blob: 7460fe09a66319242d56bc8a6b328af591f22c99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef BASE_SYS_INFO_H_
#define BASE_SYS_INFO_H_
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include <string>
class FilePath;
namespace base {
class SysInfo {
// Return the number of logical processors/cores on the current machine.
static int NumberOfProcessors();
// Return the number of bytes of physical memory on the current machine.
static int64 AmountOfPhysicalMemory();
// Return the number of megabytes of physical memory on the current machine.
static int AmountOfPhysicalMemoryMB() {
return static_cast<int>(AmountOfPhysicalMemory() / 1024 / 1024);
// Return the available disk space in bytes on the volume containing |path|,
// or -1 on failure.
static int64 AmountOfFreeDiskSpace(const FilePath& path);
// Return true if the given environment variable is defined.
// TODO: find a better place for HasEnvVar.
static bool HasEnvVar(const wchar_t* var);
// Return the value of the given environment variable
// or an empty string if not defined.
// TODO: find a better place for GetEnvVar.
static std::wstring GetEnvVar(const wchar_t* var);
// Returns the name of the host operating system.
static std::string OperatingSystemName();
// Returns the version of the host operating system.
static std::string OperatingSystemVersion();
// Retrieves detailed numeric values for the OS version.
// TODO(port): Implement a Linux version of this method and enable the
// corresponding unit test.
static void OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(int32 *major_version,
int32 *minor_version,
int32 *bugfix_version);
// Returns the CPU architecture of the system. Exact return value may differ
// across platforms.
static std::string CPUArchitecture();
// Returns the pixel dimensions of the primary display via the
// width and height parameters.
static void GetPrimaryDisplayDimensions(int* width, int* height);
// Return the number of displays.
static int DisplayCount();
// Return the smallest amount of memory (in bytes) which the VM system will
// allocate.
static size_t VMAllocationGranularity();
#if defined(OS_LINUX)
// Returns the maximum SysV shared memory segment size.
static size_t MaxSharedMemorySize();
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Returns the name of the version entry we wish to look up in the
// Linux Standard Base release information file.
static std::string GetLinuxStandardBaseVersionKey();
// Parses /etc/lsb-release to get version information for Google Chrome OS.
// Declared here so it can be exposed for unit testing.
static void ParseLsbRelease(const std::string& lsb_release,
int32 *major_version,
int32 *minor_version,
int32 *bugfix_version);
} // namespace base
#endif // BASE_SYS_INFO_H_