blob: c9aa555df830a7d9cf9566d47bb206d50e86e234 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.BUFFERED
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.CONFLATED
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.jvm.*
* Buffers flow emissions via channel of a specified capacity and runs collector in a separate coroutine.
* Normally, [flows][Flow] are _sequential_. It means that the code of all operators is executed in the
* same coroutine. For example, consider the following code using [onEach] and [collect] operators:
* ```
* flowOf("A", "B", "C")
* .onEach { println("1$it") }
* .collect { println("2$it") }
* ```
* It is going to be executed in the following order by the coroutine `Q` that calls this code:
* ```
* Q : -->-- [1A] -- [2A] -- [1B] -- [2B] -- [1C] -- [2C] -->--
* ```
* So if the operator's code takes considerable time to execute, then the total execution time is going to be
* the sum of execution times for all operators.
* The `buffer` operator creates a separate coroutine during execution for the flow it applies to.
* Consider the following code:
* ```
* flowOf("A", "B", "C")
* .onEach { println("1$it") }
* .buffer() // <--------------- buffer between onEach and collect
* .collect { println("2$it") }
* ```
* It will use two coroutines for execution of the code. A coroutine `Q` that calls this code is
* going to execute `collect`, and the code before `buffer` will be executed in a separate
* new coroutine `P` concurrently with `Q`:
* ```
* P : -->-- [1A] -- [1B] -- [1C] ---------->-- // flowOf(...).onEach { ... }
* |
* | channel // buffer()
* V
* Q : -->---------- [2A] -- [2B] -- [2C] -->-- // collect
* ```
* When operator's code takes time to execute this decreases the total execution time of the flow.
* A [channel][Channel] is used between the coroutines to send elements emitted by the coroutine `P` to
* the coroutine `Q`. If the code before `buffer` operator (in the coroutine `P`) is faster than the code after
* `buffer` operator (in the coroutine `Q`), then this channel will become full at some point and will suspend
* the producer coroutine `P` until the consumer coroutine `Q` catches up.
* The [capacity] parameter defines the size of this buffer.
* ### Operator fusion
* Adjacent applications of [channelFlow], [flowOn], [buffer], [produceIn], and [broadcastIn] are
* always fused so that only one properly configured channel is used for execution.
* Explicitly specified buffer capacity takes precedence over `buffer()` or `buffer(Channel.BUFFERED)` calls,
* which effectively requests a buffer of any size. Multiple requests with a specified buffer
* size produce a buffer with the sum of the requested buffer sizes.
* ### Conceptual implementation
* The actual implementation of `buffer` is not trivial due to the fusing, but conceptually its
* implementation is equivalent to the following code that can be written using [produce]
* coroutine builder to produce a channel and [consumeEach][ReceiveChannel.consumeEach] extension to consume it:
* ```
* fun <T> Flow<T>.buffer(capacity: Int = DEFAULT): Flow<T> = flow {
* coroutineScope { // limit the scope of concurrent producer coroutine
* val channel = produce(capacity = capacity) {
* collect { send(it) } // send all to channel
* }
* // emit all received values
* channel.consumeEach { emit(it) }
* }
* }
* ```
* ### Conflation
* Usage of this function with [capacity] of [Channel.CONFLATED][Channel.CONFLATED] is provided as a shortcut via
* [conflate] operator. See its documentation for details.
* @param capacity type/capacity of the buffer between coroutines. Allowed values are the same as in `Channel(...)`
* factory function: [BUFFERED][Channel.BUFFERED] (by default), [CONFLATED][Channel.CONFLATED],
* [RENDEZVOUS][Channel.RENDEZVOUS], [UNLIMITED][Channel.UNLIMITED] or a non-negative value indicating
* an explicitly requested size.
public fun <T> Flow<T>.buffer(capacity: Int = BUFFERED): Flow<T> {
require(capacity >= 0 || capacity == BUFFERED || capacity == CONFLATED) {
"Buffer size should be non-negative, BUFFERED, or CONFLATED, but was $capacity"
return if (this is ChannelFlow)
update(capacity = capacity)
ChannelFlowOperatorImpl(this, capacity = capacity)
* Conflates flow emissions via conflated channel and runs collector in a separate coroutine.
* The effect of this is that emitter is never suspended due to a slow collector, but collector
* always gets the most recent value emitted.
* For example, consider the flow that emits integers from 1 to 30 with 100 ms delay between them:
* ```
* val flow = flow {
* for (i in 1..30) {
* delay(100)
* emit(i)
* }
* }
* ```
* Applying `conflate()` operator to it allows a collector that delays 1 second on each element to get
* integers 1, 10, 20, 30:
* ```
* val result = flow.conflate().onEach { delay(1000) }.toList()
* assertEquals(listOf(1, 10, 20, 30), result)
* ```
* Note that `conflate` operator is a shortcut for [buffer] with `capacity` of [Channel.CONFLATED][Channel.CONFLATED].
