blob: f51112b45f619857364e2adc072b30e430aa2570 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package benchmarks.flow.scrabble.optimizations;
import io.reactivex.Flowable;
import io.reactivex.FlowableTransformer;
import io.reactivex.internal.functions.ObjectHelper;
import io.reactivex.plugins.RxJavaPlugins;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public final class StringFlowable {
/** Utility class. */
private StringFlowable() {
throw new IllegalStateException("No instances!");
* Signals each character of the given string CharSequence as Integers.
* @param string the source of characters
* @return the new Flowable instance
public static Flowable<Integer> characters(CharSequence string) {
ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(string, "string is null");
return RxJavaPlugins.onAssembly(new FlowableCharSequence(string));
* Splits the input sequence of strings based on a pattern even across subsequent
* elements if needed.
* @param pattern the Rexexp pattern to split along
* @return the new FlowableTransformer instance
* @since 0.13.0
public static FlowableTransformer<String, String> split(Pattern pattern) {
return split(pattern, Flowable.bufferSize());
* Splits the input sequence of strings based on a pattern even across subsequent
* elements if needed.
* @param pattern the Rexexp pattern to split along
* @param bufferSize the number of items to prefetch from the upstream
* @return the new FlowableTransformer instance
* @since 0.13.0
public static FlowableTransformer<String, String> split(Pattern pattern, int bufferSize) {
ObjectHelper.requireNonNull(pattern, "pattern is null");
ObjectHelper.verifyPositive(bufferSize, "bufferSize");
return new FlowableSplit(null, pattern, bufferSize);
* Splits the input sequence of strings based on a pattern even across subsequent
* elements if needed.
* @param pattern the Rexexp pattern to split along
* @return the new FlowableTransformer instance
* @since 0.13.0
public static FlowableTransformer<String, String> split(String pattern) {
return split(pattern, Flowable.bufferSize());
* Splits the input sequence of strings based on a pattern even across subsequent
* elements if needed.
* @param pattern the Rexexp pattern to split along
* @param bufferSize the number of items to prefetch from the upstream
* @return the new FlowableTransformer instance
* @since 0.13.0
public static FlowableTransformer<String, String> split(String pattern, int bufferSize) {
return split(Pattern.compile(pattern), bufferSize);