blob: 9c6233a0bb3439e2f2f806125630859278e0c3b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines utility functions for escaping strings.
#include "base/string16.h"
namespace string_escape {
// Escape |str| appropriately for a javascript string litereal, _appending_ the
// result to |dst|. This will create standard escape sequences (\b, \n),
// hex escape sequences (\x00), and unicode escape sequences (\uXXXX).
// If |put_in_quotes| is true, the result will be surrounded in double quotes.
// The outputted literal, when interpreted by the browser, should result in a
// javascript string that is identical and the same length as the input |str|.
void JavascriptDoubleQuote(const string16& str,
bool put_in_quotes,
std::string* dst);
// Similar to the wide version, but for narrow strings. It will not use
// \uXXXX unicode escape sequences. It will pass non-7bit characters directly
// into the string unencoded, allowing the browser to interpret the encoding.
// The outputted literal, when interpreted by the browser, could result in a
// javascript string of a different length than the input |str|.
void JavascriptDoubleQuote(const std::string& str,
bool put_in_quotes,
std::string* dst);
} // namespace string_escape