blob: 91ce347be77e40b767ec68048c0b67c60c0b19fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/test/values_test_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace base {
void ExpectDictBooleanValue(bool expected_value,
const DictionaryValue& value,
const std::string& key) {
bool boolean_value = false;
EXPECT_TRUE(value.GetBoolean(key, &boolean_value)) << key;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, boolean_value) << key;
void ExpectDictDictionaryValue(const DictionaryValue& expected_value,
const DictionaryValue& value,
const std::string& key) {
DictionaryValue* dict_value = NULL;
EXPECT_TRUE(value.GetDictionary(key, &dict_value)) << key;
EXPECT_TRUE(Value::Equals(dict_value, &expected_value)) << key;
void ExpectDictIntegerValue(int expected_value,
const DictionaryValue& value,
const std::string& key) {
int integer_value = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(value.GetInteger(key, &integer_value)) << key;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, integer_value) << key;
void ExpectDictListValue(const ListValue& expected_value,
const DictionaryValue& value,
const std::string& key) {
ListValue* list_value = NULL;
EXPECT_TRUE(value.GetList(key, &list_value)) << key;
EXPECT_TRUE(Value::Equals(list_value, &expected_value)) << key;
void ExpectDictStringValue(const std::string& expected_value,
const DictionaryValue& value,
const std::string& key) {
std::string string_value;
EXPECT_TRUE(value.GetString(key, &string_value)) << key;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, string_value) << key;
void ExpectStringValue(const std::string& expected_str,
StringValue* actual) {
scoped_ptr<StringValue> scoped_actual(actual);
std::string actual_str;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_str, actual_str);
} // namespace base