* ### Operator fusion
* Adjacent applications of `conflate`/[buffer], [channelFlow], [flowOn], [produceIn], and [broadcastIn] are
* always fused so that only one properly configured channel is used for execution.
* **Conflation takes precedence over `buffer()` calls with any other capacity.**
public fun <T> Flow<T>.conflate(): Flow<T> = buffer(CONFLATED)
* Changes the context where this flow is executed to the given [context].
* This operator is composable and affects only preceding operators that do not have its own context.
* This operator is context preserving: [context] **does not** leak into the downstream flow.
* For example:
* ```
* withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
* val singleValue = intFlow // will be executed on IO if context wasn't specified before
* .map { ... } // Will be executed in IO
* .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO)
* .filter { ... } // Will be executed in Default
* .flowOn(Dispatchers.Default)
* .single() // Will be executed in the Main
* }
* ```
* For more explanation of context preservation please refer to [Flow] documentation.
* This operators retains a _sequential_ nature of flow if changing the context does not call for changing
* the [dispatcher][CoroutineDispatcher]. Otherwise, if changing dispatcher is required, it collects
* flow emissions in one coroutine that is run using a specified [context] and emits them from another coroutines
* with the original collector's context using a channel with a [default][Channel.BUFFERED] buffer size
* between two coroutines similarly to [buffer] operator, unless [buffer] operator is explicitly called
* before or after `flowOn`, which requests buffering behavior and specifies channel size.
* ### Operator fusion
* Adjacent applications of [channelFlow], [flowOn], [buffer], [produceIn], and [broadcastIn] are
* always fused so that only one properly configured channel is used for execution.
* Multiple `flowOn` operators fuse to a single `flowOn` with a combined context. The elements of the context of
* the first `flowOn` operator naturally take precedence over the elements of the second `flowOn` operator
* when they have the same context keys, for example:
* ```
* { ... } // Will be executed in IO
* .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) // This one takes precedence
* .flowOn(Dispatchers.Default)
* ```
* @throws [IllegalArgumentException] if provided context contains [Job] instance.
public fun <T> Flow<T>.flowOn(context: CoroutineContext): Flow<T> {
return when {
context == EmptyCoroutineContext -> this
this is ChannelFlow -> update(context = context)
else -> ChannelFlowOperatorImpl(this, context = context)
* The operator that changes the context where all transformations applied to the given flow within a [builder] are executed.
* This operator is context preserving and does not affect the context of the preceding and subsequent operations.
* Example:
* ```
* flow // not affected
* .map { ... } // Not affected
* .flowWith(Dispatchers.IO) {
* map { ... } // in IO
* .filter { ... } // in IO
* }
* .map { ... } // Not affected
* ```
* For more explanation of context preservation please refer to [Flow] documentation.
* This operator is deprecated without replacement because it was discovered that it doesn't play well with coroutines
* and flow semantics:
* 1) It doesn't prevent context elements from the downstream to leak into its body
* ```
* flowOf(1).flowWith(EmptyCoroutineContext) {
* onEach { println(kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext[CoroutineName]) } // Will print 42
* }.flowOn(CoroutineName(42))
* ```
* 2) To avoid such leaks, new primitive should be introduced to `kotlinx.coroutines` -- the subtraction of contexts.
* And this will become a new concept to learn, maintain and explain.
* 3) It defers the execution of declarative [builder] until the moment of [collection][Flow.collect] similarly
* to `Observable.defer`. But it is unexpected because nothing in the name `flowWith` reflects this fact.
* 4) It can be confused with [flowOn] operator, though [flowWith] is much rarer.
@Deprecated(message = "flowWith is deprecated without replacement, please refer to its KDoc for an explanation", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING) // Error in beta release, removal in 1.4
public fun <T, R> Flow<T>.flowWith(
flowContext: CoroutineContext,
bufferSize: Int = BUFFERED,
builder: Flow<T>.() -> Flow<R>
): Flow<R> {
val source = this
return unsafeFlow {
* Here we should remove a Job instance from the context.
* All builders are written using scoping and no global coroutines are launched, so it is safe not to provide explicit Job.
* It is also necessary not to mess with cancellation if multiple flowWith are used.
val originalContext = coroutineContext.minusKey(Job)
val prepared = source.flowOn(originalContext).buffer(bufferSize)
builder(prepared).flowOn(flowContext).buffer(bufferSize).collect { value ->
return@collect emit(value)
private fun checkFlowContext(context: CoroutineContext) {
require(context[Job] == null) {
"Flow context cannot contain job in it. Had $context"