blob: 5a85244d4a777cd6d6e346e57702b95ba9feb949 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
import org.w3c.dom.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.js.Promise
private const val MAX_DELAY = Int.MAX_VALUE.toLong()
private fun delayToInt(timeMillis: Long): Int =
timeMillis.coerceIn(0, MAX_DELAY).toInt()
internal sealed class SetTimeoutBasedDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher(), Delay {
inner class ScheduledMessageQueue : MessageQueue() {
internal val processQueue: dynamic = { process() }
override fun schedule() {
override fun reschedule() {
setTimeout(processQueue, 0)
internal val messageQueue = ScheduledMessageQueue()
abstract fun scheduleQueueProcessing()
override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
override fun invokeOnTimeout(timeMillis: Long, block: Runnable): DisposableHandle {
val handle = setTimeout({ }, delayToInt(timeMillis))
return ClearTimeout(handle)
override fun scheduleResumeAfterDelay(timeMillis: Long, continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>) {
val handle = setTimeout({ with(continuation) { resumeUndispatched(Unit) } }, delayToInt(timeMillis))
// Actually on cancellation, but clearTimeout is idempotent
continuation.invokeOnCancellation(handler = ClearTimeout(handle).asHandler)
internal object NodeDispatcher : SetTimeoutBasedDispatcher() {
override fun scheduleQueueProcessing() {
internal object SetTimeoutDispatcher : SetTimeoutBasedDispatcher() {
override fun scheduleQueueProcessing() {
setTimeout(messageQueue.processQueue, 0)
private class ClearTimeout(private val handle: Int) : CancelHandler(), DisposableHandle {
override fun dispose() {
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) {
override fun toString(): String = "ClearTimeout[$handle]"
internal class WindowDispatcher(private val window: Window) : CoroutineDispatcher(), Delay {
private val queue = WindowMessageQueue(window)
override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) = queue.enqueue(block)
override fun scheduleResumeAfterDelay(timeMillis: Long, continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>) {
window.setTimeout({ with(continuation) { resumeUndispatched(Unit) } }, delayToInt(timeMillis))
override fun invokeOnTimeout(timeMillis: Long, block: Runnable): DisposableHandle {
val handle = window.setTimeout({ }, delayToInt(timeMillis))
return object : DisposableHandle {
override fun dispose() {
private class WindowMessageQueue(private val window: Window) : MessageQueue() {
private val messageName = "dispatchCoroutine"
init {
window.addEventListener("message", { event: dynamic ->
if (event.source == window && == messageName) {
}, true)
override fun schedule() {
Promise.resolve(Unit).then({ process() })
override fun reschedule() {
window.postMessage(messageName, "*")
* An abstraction over JS scheduling mechanism that leverages micro-batching of [dispatch] blocks without
* paying the cost of JS callbacks scheduling on every dispatch.
* Queue uses two scheduling mechanisms:
* 1) [schedule] is used to schedule the initial processing of the message queue.
* JS engine-specific microtask mechanism is used in order to boost performance on short runs and a dispatch batch
* 2) [reschedule] is used to schedule processing of the queue after yield to the JS event loop.
* JS engine-specific macrotask mechanism is used not to starve animations and non-coroutines macrotasks.
* Yet there could be a long tail of "slow" reschedules, but it should be amortized by the queue size.
internal abstract class MessageQueue : ArrayQueue<Runnable>() {
val yieldEvery = 16 // yield to JS macrotask event loop after this many processed messages
private var scheduled = false
abstract fun schedule()
abstract fun reschedule()
fun enqueue(element: Runnable) {
if (!scheduled) {
scheduled = true
fun process() {
try {
// limit number of processed messages
repeat(yieldEvery) {
val element = removeFirstOrNull() ?: return@process
} finally {
if (isEmpty) {
scheduled = false
} else {
// We need to reference global setTimeout and clearTimeout so that it works on Node.JS as opposed to
// using them via "window" (which only works in browser)
private external fun setTimeout(handler: dynamic, timeout: Int = definedExternally): Int
private external fun clearTimeout(handle: Int = definedExternally)