blob: 790c0895e40a1ab9585fe16b3281b9a26164e4e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.*
import kotlin.jvm.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow as safeFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.unsafeFlow as flow
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated with [transform] function by combining
* the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* It can be demonstrated with the following example:
* ```
* val flow = flowOf(1, 2).onEach { delay(10) }
* val flow2 = flowOf("a", "b", "c").onEach { delay(15) }
* flow.combine(flow2) { i, s -> i.toString() + s }.collect {
* println(it) // Will print "1a 2a 2b 2c"
* }
* ```
* This function is a shorthand for `flow.combineTransform(flow2) { a, b -> emit(transform(a, b)) }
public fun <T1, T2, R> Flow<T1>.combine(flow: Flow<T2>, transform: suspend (a: T1, b: T2) -> R): Flow<R> = flow {
combineInternal(arrayOf(this@combine, flow), nullArrayFactory(), { emit(transform(it[0] as T1, it[1] as T2)) })
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated with [transform] function by combining
* the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* It can be demonstrated with the following example:
* ```
* val flow = flowOf(1, 2).onEach { delay(10) }
* val flow2 = flowOf("a", "b", "c").onEach { delay(15) }
* combine(flow, flow2) { i, s -> i.toString() + s }.collect {
* println(it) // Will print "1a 2a 2b 2c"
* }
* ```
* This function is a shorthand for `combineTransform(flow, flow2) { a, b -> emit(transform(a, b)) }
public fun <T1, T2, R> combine(flow: Flow<T1>, flow2: Flow<T2>, transform: suspend (a: T1, b: T2) -> R): Flow<R> =
flow.combine(flow2, transform)
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated by [transform] function that process the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* The receiver of the [transform] is [FlowCollector] and thus `transform` is a
* generic function that may transform emitted element, skip it or emit it multiple times.
* Its usage can be demonstrated with the following example:
* ```
* val flow = requestFlow()
* val flow2 = searchEngineFlow()
* flow.combineTransform(flow2) { request, searchEngine ->
* emit("Downloading in progress")
* val result = download(request, searchEngine)
* emit(result)
* }
* ```
public fun <T1, T2, R> Flow<T1>.combineTransform(
flow: Flow<T2>,
@BuilderInference transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(a: T1, b: T2) -> Unit
): Flow<R> = combineTransformUnsafe(this, flow) { args: Array<*> ->
args[0] as T1,
args[1] as T2
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated by [transform] function that process the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* The receiver of the [transform] is [FlowCollector] and thus `transform` is a
* generic function that may transform emitted element, skip it or emit it multiple times.
* Its usage can be demonstrated with the following example:
* ```
* val flow = requestFlow()
* val flow2 = searchEngineFlow()
* combineTransform(flow, flow2) { request, searchEngine ->
* emit("Downloading in progress")
* val result = download(request, searchEngine)
* emit(result)
* }
* ```
public fun <T1, T2, R> combineTransform(
flow: Flow<T1>,
flow2: Flow<T2>,
@BuilderInference transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(a: T1, b: T2) -> Unit
): Flow<R> = combineTransformUnsafe(flow, flow2) { args: Array<*> ->
args[0] as T1,
args[1] as T2
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated with [transform] function by combining
* the most recently emitted values by each flow.
public fun <T1, T2, T3, R> combine(
flow: Flow<T1>,
flow2: Flow<T2>,
flow3: Flow<T3>,
@BuilderInference transform: suspend (T1, T2, T3) -> R
): Flow<R> = combineUnsafe(flow, flow2, flow3) { args: Array<*> ->
args[0] as T1,
args[1] as T2,
args[2] as T3
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated by [transform] function that process the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* The receiver of the [transform] is [FlowCollector] and thus `transform` is a
* generic function that may transform emitted element, skip it or emit it multiple times.
public fun <T1, T2, T3, R> combineTransform(
flow: Flow<T1>,
flow2: Flow<T2>,
flow3: Flow<T3>,
@BuilderInference transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(T1, T2, T3) -> Unit
): Flow<R> = combineTransformUnsafe(flow, flow2, flow3) { args: Array<*> ->
args[0] as T1,
args[1] as T2,
args[2] as T3
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated with [transform] function by combining
* the most recently emitted values by each flow.
public fun <T1, T2, T3, T4, R> combine(
flow: Flow<T1>,
flow2: Flow<T2>,
flow3: Flow<T3>,
flow4: Flow<T4>,
transform: suspend (T1, T2, T3, T4) -> R
): Flow<R> = combine(flow, flow2, flow3, flow4) { args: Array<*> ->
args[0] as T1,
args[1] as T2,
args[2] as T3,
args[3] as T4
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated by [transform] function that process the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* The receiver of the [transform] is [FlowCollector] and thus `transform` is a
* generic function that may transform emitted element, skip it or emit it multiple times.
