blob: 97f9978139ab12efdd5fd2db93946c36b12ab2fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.internal
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
private typealias Node = LockFreeLinkedListNode
internal const val UNDECIDED = 0
internal const val SUCCESS = 1
internal const val FAILURE = 2
internal val CONDITION_FALSE: Any = Symbol("CONDITION_FALSE")
internal val LIST_EMPTY: Any = Symbol("LIST_EMPTY")
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public actual typealias RemoveFirstDesc<T> = LockFreeLinkedListNode.RemoveFirstDesc<T>
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public actual typealias AddLastDesc<T> = LockFreeLinkedListNode.AddLastDesc<T>
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public actual typealias AbstractAtomicDesc = LockFreeLinkedListNode.AbstractAtomicDesc
/** @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.** */
public actual typealias PrepareOp = LockFreeLinkedListNode.PrepareOp
* Doubly-linked concurrent list node with remove support.
* Based on paper
* ["Lock-Free and Practical Doubly Linked List-Based Deques Using Single-Word Compare-and-Swap"](
* by Sundell and Tsigas with considerable changes.
* The core idea of the algorithm is to maintain a doubly-linked list with an ever-present sentinel node (it is
* never removed) that serves both as a list head and tail and to linearize all operations (both insert and remove) on
* the update of the next pointer. Removed nodes have their next pointer marked with [Removed] class.
* Important notes:
* * There are no operations to add items to left side of the list, only to the end (right side), because we cannot
* efficiently linearize them with atomic multi-step head-removal operations. In short,
* support for [describeRemoveFirst] operation precludes ability to add items at the beginning.
* * Previous pointers are not marked for removal. We don't support linearizable backwards traversal.
* * Remove-helping logic is simplified and consolidated in [correctPrev] method.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
public actual open class LockFreeLinkedListNode {
private val _next = atomic<Any>(this) // Node | Removed | OpDescriptor
private val _prev = atomic(this) // Node to the left (cannot be marked as removed)
private val _removedRef = atomic<Removed?>(null) // lazily cached removed ref to this
private fun removed(): Removed =
_removedRef.value ?: Removed(this).also { _removedRef.lazySet(it) }
internal abstract class CondAddOp(
@JvmField val newNode: Node
) : AtomicOp<Node>() {
@JvmField var oldNext: Node? = null
override fun complete(affected: Node, failure: Any?) {
val success = failure == null
val update = if (success) newNode else oldNext
if (update != null && affected._next.compareAndSet( this, update)) {
// only the thread the makes this update actually finishes add operation
if (success) newNode.finishAdd(oldNext!!)
internal inline fun makeCondAddOp(node: Node, crossinline condition: () -> Boolean): CondAddOp =
object : CondAddOp(node) {
override fun prepare(affected: Node): Any? = if (condition()) null else CONDITION_FALSE
public actual open val isRemoved: Boolean get() = next is Removed
// LINEARIZABLE. Returns Node | Removed
public val next: Any get() {
_next.loop { next ->
if (next !is OpDescriptor) return next
// LINEARIZABLE. Returns next non-removed Node
public actual val nextNode: Node get() = next.unwrap()
// Returns prev non-removed Node, makes sure prev is correct ( === this)
// NOTE: if this node is removed, then returns non-removed previous node without applying
// correction, which does not provide linearizable backwards iteration, but can be used to
// resume forward iteration when current node was removed.
public actual val prevNode: Node
get() = correctPrev(null) ?: findPrevNonRemoved(_prev.value)
private tailrec fun findPrevNonRemoved(current: Node): Node {
if (!current.isRemoved) return current
return findPrevNonRemoved(current._prev.value)
// ------ addOneIfEmpty ------
public actual fun addOneIfEmpty(node: Node): Boolean {
while (true) {
val next = next
if (next !== this) return false // this is not an empty list!
if (_next.compareAndSet(this, node)) {
// added successfully (linearized add) -- fixup the list
return true
// ------ addLastXXX ------
* Adds last item to this list.
