blob: 60ac015af5c251e9c3d36ec2e814f70a86a53ed8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains intentional memory errors, some of which may lead to
// crashes if the test is ran without special memory testing tools. We use these
// errors to verify the sanity of the tools.
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace base {
namespace {
const base::subtle::Atomic32 kMagicValue = 42;
// Helper for memory accesses that can potentially corrupt memory or cause a
// crash during a native run.
#define HARMFUL_ACCESS(action,error_regexp) EXPECT_DEATH(action,error_regexp)
#define HARMFUL_ACCESS(action,error_regexp) \
do { if (RunningOnValgrind()) { action; } } while (0)
void ReadUninitializedValue(char *ptr) {
// The || in the conditional is to prevent clang from optimizing away the
// jump -- valgrind only catches jumps and conditional moves, but clang uses
// the borrow flag if the condition is just `*ptr == '\0'`.
if (*ptr == '\0' || *ptr == 64) {
} else {
void ReadValueOutOfArrayBoundsLeft(char *ptr) {
char c = ptr[-2];
VLOG(1) << "Reading a byte out of bounds: " << c;
void ReadValueOutOfArrayBoundsRight(char *ptr, size_t size) {
char c = ptr[size + 1];
VLOG(1) << "Reading a byte out of bounds: " << c;
// This is harmless if you run it under Valgrind thanks to redzones.
void WriteValueOutOfArrayBoundsLeft(char *ptr) {
ptr[-1] = kMagicValue;
// This is harmless if you run it under Valgrind thanks to redzones.
void WriteValueOutOfArrayBoundsRight(char *ptr, size_t size) {
ptr[size] = kMagicValue;
void MakeSomeErrors(char *ptr, size_t size) {
"heap-buffer-overflow.*2 bytes to the left");
HARMFUL_ACCESS(ReadValueOutOfArrayBoundsRight(ptr, size),
"heap-buffer-overflow.*1 bytes to the right");
"heap-buffer-overflow.*1 bytes to the left");
HARMFUL_ACCESS(WriteValueOutOfArrayBoundsRight(ptr, size),
"heap-buffer-overflow.*0 bytes to the right");
} // namespace
// A memory leak detector should report an error in this test.
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, MemoryLeak) {
// Without the |volatile|, clang optimizes away the next two lines.
int* volatile leak = new int[256]; // Leak some memory intentionally.
leak[4] = 1; // Make sure the allocated memory is used.
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, AccessesToNewMemory) {
char *foo = new char[10];
MakeSomeErrors(foo, 10);
delete [] foo;
// Use after delete.
HARMFUL_ACCESS(foo[5] = 0, "heap-use-after-free");
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, AccessesToMallocMemory) {
char *foo = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(10));
MakeSomeErrors(foo, 10);
// Use after free.
HARMFUL_ACCESS(foo[5] = 0, "heap-use-after-free");
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, ArrayDeletedWithoutBraces) {
// This test may corrupt memory if not run under Valgrind or compiled with
// AddressSanitizer.
if (!RunningOnValgrind())
// Without the |volatile|, clang optimizes away the next two lines.
int* volatile foo = new int[10];
delete foo;
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, SingleElementDeletedWithBraces) {
// This test may corrupt memory if not run under Valgrind or compiled with
// AddressSanitizer.
if (!RunningOnValgrind())
// Without the |volatile|, clang optimizes away the next two lines.
int* volatile foo = new int;
(void) foo;
delete [] foo;
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, DISABLED_AddressSanitizerNullDerefCrashTest) {
// Intentionally crash to make sure AddressSanitizer is running.
// This test should not be ran on bots.
int* volatile zero = NULL;
*zero = 0;
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, DISABLED_AddressSanitizerLocalOOBCrashTest) {
// Intentionally crash to make sure AddressSanitizer is instrumenting
// the local variables.
// This test should not be ran on bots.
int array[5];
// Work around the OOB warning reported by Clang.
int* volatile access = &array[5];
*access = 43;
namespace {
int g_asan_test_global_array[10];
} // namespace
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, DISABLED_AddressSanitizerGlobalOOBCrashTest) {
// Intentionally crash to make sure AddressSanitizer is instrumenting
// the global variables.
// This test should not be ran on bots.
// Work around the OOB warning reported by Clang.
int* volatile access = g_asan_test_global_array - 1;
*access = 43;
namespace {
// We use caps here just to ensure that the method name doesn't interfere with
// the wildcarded suppressions.
class TOOLS_SANITY_TEST_CONCURRENT_THREAD : public PlatformThread::Delegate {
explicit TOOLS_SANITY_TEST_CONCURRENT_THREAD(bool *value) : value_(value) {}
void ThreadMain() {
*value_ = true;
// Sleep for a few milliseconds so the two threads are more likely to live
// simultaneously. Otherwise we may miss the report due to mutex
// lock/unlock's inside thread creation code in pure-happens-before mode...
bool *value_;
class ReleaseStoreThread : public PlatformThread::Delegate {
explicit ReleaseStoreThread(base::subtle::Atomic32 *value) : value_(value) {}
~ReleaseStoreThread() {}
void ThreadMain() {
base::subtle::Release_Store(value_, kMagicValue);
// Sleep for a few milliseconds so the two threads are more likely to live
// simultaneously. Otherwise we may miss the report due to mutex
// lock/unlock's inside thread creation code in pure-happens-before mode...
base::subtle::Atomic32 *value_;
class AcquireLoadThread : public PlatformThread::Delegate {
explicit AcquireLoadThread(base::subtle::Atomic32 *value) : value_(value) {}
~AcquireLoadThread() {}
void ThreadMain() {
// Wait for the other thread to make Release_Store
base::subtle::Atomic32 *value_;
void RunInParallel(PlatformThread::Delegate *d1, PlatformThread::Delegate *d2) {
PlatformThreadHandle a;
PlatformThreadHandle b;
PlatformThread::Create(0, d1, &a);
PlatformThread::Create(0, d2, &b);
} // namespace
// A data race detector should report an error in this test.
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, DataRace) {
bool shared = false;
TOOLS_SANITY_TEST_CONCURRENT_THREAD thread1(&shared), thread2(&shared);
RunInParallel(&thread1, &thread2);
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, AnnotateBenignRace) {
bool shared = false;
ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(&shared, "Intentional race - make sure doesn't show up");
TOOLS_SANITY_TEST_CONCURRENT_THREAD thread1(&shared), thread2(&shared);
RunInParallel(&thread1, &thread2);
TEST(ToolsSanityTest, AtomicsAreIgnored) {
base::subtle::Atomic32 shared = 0;
ReleaseStoreThread thread1(&shared);
AcquireLoadThread thread2(&shared);
RunInParallel(&thread1, &thread2);
EXPECT_EQ(kMagicValue, shared);
} // namespace base