blob: 8ae0a2b264115516c8a9f50c0e73134ed3a1129b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a cross platform interface for helper functions related to debuggers.
// You should use this to test if you're running under a debugger, and if you
// would like to yield (breakpoint) into the debugger.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include <vector>
// A stacktrace can be helpful in debugging. For example, you can include a
// stacktrace member in a object (probably around #ifndef NDEBUG) so that you
// can later see where the given object was created from.
class StackTrace {
// Create a stacktrace from the current location
// Get an array of instruction pointer values.
// count: (output) the number of elements in the returned array
const void *const *Addresses(size_t* count);
// Print a backtrace to stderr
void PrintBacktrace();
std::vector<void*> trace_;
class DebugUtil {
// Starts the registered system-wide JIT debugger to attach it to specified
// process.
static bool SpawnDebuggerOnProcess(unsigned process_id);
// Waits wait_seconds seconds for a debugger to attach to the current process.
// When silent is false, an exception is thrown when a debugger is detected.
static bool WaitForDebugger(int wait_seconds, bool silent);
// Are we running under a debugger?
// On OS X, the underlying mechanism doesn't work when the sandbox is enabled.
// To get around this, this function caches it's value.
// WARNING: Because of this, on OS X, a call MUST be made to this function
// BEFORE the sandbox is enabled.
static bool BeingDebugged();
// Break into the debugger, assumes a debugger is present.
static void BreakDebugger();
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// On OS X, it can take a really long time for the OS Crash handler to
// process a Chrome crash. This translates into a long wait till the process
// actually dies.
// This method disables OS Crash reporting entireley.
// TODO(playmobil): Remove this when we have Breakpad integration enabled -
// see
static void DisableOSCrashDumps();
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
#endif // BASE_DEBUG_UTIL_H_