blob: 4cb629e9dfe4d583f5357091a05fe4e86e794f34 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.internal
import kotlin.jvm.*
* Gets the system property indicated by the specified [property name][propertyName],
* or returns [defaultValue] if there is no property with that key.
* **Note: this function should be used in JVM tests only, other platforms use the default value.**
internal fun systemProp(
propertyName: String,
defaultValue: Boolean
): Boolean = systemProp(propertyName)?.toBoolean() ?: defaultValue
* Gets the system property indicated by the specified [property name][propertyName],
* or returns [defaultValue] if there is no property with that key. It also checks that the result
* is between [minValue] and [maxValue] (inclusively), throws [IllegalStateException] if it is not.
* **Note: this function should be used in JVM tests only, other platforms use the default value.**
internal fun systemProp(
propertyName: String,
defaultValue: Int,
minValue: Int = 1,
maxValue: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE
): Int = systemProp(propertyName, defaultValue.toLong(), minValue.toLong(), maxValue.toLong()).toInt()
* Gets the system property indicated by the specified [property name][propertyName],
* or returns [defaultValue] if there is no property with that key. It also checks that the result
* is between [minValue] and [maxValue] (inclusively), throws [IllegalStateException] if it is not.
* **Note: this function should be used in JVM tests only, other platforms use the default value.**
internal fun systemProp(
propertyName: String,
defaultValue: Long,
minValue: Long = 1,
maxValue: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE
): Long {
val value = systemProp(propertyName) ?: return defaultValue
val parsed = value.toLongOrNull()
?: error("System property '$propertyName' has unrecognized value '$value'")
if (parsed !in minValue..maxValue) {
error("System property '$propertyName' should be in range $minValue..$maxValue, but is '$parsed'")
return parsed
* Gets the system property indicated by the specified [property name][propertyName],
* or returns `null` if there is no property with that key.
* **Note: this function should be used in JVM tests only, other platforms use the default value.**
internal expect fun systemProp(propertyName: String): String?