blob: ee52f4777549684f1a7a1bd4953b9f185822a469 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/third_party/icu/icu_utf.h"
namespace {
inline bool IsValidCodepoint(uint32 code_point) {
// Excludes the surrogate code points ([0xD800, 0xDFFF]) and
// codepoints larger than 0x10FFFF (the highest codepoint allowed).
// Non-characters and unassigned codepoints are allowed.
return code_point < 0xD800u ||
(code_point >= 0xE000u && code_point <= 0x10FFFFu);
// ReadUnicodeCharacter --------------------------------------------------------
// Reads a UTF-8 stream, placing the next code point into the given output
// |*code_point|. |src| represents the entire string to read, and |*char_index|
// is the character offset within the string to start reading at. |*char_index|
// will be updated to index the last character read, such that incrementing it
// (as in a for loop) will take the reader to the next character.
// Returns true on success. On false, |*code_point| will be invalid.
bool ReadUnicodeCharacter(const char* src, int32 src_len,
int32* char_index, uint32* code_point_out) {
// U8_NEXT expects to be able to use -1 to signal an error, so we must
// use a signed type for code_point. But this function returns false
// on error anyway, so code_point_out is unsigned.
int32 code_point;
CBU8_NEXT(src, *char_index, src_len, code_point);
*code_point_out = static_cast<uint32>(code_point);
// The ICU macro above moves to the next char, we want to point to the last
// char consumed.
// Validate the decoded value.
return IsValidCodepoint(code_point);
// Reads a UTF-16 character. The usage is the same as the 8-bit version above.
bool ReadUnicodeCharacter(const char16* src, int32 src_len,
int32* char_index, uint32* code_point) {
if (CBU16_IS_SURROGATE(src[*char_index])) {
if (!CBU16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(src[*char_index]) ||
*char_index + 1 >= src_len ||
!CBU16_IS_TRAIL(src[*char_index + 1])) {
// Invalid surrogate pair.
return false;
// Valid surrogate pair.
*code_point = CBU16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(src[*char_index],
src[*char_index + 1]);
} else {
// Not a surrogate, just one 16-bit word.
*code_point = src[*char_index];
return IsValidCodepoint(*code_point);
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
// Reads UTF-32 character. The usage is the same as the 8-bit version above.
bool ReadUnicodeCharacter(const wchar_t* src, int32 src_len,
int32* char_index, uint32* code_point) {
// Conversion is easy since the source is 32-bit.
*code_point = src[*char_index];
// Validate the value.
return IsValidCodepoint(*code_point);
#endif // defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
// WriteUnicodeCharacter -------------------------------------------------------
// Appends a UTF-8 character to the given 8-bit string. Returns the number of
// bytes written.
size_t WriteUnicodeCharacter(uint32 code_point, std::string* output) {
if (code_point <= 0x7f) {
// Fast path the common case of one byte.
return 1;
// CBU8_APPEND_UNSAFE can append up to 4 bytes.
size_t char_offset = output->length();
size_t original_char_offset = char_offset;
output->resize(char_offset + CBU8_MAX_LENGTH);
CBU8_APPEND_UNSAFE(&(*output)[0], char_offset, code_point);
// CBU8_APPEND_UNSAFE will advance our pointer past the inserted character, so
// it will represent the new length of the string.
return char_offset - original_char_offset;
// Appends the given code point as a UTF-16 character to the given 16-bit
// string. Returns the number of 16-bit values written.
size_t WriteUnicodeCharacter(uint32 code_point, string16* output) {
if (CBU16_LENGTH(code_point) == 1) {
// Thie code point is in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP).
return 1;
// Non-BMP characters use a double-character encoding.
size_t char_offset = output->length();
output->resize(char_offset + CBU16_MAX_LENGTH);
CBU16_APPEND_UNSAFE(&(*output)[0], char_offset, code_point);
return CBU16_MAX_LENGTH;
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
// Appends the given UTF-32 character to the given 32-bit string. Returns the
// number of 32-bit values written.
inline size_t WriteUnicodeCharacter(uint32 code_point, std::wstring* output) {
// This is the easy case, just append the character.
return 1;
#endif // defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
// Generalized Unicode converter -----------------------------------------------
// Converts the given source Unicode character type to the given destination
// Unicode character type as a STL string. The given input buffer and size
// determine the source, and the given output STL string will be replaced by
// the result.
template<typename SRC_CHAR, typename DEST_STRING>
bool ConvertUnicode(const SRC_CHAR* src,
size_t src_len,
DEST_STRING* output,
size_t* offset_for_adjustment) {
size_t output_offset =
(offset_for_adjustment && *offset_for_adjustment < src_len) ?
*offset_for_adjustment : DEST_STRING::npos;
// ICU requires 32-bit numbers.
bool success = true;
int32 src_len32 = static_cast<int32>(src_len);
for (int32 i = 0; i < src_len32; i++) {
uint32 code_point;
size_t original_i = i;
size_t chars_written = 0;
if (ReadUnicodeCharacter(src, src_len32, &i, &code_point)) {
chars_written = WriteUnicodeCharacter(code_point, output);
} else {
// TODO(jungshik): consider adding 'Replacement character' (U+FFFD)
// in place of an invalid codepoint.
success = false;
if ((output_offset != DEST_STRING::npos) &&
(*offset_for_adjustment > original_i)) {
// NOTE: ReadUnicodeCharacter() adjusts |i| to point _at_ the last
// character read, not after it (so that incrementing it in the loop
// increment will place it at the right location), so we need to account
// for that in determining the amount that was read.
if (*offset_for_adjustment <= static_cast<size_t>(i))
output_offset = DEST_STRING::npos;
output_offset += chars_written - (i - original_i + 1);
if (offset_for_adjustment)
*offset_for_adjustment = output_offset;
return success;
// Guesses the length of the output in UTF-8 in bytes, clears that output
// string, and reserves that amount of space. We assume that the input
// character types are unsigned, which will be true for UTF-16 and -32 on our
// systems.
template<typename CHAR>
void PrepareForUTF8Output(const CHAR* src,
size_t src_len,
std::string* output) {
if (src_len == 0)
if (src[0] < 0x80) {
// Assume that the entire input will be ASCII.
