blob: 614e9ead1e1bbf2227aca5fc9f1a9db1bbe4989b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.reactive
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.intrinsics.*
import org.reactivestreams.*
import java.util.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
* Transforms the given reactive [Publisher] into [Flow].
* Use [buffer] operator on the resulting flow to specify the size of the backpressure.
* More precisely, it specifies the value of the subscription's [request][Subscription.request].
* [buffer] default capacity is used by default.
* If any of the resulting flow transformations fails, subscription is immediately cancelled and all in-flight elements
* are discarded.
* This function is integrated with `ReactorContext` from `kotlinx-coroutines-reactor` module,
* see its documentation for additional details.
public fun <T : Any> Publisher<T>.asFlow(): Flow<T> =
* Transforms the given flow to a reactive specification compliant [Publisher].
* This function is integrated with `ReactorContext` from `kotlinx-coroutines-reactor` module,
* see its documentation for additional details.
* An optional [context] can be specified to control the execution context of calls to [Subscriber] methods.
* You can set a [CoroutineDispatcher] to confine them to a specific thread and/or various [ThreadContextElement] to
* inject additional context into the caller thread. By default, the [Unconfined][Dispatchers.Unconfined] dispatcher
* is used, so calls are performed from an arbitrary thread.
@JvmOverloads // binary compatibility
public fun <T : Any> Flow<T>.asPublisher(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext): Publisher<T> =
FlowAsPublisher(this, Dispatchers.Unconfined + context)
private class PublisherAsFlow<T : Any>(
private val publisher: Publisher<T>,
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
capacity: Int = Channel.BUFFERED,
onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.SUSPEND
) : ChannelFlow<T>(context, capacity, onBufferOverflow) {
override fun create(context: CoroutineContext, capacity: Int, onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow): ChannelFlow<T> =
PublisherAsFlow(publisher, context, capacity, onBufferOverflow)
* Suppress for Channel.CHANNEL_DEFAULT_CAPACITY.
* It's too counter-intuitive to be public and moving it to Flow companion
* will also create undesired effect.
private val requestSize: Long
get() =
if (onBufferOverflow != BufferOverflow.SUSPEND) {
Long.MAX_VALUE // request all, since buffering strategy is to never suspend
} else when (capacity) {
Channel.RENDEZVOUS -> 1L // need to request at least one anyway
Channel.UNLIMITED -> Long.MAX_VALUE // reactive streams way to say "give all", must be Long.MAX_VALUE
else -> capacity.toLong().also { check(it >= 1) }
override suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<T>) {
val collectContext = coroutineContext
val newDispatcher = context[ContinuationInterceptor]
if (newDispatcher == null || newDispatcher == collectContext[ContinuationInterceptor]) {
// fast path -- subscribe directly in this dispatcher
return collectImpl(collectContext + context, collector)
// slow path -- produce in a separate dispatcher
private suspend fun collectSlowPath(collector: FlowCollector<T>) {
coroutineScope {
collector.emitAll(produceImpl(this + context))
private suspend fun collectImpl(injectContext: CoroutineContext, collector: FlowCollector<T>) {
val subscriber = ReactiveSubscriber<T>(capacity, onBufferOverflow, requestSize)
// inject subscribe context into publisher
try {
var consumed = 0L
while (true) {
val value = subscriber.takeNextOrNull() ?: break
if (++consumed == requestSize) {
consumed = 0L
} finally {
// The second channel here is used for produceIn/broadcastIn and slow-path (dispatcher change)
override suspend fun collectTo(scope: ProducerScope<T>) =
collectImpl(scope.coroutineContext, SendingCollector(
private class ReactiveSubscriber<T : Any>(
capacity: Int,
onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow,
private val requestSize: Long
) : Subscriber<T> {
private lateinit var subscription: Subscription
// This implementation of ReactiveSubscriber always uses "offer" in its onNext implementation and it cannot
// be reliable with rendezvous channel, so a rendezvous channel is replaced with buffer=1 channel
private val channel = Channel<T>(if (capacity == Channel.RENDEZVOUS) 1 else capacity, onBufferOverflow)
suspend fun takeNextOrNull(): T? = channel.receiveOrNull()
override fun onNext(value: T) {
// Controlled by requestSize
require(channel.offer(value)) { "Element $value was not added to channel because it was full, $channel" }
override fun onComplete() {
override fun onError(t: Throwable?) {
override fun onSubscribe(s: Subscription) {
subscription = s
fun makeRequest() {
fun cancel() {
// ContextInjector service is implemented in `kotlinx-coroutines-reactor` module only.
// If `kotlinx-coroutines-reactor` module is not included, the list is empty.
private val contextInjectors: Array<ContextInjector> =
.toList().toTypedArray() // R8 opto
internal fun <T> Publisher<T>.injectCoroutineContext(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) =
contextInjectors.fold(this) { pub, contextInjector -> contextInjector.injectCoroutineContext(pub, coroutineContext) }
* Adapter that transforms [Flow] into TCK-complaint [Publisher].
* [cancel] invocation cancels the original flow.
private class FlowAsPublisher<T : Any>(
private val flow: Flow<T>,
private val context: CoroutineContext
) : Publisher<T> {
override fun subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<in T>?) {
if (subscriber == null) throw NullPointerException()
subscriber.onSubscribe(FlowSubscription(flow, subscriber, context))
/** @suppress */
public class FlowSubscription<T>(
@JvmField public val flow: Flow<T>,
@JvmField public val subscriber: Subscriber<in T>,
context: CoroutineContext
) : Subscription, AbstractCoroutine<Unit>(context, true) {
private val requested = atomic(0L)
private val producer = atomic<Continuation<Unit>?>(createInitialContinuation())
// This code wraps startCoroutineCancellable into continuation
private fun createInitialContinuation(): Continuation<Unit> = Continuation(coroutineContext) {
private suspend fun flowProcessing() {
try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
try {
if (e is CancellationException) {
} else {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
// Last ditch report
handleCoroutineException(coroutineContext, e)
* This method has at most one caller at any time (triggered from the `request` method)
private suspend fun consumeFlow() {
flow.collect { value ->
// Emit the value
// Suspend if needed before requesting the next value
if (requested.decrementAndGet() <= 0) {
suspendCancellableCoroutine<Unit> {
producer.value = it
} else {
// check for cancellation if we don't suspend
override fun cancel() {
override fun request(n: Long) {
if (n <= 0) return
val old = requested.getAndUpdate { value ->
val newValue = value + n
if (newValue <= 0L) Long.MAX_VALUE else newValue
if (old <= 0L) {
assert(old == 0L)
// Emitter is not started yet or has suspended -- spin on race with suspendCancellableCoroutine
while(true) {
val producer = producer.getAndSet(null) ?: continue // spin if not set yet