| // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" |
| #include "base/process/process_handle.h" |
| #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "ipc/brokerable_attachment.h" |
| #include "ipc/ipc_export.h" |
| #include "ipc/ipc_listener.h" |
| |
| // If the platform has no attachments that need brokering, then it shouldn't |
| // compile any code that calls member functions of AttachmentBroker. This |
| // prevents symbols only used by AttachmentBroker and its subclasses from |
| // making it into the binary. |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) || (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)) |
| #else |
| #endif // defined(OS_WIN) |
| |
| namespace base { |
| class SequencedTaskRunner; |
| class SingleThreadTaskRunner; |
| }; |
| |
| namespace IPC { |
| |
| class AttachmentBroker; |
| class Endpoint; |
| |
| // Classes that inherit from this abstract base class are capable of |
| // communicating with a broker to send and receive attachments to Chrome IPC |
| // messages. |
| class IPC_EXPORT SupportsAttachmentBrokering { |
| public: |
| // Returns an AttachmentBroker used to broker attachments of IPC messages to |
| // other processes. There must be exactly one AttachmentBroker per process. |
| virtual AttachmentBroker* GetAttachmentBroker() = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| // Responsible for brokering attachments to Chrome IPC messages. On platforms |
| // that support attachment brokering, every IPC channel should have a reference |
| // to a AttachmentBroker. |
| // This class is not thread safe. The implementation of this class assumes that |
| // it is only ever used on the same thread as its consumers. |
| class IPC_EXPORT AttachmentBroker : public Listener { |
| public: |
| // A standard observer interface that allows consumers of the AttachmentBroker |
| // to be notified when a new attachment has been received. |
| class Observer { |
| public: |
| virtual void ReceivedBrokerableAttachmentWithId( |
| const BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId& id) = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| // Each process has at most one attachment broker. The process is responsible |
| // for ensuring that |broker| stays alive for as long as the process is |
| // sending/receiving ipc messages. |
| static void SetGlobal(AttachmentBroker* broker); |
| static AttachmentBroker* GetGlobal(); |
| |
| AttachmentBroker(); |
| ~AttachmentBroker() override; |
| |
| // Sends |attachment| to |destination_process|. The implementation uses an |
| // IPC::Channel to communicate with the broker process. This may be the same |
| // IPC::Channel that is requesting the brokering of an attachment. |
| // Returns true on success and false otherwise. |
| virtual bool SendAttachmentToProcess( |
| const scoped_refptr<BrokerableAttachment>& attachment, |
| base::ProcessId destination_process) = 0; |
| |
| // Returns whether the attachment was available. If the attachment was |
| // available, populates the output parameter |attachment|. |
| bool GetAttachmentWithId(BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId id, |
| scoped_refptr<BrokerableAttachment>* attachment); |
| |
| // Any given observer should only ever add itself once to the observer list. |
| // Notifications to |observer| will be posted to |runner|. |
| // The |observer| is expected to call RemoveObserver() before being destroyed. |
| void AddObserver(Observer* observer, |
| const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& runner); |
| void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer); |
| |
| // These two methods should only be called by the broker process. |
| // |
| // Each unprivileged process should have one IPC channel on which it |
| // communicates attachment information with the broker process. In the broker |
| // process, these channels must be registered and deregistered with the |
| // Attachment Broker as they are created and destroyed. |
| // |
| // Invocations of Send() on |endpoint| will occur on thread bound to |runner|. |
| virtual void RegisterCommunicationChannel( |
| Endpoint* endpoint, |
| scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> runner); |
| virtual void DeregisterCommunicationChannel(Endpoint* endpoint); |
| |
| // In each unprivileged process, exactly one channel should be used to |
| // communicate brokerable attachments with the broker process. |
| virtual void RegisterBrokerCommunicationChannel(Endpoint* endpoint); |
| virtual void DeregisterBrokerCommunicationChannel(Endpoint* endpoint); |
| |
| // True if and only if this broker is privileged. |
| virtual bool IsPrivilegedBroker(); |
| |
| protected: |
| using AttachmentVector = std::vector<scoped_refptr<BrokerableAttachment>>; |
| |
| // Adds |attachment| to |attachments_|, and notifies the observers. |
| void HandleReceivedAttachment( |
| const scoped_refptr<BrokerableAttachment>& attachment); |
| |
| // Informs the observers that a new BrokerableAttachment has been received. |
| void NotifyObservers(const BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId& id); |
| |
| // Informs the observer identified by |unique_id| that a new |
| // BrokerableAttachment has been received. |
| void NotifyObserver(int unique_id, |
| const BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId& id); |
| |
| // This method is exposed for testing only. |
| AttachmentVector* get_attachments() { return &attachments_; } |
| |
| base::Lock* get_lock() { return &lock_; } |
| |
| private: |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AttachmentBrokerUnprivilegedWinTest, |
| ReceiveValidMessage); |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AttachmentBrokerUnprivilegedWinTest, |
| ReceiveInvalidMessage); |
| #endif // defined(OS_WIN) |
| |
| // A vector of BrokerableAttachments that have been received, but not yet |
| // consumed. |
| // A std::vector is used instead of a std::map because this container is |
| // expected to have few elements, for which a std::vector is expected to have |
| // better performance. |
| AttachmentVector attachments_; |
| |
| struct ObserverInfo { |
| ObserverInfo(); |
| ObserverInfo(const ObserverInfo& other); |
| ~ObserverInfo(); |
| |
| Observer* observer; |
| int unique_id; |
| |
| // Notifications must be dispatched onto |runner|. |
| scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> runner; |
| }; |
| std::vector<ObserverInfo> observers_; |
| |
| // This member holds the last id given to an ObserverInfo. |
| int last_unique_id_; |
| |
| // The AttachmentBroker can be accessed from any thread, so modifications to |
| // internal state must be guarded by a lock. |
| base::Lock lock_; |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AttachmentBroker); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace IPC |
| |