blob: 4c6ae7754c7e75ca261edd3e246e9179a61af88e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package benchmarks.scheduler.actors
import benchmarks.*
import benchmarks.akka.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*
import java.util.concurrent.*
* Benchmark (dispatcher) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
* PingPongActorBenchmark.coresCountPingPongs experimental avgt 10 185.066 ± 21.692 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.coresCountPingPongs fjp avgt 10 200.581 ± 22.669 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.coresCountPingPongs ftp_1 avgt 10 494.334 ± 27.450 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.coresCountPingPongs ftp_2 avgt 10 498.754 ± 27.743 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.coresCountPingPongs ftp_8 avgt 10 804.498 ± 69.826 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.singlePingPong experimental avgt 10 45.521 ± 3.281 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.singlePingPong fjp avgt 10 217.005 ± 18.693 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.singlePingPong ftp_1 avgt 10 57.632 ± 1.835 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.singlePingPong ftp_2 avgt 10 112.723 ± 5.280 ms/op
* PingPongActorBenchmark.singlePingPong ftp_8 avgt 10 276.958 ± 21.447 ms/op
@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Fork(value = 1)
open class PingPongActorBenchmark : ParametrizedDispatcherBase() {
data class Letter(val message: Any?, val sender: SendChannel<Letter>)
@Param("scheduler", "fjp", "ftp_1")
override var dispatcher: String = "fjp"
fun singlePingPong() = runBlocking {
fun coresCountPingPongs() = runBlocking {
private suspend fun runPingPongs(count: Int) {
val me = Channel<Letter>()
repeat(count) {
val pong = pongActorCoroutine()
val ping = pingActorCoroutine(pong)
ping.send(Letter(Start(), me))
repeat(count) {
fun CoroutineScope.pingActorCoroutine(
pingChannel: SendChannel<PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter>,
capacity: Int = 1
) =
actor<PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter>(capacity = capacity) {
var initiator: SendChannel<PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter>? = null
for (letter in channel) with(letter) {
when (message) {
is Start -> {
initiator = sender
pingChannel.send(PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter(Ball(0), channel))
is Ball -> {
pingChannel.send(PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter(Ball(message.count + 1), channel))
is Stop -> {
initiator!!.send(PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter(Stop(), channel))
else -> error("Cannot happen $message")
fun CoroutineScope.pongActorCoroutine(capacity: Int = 1) =
actor<PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter>(capacity = capacity) {
for (letter in channel) with(letter) {
when (message) {
is Ball -> {
if (message.count >= N_MESSAGES) {
sender.send(PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter(Stop(), channel))
} else {
sender.send(PingPongActorBenchmark.Letter(Ball(message.count + 1), channel))
else -> error("Cannot happen $message")