blob: af73c0183d993d5c27504a4c1b68ee929600e24c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
class CommandLine;
namespace base {
class SequencedWorkerPoolOwner;
// Launches child gtest process in parallel. Keeps track of running processes,
// prints a message in case no output is produced for a while.
class ParallelTestLauncher {
// Constructor. |jobs| is the maximum number of tests launched in parallel.
explicit ParallelTestLauncher(size_t jobs);
// Callback called after a child process finishes. First argument is the exit
// code, second one is child process elapsed time, third one is true if
// the child process was terminated because of a timeout, and fourth one
// contains output of the child (stdout and stderr together).
typedef Callback<void(int, const TimeDelta&, bool, const std::string&)>
// Launches a child process (assumed to be gtest-based binary) using
// |command_line|. If |wrapper| is not empty, it is prepended to the final
// command line. If the child process is still running after |timeout|, it
// is terminated. After the child process finishes |callback| is called
// on the same thread this method was called.
void LaunchChildGTestProcess(const CommandLine& command_line,
const std::string& wrapper,
base::TimeDelta timeout,
const LaunchChildGTestProcessCallback& callback);
// Resets the output watchdog, indicating some test results have been printed
// out. If a pause between the calls exceeds an internal treshold, a message
// will be printed listing all child processes we're still waiting for.
void ResetOutputWatchdog();
// Called on a worker thread after a child process finishes.
void OnLaunchTestProcessFinished(
size_t sequence_number,
const LaunchChildGTestProcessCallback& callback,
int exit_code,
const TimeDelta& elapsed_time,
bool was_timeout,
const std::string& output);
// Called by the delay timer when no output was made for a while.
void OnOutputTimeout();
// Make sure we don't accidentally call the wrong methods e.g. on the worker
// pool thread. With lots of callbacks used this is non-trivial.
// Should be the first member so that it's destroyed last: when destroying
// other members, especially the worker pool, we may check the code is running
// on the correct thread.
ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// Watchdog timer to make sure we do not go without output for too long.
DelayTimer<ParallelTestLauncher> timer_;
// Monotonically increasing sequence number to uniquely identify each
// launched child process.
size_t launch_sequence_number_;
// Map of currently running child processes, keyed by the sequence number.
typedef std::map<size_t, CommandLine> RunningProcessesMap;
RunningProcessesMap running_processes_map_;
// Worker pool used to launch processes in parallel.
scoped_ptr<SequencedWorkerPoolOwner> worker_pool_owner_;
} // namespace base