blob: bcadd7364e952860f00254c4cf751398239bc178 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
import org.gradle.api.*
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.*
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.*
import org.gradle.api.initialization.dsl.*
* Enabled via environment variable, so that it can be reliably accessed from any piece of the build script,
* including buildSrc within TeamCity CI.
private val cacheRedirectorEnabled = System.getenv("CACHE_REDIRECTOR")?.toBoolean() == true
* The list of repositories supported by cache redirector should be synced with the list at
* To add a repository to the list create an issue in ADM project (example issue
private val mirroredUrls = listOf(
private val aliases = mapOf(
"" to "" // Maven Central
private fun URI.toCacheRedirectorUri() = URI("$host/$path")
private fun URI.maybeRedirect(): URI? {
val url = toString().trimEnd('/')
val dealiasedUrl = aliases.getOrDefault(url, url)
return if (mirroredUrls.any { dealiasedUrl.startsWith(it) }) {
} else {
private fun URI.isCachedOrLocal() = scheme == "file" ||
host == "" ||
host == "" ||
host == ""
private fun Project.checkRedirectUrl(url: URI, containerName: String): URI {
val redirected = url.maybeRedirect()
if (redirected == null && !url.isCachedOrLocal()) {
val msg = "Repository $url in $containerName should be cached with cache-redirector"
val details = "Using non cached repository may lead to download failures in CI builds." +
" Check buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/CacheRedirector.kt for details."
logger.warn("WARNING - $msg\n$details")
return if (cacheRedirectorEnabled) redirected ?: url else url
private fun Project.checkRedirect(repositories: RepositoryHandler, containerName: String) {
if (cacheRedirectorEnabled) {"Redirecting repositories for $containerName")
for (repository in repositories) {
when (repository) {
is MavenArtifactRepository -> repository.url = checkRedirectUrl(repository.url, containerName)
is IvyArtifactRepository -> repository.url = checkRedirectUrl(repository.url, containerName)
// Used from Groovy scripts
object CacheRedirector {
* Substitutes repositories in buildScript { } block.
fun ScriptHandler.configureBuildScript(rootProject: Project) {
rootProject.checkRedirect(repositories, "${rootProject.displayName} buildscript")
* Substitutes repositories in a project.
fun Project.configure() {
checkRedirect(repositories, displayName)