractCoroutine<T>(parentContext, true), Disposable {
var disposed = false
override fun onCompleted(value: T) {
if (!disposed) {
if (value == null) sink.success() else sink.success(value)
override fun onCompletedExceptionally(exception: Throwable) {
if (!disposed) sink.error(exception)
override fun dispose() {
disposed = true
cancel(cause = null)
override fun isDisposed(): Boolean = disposed