public actual fun addLast(node: Node) {
while (true) { // lock-free loop on
if (prevNode.addNext(node, this)) return
public fun <T : Node> describeAddLast(node: T): AddLastDesc<T> = AddLastDesc(this, node)
* Adds last item to this list atomically if the [condition] is true.
public actual inline fun addLastIf(node: Node, crossinline condition: () -> Boolean): Boolean {
val condAdd = makeCondAddOp(node, condition)
while (true) { // lock-free loop on
val prev = prevNode // sentinel node is never removed, so prev is always defined
when (prev.tryCondAddNext(node, this, condAdd)) {
SUCCESS -> return true
FAILURE -> return false
public actual inline fun addLastIfPrev(node: Node, predicate: (Node) -> Boolean): Boolean {
while (true) { // lock-free loop on
val prev = prevNode // sentinel node is never removed, so prev is always defined
if (!predicate(prev)) return false
if (prev.addNext(node, this)) return true
public actual inline fun addLastIfPrevAndIf(
node: Node,
predicate: (Node) -> Boolean, // prev node predicate
crossinline condition: () -> Boolean // atomically checked condition
): Boolean {
val condAdd = makeCondAddOp(node, condition)
while (true) { // lock-free loop on
val prev = prevNode // sentinel node is never removed, so prev is always defined
if (!predicate(prev)) return false
when (prev.tryCondAddNext(node, this, condAdd)) {
SUCCESS -> return true
FAILURE -> return false
// ------ addXXX util ------
* Given:
* ```
* +-----------------------+
* this | node V next
* +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
* ... <-- | P | N | | P | N | | P | N | --> ....
* +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
* ^ |
* +-----------------------+
* ```
* Produces:
* ```
* this node next
* +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
* ... <-- | P | N | ==> | P | N | --> | P | N | --> ....
* +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
* ^ | ^ |
* +---------+ +---------+
* ```
* Where `==>` denotes linearization point.
* Returns `false` if `next` was not following `this` node.
internal fun addNext(node: Node, next: Node): Boolean {
if (!_next.compareAndSet(next, node)) return false
// added successfully (linearized add) -- fixup the list
return true
internal fun tryCondAddNext(node: Node, next: Node, condAdd: CondAddOp): Int {
condAdd.oldNext = next
if (!_next.compareAndSet(next, condAdd)) return UNDECIDED
// added operation successfully (linearized) -- complete it & fixup the list
return if (condAdd.perform(this) == null) SUCCESS else FAILURE
// ------ removeXXX ------
* Removes this node from the list. Returns `true` when removed successfully, or `false` if the node was already
* removed or if it was not added to any list in the first place.
* **Note**: Invocation of this operation does not guarantee that remove was actually complete if result was `false`.
* In particular, invoking [nextNode].[prevNode] might still return this node even though it is "already removed".
* Invoke [helpRemove] to make sure that remove was completed.
public actual open fun remove(): Boolean =
removeOrNext() == null
// returns null if removed successfully or next node if this node is already removed
internal fun removeOrNext(): Node? {
while (true) { // lock-free loop on next
val next =
if (next is Removed) return next.ref // was already removed -- don't try to help (original thread will take care)
if (next === this) return next // was not even added
val removed = (next as Node).removed()
if (_next.compareAndSet(next, removed)) {
// was removed successfully (linearized remove) -- fixup the list
return null
// Helps with removal of this node
public actual fun helpRemove() {
// Note: this node must be already removed
(next as Removed).ref.correctPrev(null)
// Helps with removal of nodes that are previous to this
internal fun helpRemovePrev() {
// We need to call correctPrev on a non-removed node to ensure progress, since correctPrev bails out when
// called on a removed node. There's always at least one non-removed node (list head).
