blob: 07b9419f1bff1c877293475a533cd2aa03ec103a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.debug.internal
import java.lang.ref.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.*
internal const val CREATED = "CREATED"
internal const val RUNNING = "RUNNING"
internal const val SUSPENDED = "SUSPENDED"
* Internal implementation class where debugger tracks details it knows about each coroutine.
internal class DebugCoroutineInfoImpl(
context: CoroutineContext?,
* A reference to a stack-trace that is converted to a [StackTraceFrame] which implements [CoroutineStackFrame].
* The actual reference to the coroutine is not stored here, so we keep a strong reference.
public val creationStackBottom: StackTraceFrame?,
@JvmField internal val sequenceNumber: Long
) {
* We cannot keep a strong reference to the context, because with the [Job] in the context it will indirectly
* keep a reference to the last frame of an abandoned coroutine which the debugger should not be preventing
* garbage-collection of. The reference to context will not disappear as long as the coroutine itself is not lost.
private val _context = WeakReference(context)
public val context: CoroutineContext? // can be null when the coroutine was already garbage-collected
get() = _context.get()
public val creationStackTrace: List<StackTraceElement> get() = creationStackTrace()
* Last observed state of the coroutine.
public val state: String get() = _state
private var _state: String = CREATED
internal var lastObservedThread: Thread? = null
* We cannot keep a strong reference to the last observed frame of the coroutine, because this will
* prevent garbage-collection of a coroutine that was lost.
private var _lastObservedFrame: WeakReference<CoroutineStackFrame>? = null
internal var lastObservedFrame: CoroutineStackFrame?
get() = _lastObservedFrame?.get()
set(value) { _lastObservedFrame = value?.let { WeakReference(it) } }
* Last observed stacktrace of the coroutine captured on its suspension or resumption point.
* It means that for [running][State.RUNNING] coroutines resulting stacktrace is inaccurate and
* reflects stacktrace of the resumption point, not the actual current stacktrace.
public fun lastObservedStackTrace(): List<StackTraceElement> {
var frame: CoroutineStackFrame? = lastObservedFrame ?: return emptyList()
val result = ArrayList<StackTraceElement>()
while (frame != null) {
frame.getStackTraceElement()?.let { result.add(it) }
frame = frame.callerFrame
return result
private fun creationStackTrace(): List<StackTraceElement> {
val bottom = creationStackBottom ?: return emptyList()
// Skip "Coroutine creation stacktrace" frame
return sequence { yieldFrames(bottom.callerFrame) }.toList()
private tailrec suspend fun SequenceScope<StackTraceElement>.yieldFrames(frame: CoroutineStackFrame?) {
if (frame == null) return
frame.getStackTraceElement()?.let { yield(it) }
val caller = frame.callerFrame
if (caller != null) {
internal fun updateState(state: String, frame: Continuation<*>) {
// Propagate only duplicating transitions to running for KT-29997
if (_state == state && state == SUSPENDED && lastObservedFrame != null) return
_state = state
lastObservedFrame = frame as? CoroutineStackFrame
lastObservedThread = if (state == RUNNING) {
} else {
override fun toString(): String = "DebugCoroutineInfo(state=$state,context=$context)"