blob: 3dbf1a1ac42afd21072620dd987abbd41c60ddb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_pump.h"
#include "base/message_pump_glib.h"
#include "base/message_pump_dispatcher.h"
#include "base/message_pump_observer.h"
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
// It would be nice to include the X11 headers here so that we use Window
// instead of its typedef of unsigned long, but we can't because everything in
// chrome includes us through base/message_loop.h, and X11's crappy #define
// heavy headers muck up half of chrome.
typedef struct _GPollFD GPollFD;
typedef struct _GSource GSource;
typedef struct _XDisplay Display;
namespace base {
// This class implements a message-pump for dispatching X events.
// If there's a current dispatcher given through RunWithDispatcher(), that
// dispatcher receives events. Otherwise, we route to messages to dispatchers
// who have subscribed to messages from a specific X11 window.
class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpAuraX11 : public MessagePumpGlib,
public MessagePumpDispatcher {
// Returns default X Display.
static Display* GetDefaultXDisplay();
// Returns true if the system supports XINPUT2.
static bool HasXInput2();
// Returns the UI message pump.
static MessagePumpAuraX11* Current();
// Adds/Removes |dispatcher| for the |xid|. This will route all messages from
// the window |xid| to |dispatcher.
void AddDispatcherForWindow(MessagePumpDispatcher* dispatcher,
unsigned long xid);
void RemoveDispatcherForWindow(unsigned long xid);
// Adds/Removes |dispatcher| to receive all events sent to the X root
// window. A root window can have multiple dispatchers, and events on root
// windows will be dispatched to all.
void AddDispatcherForRootWindow(MessagePumpDispatcher* dispatcher);
void RemoveDispatcherForRootWindow(MessagePumpDispatcher* dispatcher);
// Internal function. Called by the glib source dispatch function. Processes
// all available X events.
bool DispatchXEvents();
// Blocks on the X11 event queue until we receive notification from the
// xserver that |w| has been mapped; StructureNotifyMask events on |w| are
// pulled out from the queue and dispatched out of order.
// For those that know X11, this is really a wrapper around XWindowEvent
// which still makes sure the preempted event is dispatched instead of
// dropped on the floor. This method exists because mapping a window is
// asynchronous (and we receive an XEvent when mapped), while there are also
// functions which require a mapped window.
void BlockUntilWindowMapped(unsigned long xid);
virtual ~MessagePumpAuraX11();
typedef std::map<unsigned long, MessagePumpDispatcher*> DispatchersMap;
typedef std::vector<MessagePumpDispatcher*> Dispatchers;
// Initializes the glib event source for X.
void InitXSource();
// Dispatches the XEvent and returns true if we should exit the current loop
// of message processing.
bool ProcessXEvent(MessagePumpDispatcher* dispatcher, XEvent* event);
// Sends the event to the observers. If an observer returns true, then it does
// not send the event to any other observers and returns true. Returns false
// if no observer returns true.
bool WillProcessXEvent(XEvent* xevent);
void DidProcessXEvent(XEvent* xevent);
// Returns the Dispatcher based on the event's target window.
MessagePumpDispatcher* GetDispatcherForXEvent(
const base::NativeEvent& xev) const;
// Overridden from MessagePumpDispatcher:
virtual bool Dispatch(const base::NativeEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
// The event source for X events.
GSource* x_source_;
// The poll attached to |x_source_|.
scoped_ptr<GPollFD> x_poll_;
DispatchersMap dispatchers_;
Dispatchers root_window_dispatchers_;
unsigned long x_root_window_;
typedef MessagePumpAuraX11 MessagePumpForUI;
} // namespace base