blob: e70ab1adc046062a975e17f11ff0f1b4ac08c5d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// FieldTrial is a class for handling details of statistical experiments
// performed by actual users in the field (i.e., in a shipped or beta product).
// All code is called exclusively on the UI thread currently.
// The simplest example is a test to see whether one of two options produces
// "better" results across our user population. In that scenario, UMA data
// is uploaded to show the test results, and this class manages the state of
// each such test (state == which option was pseudo-randomly selected).
// States are typically generated randomly, either based on a one time
// randomization (reused during each run of the program), or by a startup
// randomization (keeping that tests state constant across a run), or by
// continuous randomization across a run.
// Only startup randomization is implemented (thus far).
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time.h"
class FieldTrial : public base::RefCounted<FieldTrial> {
// Constructor for a 2-state (boolean) trial.
// The name is used to register the instance with the FieldTrialList class,
// and can be used to find the trial (only one trial can be present for each
// name) using the Find() method.
// The probability is a number in the range [0, 1], and is the likliehood that
// the assigned boolean value will be true.
FieldTrial(const std::wstring& name, double probability);
// Return the selected boolean value.
bool boolean_value() const { return boolean_value_; }
std::wstring name() const { return name_; }
const std::wstring name_;
bool boolean_value_;
// Class with a list of all active field trials. A trial is active if it has
// been registered, which includes evaluating its state based on its probaility.
// Only one instance of this class exists.
class FieldTrialList : NonThreadSafe {
// This singleton holds the global list of registered FieldTrials.
// Destructor Release()'s references to all registered FieldTrial instances.
// Register() stores a pointer to the given trial in a global map.
// This method also AddRef's the indicated trial.
static void Register(FieldTrial* trial);
// The Find() method can be used to test to see if a named Trial was already
// registered, or to retrieve a pointer to it from the global map.
static FieldTrial* Find(const std::wstring& name);
// The time of construction of the global map is recorded in a static variable
// and is commonly used by experiments to identify the time since the start
// of the application. In some experiments it may be useful to discount
// data that is gathered before the application has reach sufficient
// stability (example: most DLL have loaded, etc.)
static Time application_start_time() {
return global_->application_start_time_;
typedef std::map<std::wstring, FieldTrial*> RegistrationList;
friend class FieldTrialTest;
static void ResetConstructorCountForTestingOnly() { constructor_count_ = 0; }
static FieldTrialList* global_; // The singleton of this class.
static int constructor_count_; // Prevent having more than one.
Time application_start_time_;
RegistrationList registered_;