var node = this
while (true) {
val next =
if (next !is Removed) break
node = next.ref
// Found a non-removed node
public actual fun removeFirstOrNull(): Node? {
while (true) { // try to linearize
val first = next as Node
if (first === this) return null
if (first.remove()) return first
first.helpRemove() // must help remove to ensure lock-freedom
public fun describeRemoveFirst(): RemoveFirstDesc<Node> = RemoveFirstDesc(this)
// just peek at item when predicate is true
public actual inline fun <reified T> removeFirstIfIsInstanceOfOrPeekIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {
while (true) {
val first = as Node
if (first === this) return null // got list head -- nothing to remove
if (first !is T) return null
if (predicate(first)) {
// check for removal of the current node to make sure "peek" operation is linearizable
if (!first.isRemoved) return first
val next = first.removeOrNext()
if (next === null) return first // removed successfully -- return it
// help and start from the beginning
// ------ multi-word atomic operations helpers ------
public open class AddLastDesc<T : Node> constructor(
@JvmField val queue: Node,
@JvmField val node: T
) : AbstractAtomicDesc() {
init {
// require freshly allocated node here
assert { node._next.value === node && node._prev.value === node }
// Returns null when atomic op got into deadlock trying to help operation that started later (RETRY_ATOMIC)
final override fun takeAffectedNode(op: OpDescriptor): Node? =
queue.correctPrev(op) // queue head is never removed, so null result can only mean RETRY_ATOMIC
private val _affectedNode = atomic<Node?>(null)
final override val affectedNode: Node? get() = _affectedNode.value
final override val originalNext: Node? get() = queue
override fun retry(affected: Node, next: Any): Boolean = next !== queue
override fun finishPrepare(prepareOp: PrepareOp) {
// Note: onPrepare must use CAS to make sure the stale invocation is not
// going to overwrite the previous decision on successful preparation.
// Result of CAS is irrelevant, but we must ensure that it is set when invoker completes
_affectedNode.compareAndSet(null, prepareOp.affected)
override fun updatedNext(affected: Node, next: Node): Any {
// it is invoked only on successfully completion of operation, but this invocation can be stale,
// so we must use CAS to set both prev & next pointers
node._prev.compareAndSet(node, affected)
node._next.compareAndSet(node, queue)
return node
override fun finishOnSuccess(affected: Node, next: Node) {
public open class RemoveFirstDesc<T>(
@JvmField val queue: Node
) : AbstractAtomicDesc() {
private val _affectedNode = atomic<Node?>(null)
private val _originalNext = atomic<Node?>(null)
public val result: T get() = affectedNode!! as T
final override fun takeAffectedNode(op: OpDescriptor): Node? {
queue._next.loop { next ->
if (next is OpDescriptor) {
if (op.isEarlierThan(next))
return null // RETRY_ATOMIC
} else {
return next as Node
final override val affectedNode: Node? get() = _affectedNode.value
final override val originalNext: Node? get() = _originalNext.value
// check node predicates here, must signal failure if affect is not of type T
protected override fun failure(affected: Node): Any? =
if (affected === queue) LIST_EMPTY else null
final override fun retry(affected: Node, next: Any): Boolean {
if (next !is Removed) return false
next.ref.helpRemovePrev() // must help delete to ensure lock-freedom
return true
override fun finishPrepare(prepareOp: PrepareOp) {
// Note: finishPrepare must use CAS to make sure the stale invocation is not
// going to overwrite the previous decision on successful preparation.
// Result of CAS is irrelevant, but we must ensure that it is set when invoker completes
_affectedNode.compareAndSet(null, prepareOp.affected)
final override fun updatedNext(affected: Node, next: Node): Any = next.removed()
final override fun finishOnSuccess(affected: Node, next: Node) {
// Complete removal operation here. It bails out if next node is also removed. It becomes
// responsibility of the next's removes to call correctPrev which would help fix all the links.
