blob: 7e5976b4dcd792869a740727487aaeae79946182 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import kotlin.experimental.and
interface ByteReadPacket {
val remaining: Int
fun readLazy(dst: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): Int
fun readLazy(dst: ByteArray) = readLazy(dst, 0, dst.size)
fun readLazy(dst: ByteBuffer): Int
fun readFully(dst: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int)
fun readFully(dst: ByteArray) = readFully(dst, 0, dst.size)
fun readFully(dst: ByteBuffer): Int
fun readLong(): Long
fun readInt(): Int
fun readShort(): Short
fun readByte(): Byte
fun readUInt(): Long = readInt().toLong() and 0xffffffff
fun readUShort(): Int = readShort().toInt() and 0xffff
fun readUByte(): Short = readByte().toShort() and 0xff
fun readDouble(): Double
fun readFloat(): Float
fun skip(n: Int): Int
fun skipExact(n: Int)
fun release()
fun readUTF8LineTo(out: Appendable, limit: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Boolean
fun inputStream(): InputStream