blob: 045c096d0761b0290b868cdcd4c4bb8d023c0732 [file] [log] [blame]
interface LookAheadSession {
* Marks [n] bytes as consumed so the corresponding range becomes available for writing
fun consumed(n: Int)
* Request byte buffer range skipping [skip] bytes and [atLeast] bytes length
* @return byte buffer for the requested range or null if it is impossible to provide such a buffer
* There are the following reasons for this function to return `null`:
* - not enough bytes available yet (should be at least `skip + atLeast` bytes available)
* - due to buffer fragmentation is is impossible to represent the requested range as a single byte buffer
* - end of stream encountered and all bytes were consumed
* - channel has been closed with an exception so buffer has been recycled
fun request(skip: Int, atLeast: Int): ByteBuffer?
interface LookAheadSuspendSession : LookAheadSession {
* Suspend until [n] bytes become available or end of stream encountered (possibly due to exceptional close)
suspend fun awaitAtLeast(n: Int)
inline fun LookAheadSession.consumeEachRemaining(visitor: (ByteBuffer) -> Boolean) {
do {
val cont = request(0, 1)?.let {
val s = it.remaining()
val rc = visitor(it)
} ?: false
if (!cont) break
} while (true)