public fun <T1, T2, T3, T4, R> combineTransform(
flow: Flow<T1>,
flow2: Flow<T2>,
flow3: Flow<T3>,
flow4: Flow<T4>,
@BuilderInference transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(T1, T2, T3, T4) -> Unit
): Flow<R> = combineTransformUnsafe(flow, flow2, flow3, flow4) { args: Array<*> ->
args[0] as T1,
args[1] as T2,
args[2] as T3,
args[3] as T4
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated with [transform] function by combining
* the most recently emitted values by each flow.
public fun <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> combine(
flow: Flow<T1>,
flow2: Flow<T2>,
flow3: Flow<T3>,
flow4: Flow<T4>,
flow5: Flow<T5>,
transform: suspend (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) -> R
): Flow<R> = combineUnsafe(flow, flow2, flow3, flow4, flow5) { args: Array<*> ->
args[0] as T1,
args[1] as T2,
args[2] as T3,
args[3] as T4,
args[4] as T5
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated by [transform] function that process the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* The receiver of the [transform] is [FlowCollector] and thus `transform` is a
* generic function that may transform emitted element, skip it or emit it multiple times.
public fun <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> combineTransform(
flow: Flow<T1>,
flow2: Flow<T2>,
flow3: Flow<T3>,
flow4: Flow<T4>,
flow5: Flow<T5>,
@BuilderInference transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) -> Unit
): Flow<R> = combineTransformUnsafe(flow, flow2, flow3, flow4, flow5) { args: Array<*> ->
args[0] as T1,
args[1] as T2,
args[2] as T3,
args[3] as T4,
args[4] as T5
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated with [transform] function by combining
* the most recently emitted values by each flow.
public inline fun <reified T, R> combine(
vararg flows: Flow<T>,
crossinline transform: suspend (Array<T>) -> R
): Flow<R> = flow {
combineInternal(flows, { arrayOfNulls(flows.size) }, { emit(transform(it)) })
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated by [transform] function that process the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* The receiver of the [transform] is [FlowCollector] and thus `transform` is a
* generic function that may transform emitted element, skip it or emit it multiple times.
public inline fun <reified T, R> combineTransform(
vararg flows: Flow<T>,
@BuilderInference crossinline transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(Array<T>) -> Unit
): Flow<R> = safeFlow {
combineInternal(flows, { arrayOfNulls(flows.size) }, { transform(it) })
* Same as combine, but does not copy array each time, deconstructing existing
* array each time. Used in overloads that accept FunctionN instead of Function<Array<R>>
private inline fun <reified T, R> combineUnsafe(
vararg flows: Flow<T>,
crossinline transform: suspend (Array<T>) -> R
): Flow<R> = flow {
combineInternal(flows, nullArrayFactory(), { emit(transform(it)) })
* Same as combineTransform, but does not copy array each time, deconstructing existing
* array each time. Used in overloads that accept FunctionN instead of Function<Array<R>>
private inline fun <reified T, R> combineTransformUnsafe(
vararg flows: Flow<T>,
@BuilderInference crossinline transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(Array<T>) -> Unit
): Flow<R> = safeFlow {
combineInternal(flows, nullArrayFactory(), { transform(it) })
// Saves bunch of anonymous classes
private fun <T> nullArrayFactory(): () -> Array<T>? = { null }
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated with [transform] function by combining
* the most recently emitted values by each flow.
public inline fun <reified T, R> combine(
flows: Iterable<Flow<T>>,
crossinline transform: suspend (Array<T>) -> R
): Flow<R> {
val flowArray = flows.toList().toTypedArray()
return flow {
arrayFactory = { arrayOfNulls(flowArray.size) },
transform = { emit(transform(it)) })
* Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated by [transform] function that process the most recently emitted values by each flow.
* The receiver of the [transform] is [FlowCollector] and thus `transform` is a
* generic function that may transform emitted element, skip it or emit it multiple times.
public inline fun <reified T, R> combineTransform(
flows: Iterable<Flow<T>>,
@BuilderInference crossinline transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(Array<T>) -> Unit
): Flow<R> {
val flowArray = flows.toList().toTypedArray()
return safeFlow {
combineInternal(flowArray, { arrayOfNulls(flowArray.size) }, { transform(it) })
* Zips values from the current flow (`this`) with [other] flow using provided [transform] function applied to each pair of values.
* The resulting flow completes as soon as one of the flows completes and cancel is called on the remaining flow.
* It can be demonstrated with the following example:
* ```
* val flow = flowOf(1, 2, 3).onEach { delay(10) }
* val flow2 = flowOf("a", "b", "c", "d").onEach { delay(15) }
* { i, s -> i.toString() + s }.collect {
* println(it) // Will print "1a 2b 3c"
* }
* ```
* ### Buffering
* The upstream flow is collected sequentially in the same coroutine without any buffering, while the
* [other] flow is collected concurrently as if `buffer(0)` is used. See documentation in the [buffer] operator
* for explanation. You can use additional calls to the [buffer] operator as needed for more concurrency.
public fun <T1, T2, R> Flow<T1>.zip(other: Flow<T2>, transform: suspend (T1, T2) -> R): Flow<R> = zipImpl(this, other, transform)