blob: 29ce3d606ff3a95a0ae18d8241c2a03ad32bc389 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
ext.tasks_version = '16.0.1'
def artifactType = Attribute.of("artifactType", String)
def unpackedAar = Attribute.of("unpackedAar", Boolean)
configurations.all {
afterEvaluate {
if (canBeResolved) {
attributes.attribute(unpackedAar, true) // request all AARs to be unpacked
dependencies {
attributesSchema {
artifactTypes {
aar {
attributes.attribute(unpackedAar, false)
registerTransform(UnpackAar) {
from.attribute(unpackedAar, false).attribute(artifactType, "aar")
to.attribute(unpackedAar, true).attribute(artifactType, "jar")
api("$tasks_version") {
exclude group: ''
tasks.withType(dokka.getClass()) {
externalDocumentationLink {
url = new URL("")
// This is workaround for missing package list in Google API
packageListUrl = projectDir.toPath().resolve("package.list").toUri().toURL()