| # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # Essential components (and their tests) that are needed to build |
| # Chrome should be here. Other components that are useful only in |
| # Mojo land like mojo_shell should be in mojo.gyp. |
| { |
| 'includes': [ |
| 'mojo_public.gypi', |
| 'mojo_public_tests.gypi', |
| 'mojo_variables.gypi', |
| ], |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_base', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'mojo_common_lib', |
| 'mojo_common_unittests', |
| 'mojo_cpp_bindings', |
| 'mojo_js_bindings', |
| 'mojo_js_unittests', |
| 'mojo_message_generator', |
| 'mojo_public_application_unittests', |
| 'mojo_public_test_utils', |
| 'mojo_public_bindings_unittests', |
| 'mojo_public_environment_unittests', |
| 'mojo_public_system_perftests', |
| 'mojo_public_system_unittests', |
| 'mojo_public_utility_unittests', |
| 'mojo_system', |
| 'mojo_system_impl', |
| 'mojo_system_unittests', |
| 'mojo_utility', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS == "android"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'mojo_bindings_java', |
| 'mojo_public_java', |
| 'mojo_system_java', |
| 'libmojo_system_java', |
| 'mojo_test_apk', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ] |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_none', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_run_all_unittests', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| 'mojo_system_impl', |
| 'mojo_test_support', |
| 'mojo_test_support_impl', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'common/test/run_all_unittests.cc', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_run_all_perftests', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| 'mojo_system_impl', |
| 'mojo_test_support', |
| 'mojo_test_support_impl', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'common/test/run_all_perftests.cc', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # GN version: //mojo/system |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_system_impl', |
| 'type': '<(component)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'embedder/channel_init.cc', |
| 'embedder/channel_init.h', |
| 'embedder/embedder.cc', |
| 'embedder/embedder.h', |
| 'embedder/platform_channel_pair.cc', |
| 'embedder/platform_channel_pair.h', |
| 'embedder/platform_channel_pair_posix.cc', |
| 'embedder/platform_channel_pair_win.cc', |
| 'embedder/platform_channel_utils_posix.cc', |
| 'embedder/platform_channel_utils_posix.h', |
| 'embedder/platform_handle.cc', |
| 'embedder/platform_handle.h', |
| 'embedder/platform_handle_utils.h', |
| 'embedder/platform_handle_utils_posix.cc', |
| 'embedder/platform_handle_utils_win.cc', |
| 'embedder/platform_handle_vector.h', |
| 'embedder/platform_shared_buffer.h', |
| 'embedder/platform_support.h', |
| 'embedder/scoped_platform_handle.h', |
| 'embedder/simple_platform_shared_buffer.cc', |
| 'embedder/simple_platform_shared_buffer.h', |
| 'embedder/simple_platform_shared_buffer_posix.cc', |
| 'embedder/simple_platform_shared_buffer_win.cc', |
| 'embedder/simple_platform_support.cc', |
| 'embedder/simple_platform_support.h', |
| 'system/channel.cc', |
| 'system/channel.h', |
| 'system/constants.h', |
| 'system/core.cc', |
| 'system/core.h', |
| 'system/data_pipe.cc', |
| 'system/data_pipe.h', |
| 'system/data_pipe_consumer_dispatcher.cc', |
| 'system/data_pipe_consumer_dispatcher.h', |
| 'system/data_pipe_producer_dispatcher.cc', |
| 'system/data_pipe_producer_dispatcher.h', |
| 'system/dispatcher.cc', |
| 'system/dispatcher.h', |
| 'system/entrypoints.cc', |
| 'system/handle_signals_state.h', |
| 'system/handle_table.cc', |
| 'system/handle_table.h', |
| 'system/local_data_pipe.cc', |
| 'system/local_data_pipe.h', |
| 'system/local_message_pipe_endpoint.cc', |
| 'system/local_message_pipe_endpoint.h', |
| 'system/mapping_table.cc', |
| 'system/mapping_table.h', |
| 'system/memory.cc', |
| 'system/memory.h', |
| 'system/message_in_transit.cc', |
| 'system/message_in_transit.h', |
| 'system/message_in_transit_queue.cc', |
| 'system/message_in_transit_queue.h', |
| 'system/message_pipe.cc', |
| 'system/message_pipe.h', |
| 'system/message_pipe_dispatcher.cc', |
| 'system/message_pipe_dispatcher.h', |
| 'system/message_pipe_endpoint.cc', |
| 'system/message_pipe_endpoint.h', |
| 'system/options_validation.h', |
| 'system/platform_handle_dispatcher.cc', |
| 'system/platform_handle_dispatcher.h', |
| 'system/proxy_message_pipe_endpoint.cc', |
| 'system/proxy_message_pipe_endpoint.h', |
| 'system/raw_channel.cc', |
| 'system/raw_channel.h', |
| 'system/raw_channel_posix.cc', |
| 'system/raw_channel_win.cc', |
| 'system/shared_buffer_dispatcher.cc', |
| 'system/shared_buffer_dispatcher.h', |
| 'system/simple_dispatcher.cc', |
| 'system/simple_dispatcher.h', |
| 'system/transport_data.cc', |
| 'system/transport_data.h', |
| 'system/waiter.cc', |
| 'system/waiter.h', |
| 'system/waiter_list.cc', |
| 'system/waiter_list.h', |
| # Test-only code: |
| # TODO(vtl): It's a little unfortunate that these end up in the same |
| # component as non-test-only code. In the static build, this code should |
| # hopefully be dead-stripped. |
| 'embedder/test_embedder.cc', |
| 'embedder/test_embedder.h', |
| ], |
| 'all_dependent_settings': { |
| # Ensures that dependent projects import the core functions on Windows. |
| 'defines': ['MOJO_USE_SYSTEM_IMPL'], |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_system_unittests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| 'mojo_common_test_support', |
| 'mojo_system_impl', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'embedder/embedder_unittest.cc', |
