blob: 88e0baeeb3720ba1d1db305f860a6f30fa7c88d4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.animation
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import android.content.Context
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.view.View
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import java.util.*
sealed class AnimatedShape {
var x = 0.5f // 0 .. 1
var y = 0.5f // 0 .. 1
var color = Color.BLACK
var r = 0.05f
class AnimatedCircle : AnimatedShape()
class AnimatedSquare : AnimatedShape()
private val NO_SHAPES = emptySet<AnimatedShape>()
class AnimationView(
context: Context, attributeSet: AttributeSet
) : View(context, attributeSet), Observer<Set<AnimatedShape>> {
private var shapes = NO_SHAPES
private val paint = Paint()
private val rect = RectF()
override fun onChanged(shapes: Set<AnimatedShape>?) {
this.shapes = shapes ?: NO_SHAPES
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
val scale = minOf(width, height) / 2.0f
shapes.forEach { shape ->
val x = (shape.x - 0.5f) * scale + width / 2
val y = (shape.y - 0.5f) * scale + height / 2
val r = shape.r * scale
rect.set(x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r)
paint.color = shape.color
when (shape) {
is AnimatedCircle -> canvas.drawArc(rect, 0.0f, 360.0f, true, paint)
is AnimatedSquare -> canvas.drawRect(rect, paint)
private val rnd = Random()
class AnimationModel : ViewModel(), CoroutineScope {
override val coroutineContext = Job() + Dispatchers.Main
private val shapes = MutableLiveData<Set<AnimatedShape>>()
fun observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: Observer<Set<AnimatedShape>>) =
shapes.observe(owner, observer)
fun update(shape: AnimatedShape) {
val old = shapes.value ?: NO_SHAPES
shapes.value = if (shape in old) old else old + shape
fun addAnimation() {
launch {
animateShape(if (rnd.nextBoolean()) AnimatedCircle() else AnimatedSquare())
fun clearAnimations() {
shapes.value = NO_SHAPES
private fun norm(x: Float, y: Float) = Math.hypot(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble()).toFloat()
private const val ACC = 1e-18f
private const val MAX_SPEED = 2e-9f // in screen_fraction/nanos
private const val INIT_POS = 0.8f
private fun Random.nextColor() = Color.rgb(nextInt(256), nextInt(256), nextInt(256))
private fun Random.nextPos() = nextFloat() * INIT_POS + (1 - INIT_POS) / 2
private fun Random.nextSpeed() = nextFloat() * MAX_SPEED - MAX_SPEED / 2
suspend fun AnimationModel.animateShape(shape: AnimatedShape) {
shape.x = rnd.nextPos()
shape.y = rnd.nextPos()
shape.color = rnd.nextColor()
var sx = rnd.nextSpeed()
var sy = rnd.nextSpeed()
var time = System.nanoTime() // nanos
var checkTime = time
while (true) {
val dt = time.let { old -> awaitFrame().also { time = it } - old }
if (dt > 0.5e9) continue // don't animate through over a half second lapses
val dx = shape.x - 0.5f
val dy = shape.y - 0.5f
val dn = norm(dx, dy)
sx -= dx / dn * ACC * dt
sy -= dy / dn * ACC * dt
val sn = norm(sx, sy)
val trim = sn.coerceAtMost(MAX_SPEED)
sx = sx / sn * trim
sy = sy / sn * trim
shape.x += sx * dt
shape.y += sy * dt
// check once a second
if (time > checkTime + 1e9) {
checkTime = time
when (rnd.nextInt(20)) { // roll d20
0 -> {
animateColor(shape) // wait a second & animate color
time = awaitFrame() // and sync with next frame
1 -> { // random speed change
sx = rnd.nextSpeed()
sy = rnd.nextSpeed()
suspend fun AnimationModel.animateColor(shape: AnimatedShape) {
val duration = 1e9f
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
val aColor = shape.color
val bColor = rnd.nextColor()
while (true) {
val time = awaitFrame()
val b = (time - startTime) / duration
if (b >= 1.0f) break
val a = 1 - b
shape.color = Color.rgb(
( * b + * a).toInt(),
( * b + * a).toInt(),
( * b + * a).toInt()
shape.color = bColor