blob: 98a1c1ea7d3612352693dad41e2394f6ab5cb43b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
// Need InlineOnly for efficient bytecode on Android
package kotlinx.coroutines
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*
import kotlin.internal.InlineOnly
* Name of the property that controls coroutine debugging.
* ### Debugging facilities
* In debug mode every coroutine is assigned a unique consecutive identifier.
* Every thread that executes a coroutine has its name modified to include the name and identifier of
* the currently running coroutine.
* Enable debugging facilities with "`kotlinx.coroutines.debug`" ([DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME]) system property,
* use the following values:
* * "`auto`" (default mode, [DEBUG_PROPERTY_VALUE_AUTO]) -- enabled when assertions are enabled with "`-ea`" JVM option.
* * "`on`" ([DEBUG_PROPERTY_VALUE_ON]) or empty string -- enabled.
* * "`off`" ([DEBUG_PROPERTY_VALUE_OFF]) -- disabled.
* Coroutine name can be explicitly assigned using [CoroutineName] context element.
* The string "coroutine" is used as a default name.
* Debugging facilities are implemented by [newCoroutineContext][CoroutineScope.newCoroutineContext] function that
* is used in all coroutine builders to create context of a new coroutine.
public const val DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME = "kotlinx.coroutines.debug"
* Name of the boolean property that controls stacktrace recovery (enabled by default) on JVM.
* Stacktrace recovery is enabled if both debug and stacktrace recovery modes are enabled.
* Stacktrace recovery mode wraps every exception into the exception of the same type with original exception
* as cause, but with stacktrace of the current coroutine.
* Exception is instantiated using reflection by using no-arg, cause or cause and message constructor.
* This mechanism is currently supported for channels, [async], [launch], [coroutineScope], [supervisorScope]
* and [withContext] builders.
internal const val STACKTRACE_RECOVERY_PROPERTY_NAME = "kotlinx.coroutines.stacktrace.recovery"
* Throwable which can be cloned during stacktrace recovery in a class-specific way.
* For additional information about stacktrace recovery see [STACKTRACE_RECOVERY_PROPERTY_NAME]
* Example of usage:
* ```
* class BadResponseCodeException(val responseCode: Int) : Exception(), CopyableThrowable<BadResponseCodeException> {
* override fun createCopy(): BadResponseCodeException {
* val result = BadResponseCodeException(responseCode)
* result.initCause(this)
* return result
* }
* ```
public interface CopyableThrowable<T> where T : Throwable, T : CopyableThrowable<T> {
* Creates a copy of the current instance.
* For better debuggability, it is recommended to use original exception as [cause][Throwable.cause] of the resulting one.
* Stacktrace of copied exception will be overwritten by stacktrace recovery machinery by [Throwable.setStackTrace] call.
* An exception can opt-out of copying by returning `null` from this function.
public fun createCopy(): T?
* Automatic debug configuration value for [DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME].
public const val DEBUG_PROPERTY_VALUE_AUTO = "auto"
* Debug turned on value for [DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME].
public const val DEBUG_PROPERTY_VALUE_ON = "on"
* Debug turned on value for [DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME].
public const val DEBUG_PROPERTY_VALUE_OFF = "off"
// @JvmField: Don't use JvmField here to enable R8 optimizations via "assumenosideeffects"
// @JvmField: Don't use JvmField here to enable R8 optimizations via "assumenosideeffects"
internal actual val DEBUG = systemProp(DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME).let { value ->
when (value) {
else -> error("System property '$DEBUG_PROPERTY_NAME' has unrecognized value '$value'")
// Note: stack-trace recovery is enabled only in debug mode
// @JvmField: Don't use JvmField here to enable R8 optimizations via "assumenosideeffects"
internal actual val RECOVER_STACK_TRACES =
// It is used only in debug mode
internal val COROUTINE_ID = AtomicLong(0)
// for tests only
internal fun resetCoroutineId() {
internal actual inline fun assert(value: () -> Boolean) {
if (ASSERTIONS_ENABLED && !value()) throw AssertionError()