// This is Harris's RDCSS (Restricted Double-Compare Single Swap) operation
// It inserts "op" descriptor of when "op" status is still undecided (rolls back otherwise)
public class PrepareOp(
@JvmField val affected: Node,
@JvmField val next: Node,
@JvmField val desc: AbstractAtomicDesc
) : OpDescriptor() {
override val atomicOp: AtomicOp<*> get() = desc.atomicOp
// Returns REMOVE_PREPARED or null (it makes decision on any failure)
override fun perform(affected: Any?): Any? {
assert { affected === this.affected }
affected as Node // type assertion
val decision = desc.onPrepare(this)
if (decision === REMOVE_PREPARED) {
// remove element on failure -- do not mark as decided, will try another one
val next =
val removed = next.removed()
if (affected._next.compareAndSet(this, removed)) {
// The element was actually removed
// Complete removal operation here. It bails out if next node is also removed and it becomes
// responsibility of the next's removes to call correctPrev which would help fix all the links.
// We need to ensure progress even if it operation result consensus was already decided
val consensus = if (decision != null) {
// some other logic failure, including RETRY_ATOMIC -- reach consensus on decision fail reason ASAP
} else {
atomicOp.consensus // consult with current decision status like in Harris DCSS
val update: Any = when {
consensus === NO_DECISION -> atomicOp // desc.onPrepare returned null -> start doing atomic op
consensus == null -> desc.updatedNext(affected, next) // move forward if consensus on success
else -> next // roll back if consensus if failure
affected._next.compareAndSet(this, update)
return null
public fun finishPrepare(): Unit = desc.finishPrepare(this)
override fun toString(): String = "PrepareOp(op=$atomicOp)"
public abstract class AbstractAtomicDesc : AtomicDesc() {
protected abstract val affectedNode: Node?
protected abstract val originalNext: Node?
protected open fun takeAffectedNode(op: OpDescriptor): Node? = affectedNode!! // null for RETRY_ATOMIC
protected open fun failure(affected: Node): Any? = null // next: Node | Removed
protected open fun retry(affected: Node, next: Any): Boolean = false // next: Node | Removed
protected abstract fun finishOnSuccess(affected: Node, next: Node)
public abstract fun updatedNext(affected: Node, next: Node): Any
public abstract fun finishPrepare(prepareOp: PrepareOp)
// non-null on failure
public open fun onPrepare(prepareOp: PrepareOp): Any? {
return null
public open fun onRemoved(affected: Node) {} // called once when node was prepared & later removed
final override fun prepare(op: AtomicOp<*>): Any? {
while (true) { // lock free loop on next
val affected = takeAffectedNode(op) ?: return RETRY_ATOMIC
// read its original next pointer first
val next = affected._next.value
// then see if already reached consensus on overall operation
if (next === op) return null // already in process of operation -- all is good
if (op.isDecided) return null // already decided this operation -- go to next desc
if (next is OpDescriptor) {
// some other operation is in process
// if operation in progress (preparing or prepared) has higher sequence number -- abort our preparations
if (op.isEarlierThan(next))
continue // and retry
// next: Node | Removed
val failure = failure(affected)
if (failure != null) return failure // signal failure
if (retry(affected, next)) continue // retry operation
val prepareOp = PrepareOp(affected, next as Node, this)
if (affected._next.compareAndSet(next, prepareOp)) {
// prepared -- complete preparations
try {
val prepFail = prepareOp.perform(affected)
if (prepFail === REMOVE_PREPARED) continue // retry
assert { prepFail == null }
return null
} catch (e: Throwable) {
// Crashed during preparation (for example IllegalStateExpception) -- undo & rethrow
affected._next.compareAndSet(prepareOp, next)
throw e
final override fun complete(op: AtomicOp<*>, failure: Any?) {
val success = failure == null
val affectedNode = affectedNode ?: run { assert { !success }; return }
val originalNext = originalNext ?: run { assert { !success }; return }
val update = if (success) updatedNext(affectedNode, originalNext) else originalNext
if (affectedNode._next.compareAndSet(op, update)) {
if (success) finishOnSuccess(affectedNode, originalNext)
// ------ other helpers ------
* Given:
* ```
* prev this next
* +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
* ... <-- | P | N | --> | P | N | --> | P | N | --> ....
