blob: 8c12ae5dff050425d839c37e0d7f0ee84c757c3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.NonCancellable.isActive
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.*
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
* A non-cancelable job that is always [active][isActive]. It is designed for [withContext] function
* to prevent cancellation of code blocks that need to be executed without cancellation.
* Use it like this:
* ```
* withContext(NonCancellable) {
* // this code will not be cancelled
* }
* ```
public object NonCancellable : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(Job), Job {
* Always returns `true`.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override val isActive: Boolean get() = true
* Always returns `false`.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override val isCompleted: Boolean get() = false
* Always returns `false`.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override val isCancelled: Boolean get() = false
* Always returns `false`.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override fun start(): Boolean = false
* Always throws [UnsupportedOperationException].
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override suspend fun join() {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("This job is always active")
* Always throws [UnsupportedOperationException].
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override val onJoin: SelectClause0
get() = throw UnsupportedOperationException("This job is always active")
* Always throws [IllegalStateException].
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override fun getCancellationException(): CancellationException = throw IllegalStateException("This job is always active")
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override fun invokeOnCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): DisposableHandle =
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
@Deprecated(message = "For binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
override fun invokeOnCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler, onCancelling: Boolean): DisposableHandle =
* Always returns no-op handle.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
@Deprecated(message = "Use with named `onCancellation` and `handler` parameters", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING,
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("this.invokeOnCompletion(onCancellation = onCancelling_, handler = handler)"))
override fun invokeOnCompletion(onCancelling_: Boolean, handler: CompletionHandler): DisposableHandle =
* Always returns no-op handle.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override fun invokeOnCompletion(onCancelling: Boolean, invokeImmediately: Boolean, handler: CompletionHandler): DisposableHandle =
* Always returns `false`.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override fun cancel(): Boolean = false
* Always returns `false`.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override fun cancel(cause: Throwable?): Boolean = false // never handles exceptions
* Always returns [emptySequence].
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override val children: Sequence<Job>
get() = emptySequence()
* Always returns [NonDisposableHandle] and does not do anything.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
override fun attachChild(child: ChildJob): ChildHandle = NonDisposableHandle
* Does not do anything.
* @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
@Deprecated(message = "Binary compatibility, it is an extension now", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
override fun cancelChildren(cause: Throwable?) {}