blob: 0b31efcb8f6265e300348eea952e5d054ccf296f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.rx2
import io.reactivex.*
import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.channels.*
* Subscribes to this [MaybeSource] and returns a channel to receive elements emitted by it.
* The resulting channel shall be [cancelled][ReceiveChannel.cancel] to unsubscribe from this source.
public fun <T> MaybeSource<T>.openSubscription(): ReceiveChannel<T> {
val channel = SubscriptionChannel<T>()
return channel
/** @suppress **Deprecated**: Left here for binary compatibility */
@Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Left here for binary compatibility")
public fun <T> MaybeSource<T>.openSubscription(): SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T> =
openSubscription() as SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T>
* @suppress **Deprecated**: Renamed to [openSubscription]
@Deprecated(message = "Renamed to `openSubscription`",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("openSubscription()"))
public fun <T> MaybeSource<T>.open(): SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T> =
openSubscription() as SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T>
* Subscribes to this [ObservableSource] and returns a channel to receive elements emitted by it.
* The resulting channel shall be [cancelled][ReceiveChannel.cancel] to unsubscribe from this source.
public fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.openSubscription(): ReceiveChannel<T> {
val channel = SubscriptionChannel<T>()
return channel
/** @suppress **Deprecated**: Left here for binary compatibility */
@Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Left here for binary compatibility")
public fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.openSubscription(): SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T> =
openSubscription() as SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T>
* @suppress **Deprecated**: Renamed to [openSubscription]
@Deprecated(message = "Renamed to `openSubscription`",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("openSubscription()"))
public fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.open(): SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T> =
openSubscription() as SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T>
* Subscribes to this [Observable] and returns an iterator to receive elements emitted by it.
* This is a shortcut for `open().iterator()`. See [openSubscription] if you need an ability to manually
* unsubscribe from the observable.
@Deprecated(message =
"This iteration operator for `for (x in source) { ... }` loop is deprecated, " +
"because it leaves code vulnerable to leaving unclosed subscriptions on exception. " +
"Use `source.consumeEach { x -> ... }`.")
public operator fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.iterator() = openSubscription().iterator()
* Subscribes to this [MaybeSource] and performs the specified action for each received element.
public inline suspend fun <T> MaybeSource<T>.consumeEach(action: (T) -> Unit) {
val channel = openSubscription()
for (x in channel) action(x)
* Subscribes to this [ObservableSource] and performs the specified action for each received element.
public inline suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.consumeEach(action: (T) -> Unit) {
val channel = openSubscription()
for (x in channel) action(x)
* @suppress: **Deprecated**: binary compatibility with old code
@Deprecated("binary compatibility with old code", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public suspend fun <T> ObservableSource<T>.consumeEach(action: suspend (T) -> Unit) =
consumeEach { action(it) }
private class SubscriptionChannel<T> :
LinkedListChannel<T>(), ReceiveChannel<T>, Observer<T>, MaybeObserver<T>, SubscriptionReceiveChannel<T>
var subscription: Disposable? = null
// AbstractChannel overrides
override fun afterClose(cause: Throwable?) {
// Observer overrider
override fun onSubscribe(sub: Disposable) {
subscription = sub
override fun onSuccess(t: T) {
override fun onNext(t: T) {
override fun onComplete() {
close(cause = null)
override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
close(cause = e)