| 'embedder/platform_channel_pair_posix_unittest.cc', |
| 'embedder/simple_platform_shared_buffer_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/channel_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/core_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/core_test_base.cc', |
| 'system/core_test_base.h', |
| 'system/data_pipe_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/dispatcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/local_data_pipe_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/memory_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/message_pipe_dispatcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/message_pipe_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/multiprocess_message_pipe_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/options_validation_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/platform_handle_dispatcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/raw_channel_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/remote_message_pipe_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/run_all_unittests.cc', |
| 'system/shared_buffer_dispatcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/simple_dispatcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/test_utils.cc', |
| 'system/test_utils.h', |
| 'system/waiter_list_unittest.cc', |
| 'system/waiter_test_utils.cc', |
| 'system/waiter_test_utils.h', |
| 'system/waiter_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_test_support_impl', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'common/test/test_support_impl.cc', |
| 'common/test/test_support_impl.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # GN version: //mojo/common |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_common_lib', |
| 'type': '<(component)', |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../url/url.gyp:url_lib', |
| '../base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations', |
| '<(mojo_system_for_component)', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| '../base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'common/common_type_converters.cc', |
| 'common/common_type_converters.h', |
| 'common/data_pipe_utils.cc', |
| 'common/data_pipe_utils.h', |
| 'common/handle_watcher.cc', |
| 'common/handle_watcher.h', |
| 'common/message_pump_mojo.cc', |
| 'common/message_pump_mojo.h', |
| 'common/message_pump_mojo_handler.h', |
| 'common/time_helper.cc', |
| 'common/time_helper.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_common_test_support', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| 'mojo_system_impl', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'common/test/multiprocess_test_helper.cc', |
| 'common/test/multiprocess_test_helper.h', |
| 'common/test/test_utils.h', |
| 'common/test/test_utils_posix.cc', |
| 'common/test/test_utils_win.cc', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_common_unittests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base_message_loop_tests', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../url/url.gyp:url_lib', |
| 'mojo_cpp_bindings', |
| 'mojo_environment_chromium', |
| 'mojo_common_lib', |
| 'mojo_common_test_support', |
| 'mojo_public_test_utils', |
| 'mojo_run_all_unittests', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'common/common_type_converters_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/handle_watcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/message_pump_mojo_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/test/multiprocess_test_helper_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # GN version: //mojo/environment:chromium |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_environment_chromium', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'mojo_environment_chromium_impl', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'environment/environment.cc', |
| # TODO(vtl): This is kind of ugly. (See TODO in logging.h.) |
| "public/cpp/environment/logging.h", |
| "public/cpp/environment/lib/logging.cc", |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| 'mojo_environment_chromium_impl', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # GN version: //mojo/environment:chromium_impl |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_environment_chromium_impl', |
| 'type': '<(component)', |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations', |
| 'mojo_common_lib', |
| '<(mojo_system_for_component)', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'environment/default_async_waiter_impl.cc', |
| 'environment/default_async_waiter_impl.h', |
| 'environment/default_logger_impl.cc', |
| 'environment/default_logger_impl.h', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # GN version: //mojo/services/gles2:interfaces (for files generated from |
| # the mojom file) |
| # GN version: //mojo/services/gles2:bindings |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_gles2_bindings', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'services/gles2/command_buffer.mojom', |
| 'services/gles2/command_buffer_type_conversions.cc', |
| 'services/gles2/command_buffer_type_conversions.h', |
| 'services/gles2/mojo_buffer_backing.cc', |
| 'services/gles2/mojo_buffer_backing.h', |
| ], |
| 'includes': [ 'public/tools/bindings/mojom_bindings_generator.gypi' ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| 'mojo_cpp_bindings', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'mojo_cpp_bindings', |
| '../gpu/gpu.gyp:command_buffer_common', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # GN version: //mojo/gles2 |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_gles2_impl', |
