blob: ce359309c7e393794248402078dc658b00a764c1 [file] [log] [blame]
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.LockFreeLinkedListHead
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.internal.LockFreeLinkedListNode
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
* Implemented by [CoroutineDispatcher] implementations that have event loop inside and can
* be asked to process next event from their event queue. It is used by [runBlocking] to
* continue processing events when invoked from the event dispatch thread.
public interface EventLoop {
* Processes next event in this event loop and returns `true` or returns `false` if there are
* no events to process or when invoked from the wrong thread.
public fun processNextEvent(): Boolean
public companion object Factory {
* Creates a new event loop that is bound the specified [thread] (current thread by default) and
* stops accepting new events when [parentJob] completes. Every continuation that is scheduled
* onto this event loop unparks the specified thread via [LockSupport.unpark].
* The main event-processing loop using the resulting `eventLoop` object should look like this:
* ```
* while (needsToBeRunning) {
* if (Thread.interrupted()) break // or handle somehow
* if (!eventLoop.processNextEvent()) LockSupport.park() // event loop will unpark
* }
* ```
public operator fun invoke(thread: Thread = Thread.currentThread(), parentJob: Job? = null): CoroutineDispatcher =
EventLoopImpl(thread).apply {
if (parentJob != null) initParentJob(parentJob)
internal class EventLoopImpl(
val thread: Thread
) : CoroutineDispatcher(), EventLoop, Yield {
val queue = LockFreeLinkedListHead()
var parentJob: Job? = null
fun initParentJob(coroutine: Job) {
require(this.parentJob == null)
this.parentJob = coroutine
override fun isDispatchNeeded(context: CoroutineContext): Boolean = Thread.currentThread() != thread
override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
override fun scheduleResume(continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>) {
val node = Resume(continuation)
if (schedule(node))
fun schedule(node: Node): Boolean {
val added = if (parentJob == null) {
} else
queue.addLastIf(node) { parentJob!!.isActive }
if (added) {
} else {
return added
override fun processNextEvent(): Boolean {
if (Thread.currentThread() != thread) return false
(queue.removeFirstOrNull() as? Runnable)?.apply {
return true
return false
abstract class Node : LockFreeLinkedListNode(), Runnable
class Dispatch(block: Runnable) : Node(), Runnable by block
class Resume(val cont: Continuation<Unit>) : Node() {
override fun run() = cont.resume(Unit)