blob: 54f05b0954327dfdc2c91404a77b7973b079f58c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/string_piece.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file contains no "wstring" variants. New code should use string16. If
// you need to make old code work, use the UTF8 version and convert. Please do
// not add wstring variants.
// Please do not add "convenience" functions for converting strings to integers
// that return the value and ignore success/failure. That encourages people to
// write code that doesn't properly handle the error conditions.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace base {
// Number -> string conversions ------------------------------------------------
BASE_EXPORT std::string IntToString(int value);
BASE_EXPORT string16 IntToString16(int value);
BASE_EXPORT std::string UintToString(unsigned value);
BASE_EXPORT string16 UintToString16(unsigned value);
BASE_EXPORT std::string Int64ToString(int64 value);
BASE_EXPORT string16 Int64ToString16(int64 value);
BASE_EXPORT std::string Uint64ToString(uint64 value);
BASE_EXPORT string16 Uint64ToString16(uint64 value);
// DoubleToString converts the double to a string format that ignores the
// locale. If you want to use locale specific formatting, use ICU.
BASE_EXPORT std::string DoubleToString(double value);
// String -> number conversions ------------------------------------------------
// Perform a best-effort conversion of the input string to a numeric type,
// setting |*output| to the result of the conversion. Returns true for
// "perfect" conversions; returns false in the following cases:
// - Overflow/underflow. |*output| will be set to the maximum value supported
// by the data type.
// - Trailing characters in the string after parsing the number. |*output|
// will be set to the value of the number that was parsed.
// - Leading whitespace in the string before parsing the number. |*output| will
// be set to the value of the number that was parsed.
// - No characters parseable as a number at the beginning of the string.
// |*output| will be set to 0.
// - Empty string. |*output| will be set to 0.
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToInt(const StringPiece& input, int* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToInt(const StringPiece16& input, int* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToUint(const StringPiece& input, unsigned* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToUint(const StringPiece16& input, unsigned* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToInt64(const StringPiece& input, int64* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToInt64(const StringPiece16& input, int64* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToUint64(const StringPiece& input, uint64* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToUint64(const StringPiece16& input, uint64* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToSizeT(const StringPiece& input, size_t* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToSizeT(const StringPiece16& input, size_t* output);
// For floating-point conversions, only conversions of input strings in decimal
// form are defined to work. Behavior with strings representing floating-point
// numbers in hexadecimal, and strings representing non-fininte values (such as
// NaN and inf) is undefined. Otherwise, these behave the same as the integral
// variants. This expects the input string to NOT be specific to the locale.
// If your input is locale specific, use ICU to read the number.
BASE_EXPORT bool StringToDouble(const std::string& input, double* output);
// Hex encoding ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a hex string representation of a binary buffer. The returned hex
// string will be in upper case. This function does not check if |size| is
// within reasonable limits since it's written with trusted data in mind. If
// you suspect that the data you want to format might be large, the absolute
// max size for |size| should be is
// std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2
BASE_EXPORT std::string HexEncode(const void* bytes, size_t size);
// Best effort conversion, see StringToInt above for restrictions.
BASE_EXPORT bool HexStringToInt(const StringPiece& input, int* output);
// Similar to the previous functions, except that output is a vector of bytes.
// |*output| will contain as many bytes as were successfully parsed prior to the
// error. There is no overflow, but input.size() must be evenly divisible by 2.
// Leading 0x or +/- are not allowed.
BASE_EXPORT bool HexStringToBytes(const std::string& input,
std::vector<uint8>* output);
} // namespace base