blob: c3f58c0066153a48ed5a5b321285aed87b24f551 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
* Channel for asynchronous writing of sequences of bytes.
* This is a **single-writer channel**.
* Operations on this channel cannot be invoked concurrently, unless explicitly specified otherwise
* in description. Exceptions are [close] and [flush].
public interface ByteWriteChannel {
* Returns number of bytes that can be written without suspension. Write operations do no suspend and return
* immediately when this number is at least the number of bytes requested for write.
public val availableForWrite: Int
* Returns `true` is channel has been closed and attempting to write to the channel will cause an exception.
public val isClosedForWrite: Boolean
* Returns `true` if channel flushes automatically all pending bytes after every write function call.
* If `false` then flush only happens at manual [flush] invocation or when the buffer is full.
public val autoFlush: Boolean
* Byte order that is used for multi-byte write operations
* (such as [writeShort], [writeInt], [writeLong], [writeFloat], and [writeDouble]).
public var writeByteOrder: ByteOrder
* Number of bytes written to the channel.
* It is not guaranteed to be atomic so could be updated in the middle of write operation.
public val totalBytesWritten: Long
* Writes as much as possible and only suspends if buffer is full
suspend fun writeAvailable(src: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): Int
suspend fun writeAvailable(src: ByteArray) = writeAvailable(src, 0, src.size)
suspend fun writeAvailable(src: ByteBuffer): Int
suspend fun writeAvailable(src: BufferView): Int
* Writes all [src] bytes and suspends until all bytes written. Causes flush if buffer filled up or when [autoFlush]
* Crashes if channel get closed while writing.
suspend fun writeFully(src: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int)
suspend fun writeFully(src: ByteArray) = writeFully(src, 0, src.size)
suspend fun writeFully(src: ByteBuffer)
suspend fun writeFully(src: BufferView)
* Invokes [block] when it will be possible to write at least [min] bytes
* providing byte buffer to it so lambda can write to the buffer
* up to [ByteBuffer.remaining] bytes. If there are no [min] bytes spaces available then the invocation could
* suspend until the requirement will be met.
* Warning: it is not guaranteed that all of remaining bytes will be represented as a single byte buffer
* eg: it could be 4 bytes available for write but the provided byte buffer could have only 2 remaining bytes:
* in this case you have to invoke write again (with decreased [min] accordingly).
* @param min amount of bytes available for write, should be positive
* @param block to be invoked when at least [min] bytes free capacity available
suspend fun write(min: Int = 1, block: (ByteBuffer) -> Unit)
* Writes a [packet] fully or fails if channel get closed before the whole packet has been written
suspend fun writePacket(packet: ByteReadPacket)
* Writes long number and suspends until written.
* Crashes if channel get closed while writing.
suspend fun writeLong(l: Long)
* Writes int number and suspends until written.
* Crashes if channel get closed while writing.
suspend fun writeInt(i: Int)
* Writes short number and suspends until written.
* Crashes if channel get closed while writing.
suspend fun writeShort(s: Short)
* Writes byte and suspends until written.
* Crashes if channel get closed while writing.
suspend fun writeByte(b: Byte)
* Writes double number and suspends until written.
* Crashes if channel get closed while writing.
suspend fun writeDouble(d: Double)
* Writes float number and suspends until written.
* Crashes if channel get closed while writing.
suspend fun writeFloat(f: Float)
* Closes this channel with an optional exceptional [cause].
* It flushes all pending write bytes (via [flush]).
* This is an idempotent operation -- repeated invocations of this function have no effect and return `false`.
* A channel that was closed without a [cause], is considered to be _closed normally_.
* A channel that was closed with non-null [cause] is called a _failed channel_. Attempts to read or
* write on a failed channel throw this cause exception.
* After invocation of this operation [isClosedForWrite] starts returning `true` and
* all subsequent write operations throw [ClosedWriteChannelException] or the specified [cause].
* However, [isClosedForRead][ByteReadChannel.isClosedForRead] on the side of [ByteReadChannel]
* starts returning `true` only after all written bytes have been read.
public fun close(cause: Throwable? = null): Boolean
* Flushes all pending write bytes making them available for read.
* This function is thread-safe and can be invoked in any thread at any time.
* It does nothing when invoked on a closed channel.
public fun flush()
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeShort(s: Int) {
return writeShort((s and 0xffff).toShort())
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeByte(b: Int) {
return writeByte((b and 0xff).toByte())
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeInt(i: Long) {
return writeInt(i.toInt())
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeStringUtf8(s: CharSequence) {
val packet = buildPacket {
return writePacket(packet)
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeStringUtf8(s: CharBuffer) {
val packet = buildPacket {
return writePacket(packet)
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeStringUtf8(s: String) {
val packet = buildPacket {
return writePacket(packet)
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeBoolean(b: Boolean) {
return writeByte(if (b) 1 else 0)
* Writes UTF16 character
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeChar(ch: Char) {
return writeShort(ch.toInt())
inline suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writePacket(headerSizeHint: Int = 0, builder: ByteWritePacket.() -> Unit) {
return writePacket(buildPacket(headerSizeHint, builder))
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writePacketSuspend(builder: suspend ByteWritePacket.() -> Unit) {
return writePacket(buildPacket { builder() })
* Indicates attempt to write on [isClosedForWrite][ByteWriteChannel.isClosedForWrite] channel
* that was closed without a cause. A _failed_ channel rethrows the original [close][ByteWriteChannel.close] cause
* exception on send attempts.
public class ClosedWriteChannelException(message: String?) : CancellationException(message)