* +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
* ^ ^ | |
* | +---------+ |
* +-------------------------+
* ```
* Produces:
* ```
* prev this next
* +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
* ... <-- | P | N | --> | P | N | --> | P | N | --> ....
* +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
* ^ | ^ |
* +---------+ +---------+
* ```
private fun finishAdd(next: Node) {
next._prev.loop { nextPrev ->
if ( !== next) return // this or next was removed or another node added, remover/adder fixes up links
if (next._prev.compareAndSet(nextPrev, this)) {
// This newly added node could have been removed, and the above CAS would have added it physically again.
// Let us double-check for this situation and correct if needed
if (isRemoved) next.correctPrev(null)
protected open fun nextIfRemoved(): Node? = (next as? Removed)?.ref
* Returns the corrected value of the previous node while also correcting the `prev` pointer
* (so that ` === this`) and helps complete node removals to the left ot this node.
* It returns `null` in two special cases:
* * When this node is removed. In this case there is no need to waste time on corrections, because
* remover of this node will ultimately call [correctPrev] on the next node and that will fix all
* the links from this node, too.
* * When [op] descriptor is not `null` and operation descriptor that is [OpDescriptor.isEarlierThan]
* that current [op] is found while traversing the list. This `null` result will be translated
* by callers to [RETRY_ATOMIC].
private tailrec fun correctPrev(op: OpDescriptor?): Node? {
val oldPrev = _prev.value
var prev: Node = oldPrev
var last: Node? = null // will be set so that === prev
while (true) { // move the left until first non-removed node
val prevNext: Any = prev._next.value
when {
// fast path to find quickly find prev node when everything is properly linked
prevNext === this -> {
if (oldPrev === prev) return prev // nothing to update -- all is fine, prev found
// otherwise need to update prev
if (!this._prev.compareAndSet(oldPrev, prev)) {
// Note: retry from scratch on failure to update prev
return correctPrev(op)
return prev // return the correct prev
// slow path when we need to help remove operations
this.isRemoved -> return null // nothing to do, this node was removed, bail out asap to save time
prevNext === op -> return prev // part of the same op -- don't recurse, didn't correct prev
prevNext is OpDescriptor -> { // help & retry
if (op != null && op.isEarlierThan(prevNext))
return null // RETRY_ATOMIC
return correctPrev(op) // retry from scratch
prevNext is Removed -> {
if (last !== null) {
// newly added (prev) node is already removed, correct around it
if (!last._next.compareAndSet(prev, prevNext.ref)) {
return correctPrev(op) // retry from scratch on failure to update next
prev = last
last = null
} else {
prev = prev._prev.value
else -> { // prevNext is a regular node, but not this -- help delete
last = prev
prev = prevNext as Node
internal fun validateNode(prev: Node, next: Node) {
assert { prev === this._prev.value }
assert { next === this._next.value }
override fun toString(): String = "${}@${Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))}"
private class Removed(@JvmField val ref: Node) {
override fun toString(): String = "Removed[$ref]"
internal fun Any.unwrap(): Node = (this as? Removed)?.ref ?: this as Node
* Head (sentinel) item of the linked list that is never removed.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
public actual open class LockFreeLinkedListHead : LockFreeLinkedListNode() {
public actual val isEmpty: Boolean get() = next === this
* Iterates over all elements in this list of a specified type.
public actual inline fun <reified T : Node> forEach(block: (T) -> Unit) {
var cur: Node = next as Node
while (cur != this) {
if (cur is T) block(cur)
cur = cur.nextNode
// just a defensive programming -- makes sure that list head sentinel is never removed
public actual final override fun remove(): Boolean = error("head cannot be removed")
// optimization: because head is never removed, we don't have to read _next.value to check these:
override val isRemoved: Boolean get() = false
override fun nextIfRemoved(): Node? = null
internal fun validate() {
var prev: Node = this
var cur: Node = next as Node
while (cur != this) {
val next = cur.nextNode
cur.validateNode(prev, next)
prev = cur
cur = next
validateNode(prev, next as Node)