| 'type': '<(component)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations', |
| '../gpu/gpu.gyp:command_buffer_client', |
| '../gpu/gpu.gyp:command_buffer_common', |
| '../gpu/gpu.gyp:gles2_cmd_helper', |
| '../gpu/gpu.gyp:gles2_implementation', |
| 'mojo_environment_chromium', |
| 'mojo_gles2_bindings', |
| '<(mojo_system_for_component)', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| 'direct_dependent_settings': { |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'gles2/command_buffer_client_impl.cc', |
| 'gles2/command_buffer_client_impl.h', |
| 'gles2/gles2_impl_export.h', |
| 'gles2/gles2_impl.cc', |
| 'gles2/gles2_context.cc', |
| 'gles2/gles2_context.h', |
| ], |
| 'all_dependent_settings': { |
| # Ensures that dependent projects import the core functions on Windows. |
| 'defines': ['MOJO_USE_GLES2_IMPL'], |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_application_chromium', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'public/cpp/application/lib/application_impl_chromium.cc', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'mojo_application_base', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| 'mojo_application_base', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # GN version: //mojo/bindings/js |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_js_bindings_lib', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../gin/gin.gyp:gin', |
| '../v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8', |
| 'mojo_common_lib', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../gin/gin.gyp:gin', |
| 'mojo_common_lib', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| # Sources list duplicated in GN build. |
| 'bindings/js/core.cc', |
| 'bindings/js/core.h', |
| 'bindings/js/handle.cc', |
| 'bindings/js/handle.h', |
| 'bindings/js/support.cc', |
| 'bindings/js/support.h', |
| 'bindings/js/waiting_callback.cc', |
| 'bindings/js/waiting_callback.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_message_generator', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| 'mojo_common_lib', |
| 'mojo_cpp_bindings', |
| 'mojo_environment_chromium', |
| 'mojo_system_impl', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'tools/message_generator.cc', |
| ], |
| }, |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="android"', { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_jni_headers', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'mojo_java_set_jni_headers', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'android/javatests/src/org/chromium/mojo/MojoTestCase.java', |
| 'android/system/src/org/chromium/mojo/system/impl/CoreImpl.java', |
| 'services/native_viewport/android/src/org/chromium/mojo/PlatformViewportAndroid.java', |
| 'shell/android/apk/src/org/chromium/mojo_shell_apk/MojoMain.java', |
| ], |
| 'variables': { |
| 'jni_gen_package': 'mojo', |
| }, |
| 'includes': [ '../build/jni_generator.gypi' ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_java_set_jni_headers', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'variables': { |
| 'jni_gen_package': 'mojo', |
| 'input_java_class': 'java/util/HashSet.class', |
| }, |
| 'includes': [ '../build/jar_file_jni_generator.gypi' ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_system_java', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base_java', |
| 'mojo_public_java', |
| ], |
| 'variables': { |
| 'java_in_dir': '<(DEPTH)/mojo/android/system', |
| }, |
| 'includes': [ '../build/java.gypi' ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'libmojo_system_java', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations', |
| 'mojo_common_lib', |
| 'mojo_environment_chromium', |
| 'mojo_jni_headers', |
| 'mojo_system_impl', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'android/system/core_impl.cc', |
| 'android/system/core_impl.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'libmojo_java_unittest', |
| 'type': 'shared_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| 'libmojo_system_java', |
| 'mojo_jni_headers', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ |
| 'UNIT_TEST' # As exported from testing/gtest.gyp:gtest. |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'android/javatests/mojo_test_case.cc', |
| 'android/javatests/mojo_test_case.h', |
| 'android/javatests/init_library.cc', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_test_apk', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'mojo_bindings_java', |
| 'mojo_public_test_interfaces', |
| 'mojo_system_java', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base_java_test_support', |
| ], |
| 'variables': { |
| 'apk_name': 'MojoTest', |
| 'java_in_dir': '<(DEPTH)/mojo/android/javatests', |
| 'resource_dir': '<(DEPTH)/mojo/android/javatests/apk', |
| 'native_lib_target': 'libmojo_java_unittest', |
| 'is_test_apk': 1, |
| # Given that this apk tests itself, it needs to bring emma with it |
| # when instrumented. |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['emma_coverage != 0', { |
| 'emma_instrument': 1, |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'includes': [ '../build/java_apk.gypi' ], |
| }, |
| ] |
| }], |
| ['test_isolation_mode != "noop"', { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'mojo_js_unittests_run', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'mojo_js_unittests', |
| ], |
| 'includes': [ |
| '../build/isolate.gypi', |
| 'mojo_js_unittests.isolate', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'mojo_js_unittests.isolate', |
| ], |
| }, |
| ], |
| }], |
| ] |
| } |