blob: 7114cc08d3ee64b2497c2831425b1880089e0cf0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.jvm.*
import kotlin.native.concurrent.*
internal val EMPTY_RESUMES = arrayOfNulls<Continuation<Unit>?>(0)
internal abstract class AbstractSharedFlowSlot<F> {
abstract fun allocateLocked(flow: F): Boolean
abstract fun freeLocked(flow: F): Array<Continuation<Unit>?> // returns continuations to resume after lock
internal abstract class AbstractSharedFlow<S : AbstractSharedFlowSlot<*>> : SynchronizedObject() {
protected var slots: Array<S?>? = null // allocated when needed
private set
protected var nCollectors = 0 // number of allocated (!free) slots
private set
private var nextIndex = 0 // oracle for the next free slot index
private var _subscriptionCount: MutableStateFlow<Int>? = null // init on first need
val subscriptionCount: StateFlow<Int>
get() = synchronized(this) {
// allocate under lock in sync with nCollectors variable
_subscriptionCount ?: MutableStateFlow(nCollectors).also {
_subscriptionCount = it
protected abstract fun createSlot(): S
protected abstract fun createSlotArray(size: Int): Array<S?>
protected fun allocateSlot(): S {
// Actually create slot under lock
var subscriptionCount: MutableStateFlow<Int>? = null
val slot = synchronized(this) {
val slots = when (val curSlots = slots) {
null -> createSlotArray(2).also { slots = it }
else -> if (nCollectors >= curSlots.size) {
curSlots.copyOf(2 * curSlots.size).also { slots = it }
} else {
var index = nextIndex
var slot: S
while (true) {
slot = slots[index] ?: createSlot().also { slots[index] = it }
if (index >= slots.size) index = 0
if ((slot as AbstractSharedFlowSlot<Any>).allocateLocked(this)) break // break when found and allocated free slot
nextIndex = index
subscriptionCount = _subscriptionCount // retrieve under lock if initialized
// increments subscription count
return slot
protected fun freeSlot(slot: S) {
// Release slot under lock
var subscriptionCount: MutableStateFlow<Int>? = null
val resumes = synchronized(this) {
subscriptionCount = _subscriptionCount // retrieve under lock if initialized
// Reset next index oracle if we have no more active collectors for more predictable behavior next time
if (nCollectors == 0) nextIndex = 0
(slot as AbstractSharedFlowSlot<Any>).freeLocked(this)
Resume suspended coroutines.
This can happens when the subscriber that was freed was a slow one and was holding up buffer.
When this subscriber was freed, previously queued emitted can now wake up and are resumed here.
for (cont in resumes) cont?.resume(Unit)
// decrement subscription count
protected inline fun forEachSlotLocked(block: (S) -> Unit) {
if (nCollectors == 0) return
slots?.forEach { slot ->
if (slot != null) block(slot)