blob: 43b7e9de51f677efb9c4f160ab79e14ac1791ed3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.internal
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
public interface ThreadSafeHeapNode {
public var heap: ThreadSafeHeap<*>?
public var index: Int
* Synchronized binary heap.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
public open class ThreadSafeHeap<T> : SynchronizedObject() where T: ThreadSafeHeapNode, T: Comparable<T> {
private var a: Array<T?>? = null
private val _size = atomic(0)
public var size: Int
get() = _size.value
private set(value) { _size.value = value }
public val isEmpty: Boolean get() = size == 0
public fun clear(): Unit = synchronized(this) {
_size.value = 0
public fun peek(): T? = synchronized(this) { firstImpl() }
public fun removeFirstOrNull(): T? = synchronized(this) {
if (size > 0) {
} else {
// @Synchronized // NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! inline fun cannot be @Synchronized
public inline fun removeFirstIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? = synchronized(this) {
val first = firstImpl() ?: return null
if (predicate(first)) {
} else {
public fun addLast(node: T): Unit = synchronized(this) { addImpl(node) }
// @Synchronized // NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! inline fun cannot be @Synchronized
// Condition also receives current first node in the heap
public inline fun addLastIf(node: T, cond: (T?) -> Boolean): Boolean = synchronized(this) {
if (cond(firstImpl())) {
} else {
public fun remove(node: T): Boolean = synchronized(this) {
return if (node.heap == null) {
} else {
val index = node.index
assert { index >= 0 }
internal fun firstImpl(): T? = a?.get(0)
internal fun removeAtImpl(index: Int): T {
assert { size > 0 }
val a = this.a!!
if (index < size) {
swap(index, size)
val j = (index - 1) / 2
if (index > 0 && a[index]!! < a[j]!!) {
swap(index, j)
} else {
val result = a[size]!!
assert { result.heap === this }
result.heap = null
result.index = -1
a[size] = null
return result
internal fun addImpl(node: T) {
assert { node.heap == null }
node.heap = this
val a = realloc()
val i = size++
a[i] = node
node.index = i
private tailrec fun siftUpFrom(i: Int) {
if (i <= 0) return
val a = a!!
val j = (i - 1) / 2
if (a[j]!! <= a[i]!!) return
swap(i, j)
private tailrec fun siftDownFrom(i: Int) {
var j = 2 * i + 1
if (j >= size) return
val a = a!!
if (j + 1 < size && a[j + 1]!! < a[j]!!) j++
if (a[i]!! <= a[j]!!) return
swap(i, j)
private fun realloc(): Array<T?> {
val a = this.a
return when {
a == null -> (arrayOfNulls<ThreadSafeHeapNode>(4) as Array<T?>).also { this.a = it }
size >= a.size -> a.copyOf(size * 2).also { this.a = it }
else -> a
private fun swap(i: Int, j: Int) {
val a = a!!
val ni = a[j]!!
val nj = a[i]!!
a[i] = ni
a[j] = nj
ni.index = i
nj.index = j