} else {
// Assume that the entire input is non-ASCII and will have 3 bytes per char.
output->reserve(src_len * 3);
// Prepares an output buffer (containing either UTF-16 or -32 data) given some
// UTF-8 input that will be converted to it. See PrepareForUTF8Output().
template<typename STRING>
void PrepareForUTF16Or32Output(const char* src,
size_t src_len,
STRING* output) {
if (src_len == 0)
if (static_cast<unsigned char>(src[0]) < 0x80) {
// Assume the input is all ASCII, which means 1:1 correspondence.
} else {
// Otherwise assume that the UTF-8 sequences will have 2 bytes for each
// character.
output->reserve(src_len / 2);
} // namespace
// UTF-8 <-> Wide --------------------------------------------------------------
bool WideToUTF8(const wchar_t* src, size_t src_len, std::string* output) {
PrepareForUTF8Output(src, src_len, output);
return ConvertUnicode<wchar_t, std::string>(src, src_len, output, NULL);
std::string WideToUTF8(const std::wstring& wide) {
std::string ret;
// Ignore the success flag of this call, it will do the best it can for
// invalid input, which is what we want here.
WideToUTF8(, wide.length(), &ret);
return ret;
bool UTF8ToWideAndAdjustOffset(const char* src,
size_t src_len,
std::wstring* output,
size_t* offset_for_adjustment) {
PrepareForUTF16Or32Output(src, src_len, output);
return ConvertUnicode<char, std::wstring>(src, src_len, output,
std::wstring UTF8ToWideAndAdjustOffset(const base::StringPiece& utf8,
size_t* offset_for_adjustment) {
std::wstring ret;
UTF8ToWideAndAdjustOffset(, utf8.length(), &ret,
return ret;
// UTF-16 <-> Wide -------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF16)
// When wide == UTF-16, then conversions are a NOP.
bool WideToUTF16(const wchar_t* src, size_t src_len, string16* output) {
output->assign(src, src_len);
return true;
string16 WideToUTF16(const std::wstring& wide) {
return wide;
bool UTF16ToWideAndAdjustOffset(const char16* src,
size_t src_len,
std::wstring* output,
size_t* offset_for_adjustment) {
output->assign(src, src_len);
if (offset_for_adjustment && (*offset_for_adjustment >= src_len))
*offset_for_adjustment = std::wstring::npos;
return true;
std::wstring UTF16ToWideAndAdjustOffset(const string16& utf16,
size_t* offset_for_adjustment) {
if (offset_for_adjustment && (*offset_for_adjustment >= utf16.length()))
*offset_for_adjustment = std::wstring::npos;
return utf16;
#elif defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
bool WideToUTF16(const wchar_t* src, size_t src_len, string16* output) {
// Assume that normally we won't have any non-BMP characters so the counts
// will be the same.
return ConvertUnicode<wchar_t, string16>(src, src_len, output, NULL);
string16 WideToUTF16(const std::wstring& wide) {
string16 ret;
WideToUTF16(, wide.length(), &ret);
return ret;
bool UTF16ToWideAndAdjustOffset(const char16* src,
size_t src_len,
std::wstring* output,
size_t* offset_for_adjustment) {
// Assume that normally we won't have any non-BMP characters so the counts
// will be the same.
return ConvertUnicode<char16, std::wstring>(src, src_len, output,
std::wstring UTF16ToWideAndAdjustOffset(const string16& utf16,
size_t* offset_for_adjustment) {
std::wstring ret;
UTF16ToWideAndAdjustOffset(, utf16.length(), &ret,
return ret;
#endif // defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
// UTF16 <-> UTF8 --------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
bool UTF8ToUTF16(const char* src, size_t src_len, string16* output) {
PrepareForUTF16Or32Output(src, src_len, output);
return ConvertUnicode<char, string16>(src, src_len, output, NULL);
string16 UTF8ToUTF16(const std::string& utf8) {
string16 ret;
// Ignore the success flag of this call, it will do the best it can for
// invalid input, which is what we want here.
UTF8ToUTF16(, utf8.length(), &ret);
return ret;
bool UTF16ToUTF8(const char16* src, size_t src_len, std::string* output) {
PrepareForUTF8Output(src, src_len, output);
return ConvertUnicode<char16, std::string>(src, src_len, output, NULL);
std::string UTF16ToUTF8(const string16& utf16) {
std::string ret;
// Ignore the success flag of this call, it will do the best it can for
// invalid input, which is what we want here.
UTF16ToUTF8(, utf16.length(), &ret);
return ret;
#elif defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF16)
// Easy case since we can use the "wide" versions we already wrote above.
bool UTF8ToUTF16(const char* src, size_t src_len, string16* output) {
return UTF8ToWide(src, src_len, output);
string16 UTF8ToUTF16(const std::string& utf8) {
return UTF8ToWide(utf8);
bool UTF16ToUTF8(const char16* src, size_t src_len, std::string* output) {
return WideToUTF8(src, src_len, output);
std::string UTF16ToUTF8(const string16& utf16) {
return WideToUTF8(utf16);