blob: b960676af9845016c4f46635909a0d543110b5f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/process.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
namespace gfx {
class Size;
class FilePath;
class Clipboard {
typedef std::string FormatType;
#if defined(USE_X11)
typedef struct _GtkClipboard GtkClipboard;
typedef std::map<FormatType, std::pair<char*, size_t> > TargetMap;
// ObjectType designates the type of data to be stored in the clipboard. This
// designation is shared across all OSes. The system-specific designation
// is defined by FormatType. A single ObjectType might be represented by
// several system-specific FormatTypes. For example, on Linux the CBF_TEXT
// ObjectType maps to "text/plain", "STRING", and several other formats. On
// windows it maps to CF_UNICODETEXT.
enum ObjectType {
CBF_SMBITMAP, // Bitmap from shared memory.
CBF_DATA, // Arbitrary block of bytes.
// ObjectMap is a map from ObjectType to associated data.
// The data is organized differently for each ObjectType. The following
// table summarizes what kind of data is stored for each key.
// * indicates an optional argument.
// Key Arguments Type
// -------------------------------------
// CBF_TEXT text char array
// CBF_HTML html char array
// url* char array
// CBF_BOOKMARK html char array
// url char array
// CBF_LINK html char array
// url char array
// CBF_FILES files char array representing multiple files.
// Filenames are separated by null characters and
// the final filename is double null terminated.
// The filenames are encoded in platform-specific
// encoding.
// CBF_WEBKIT none empty vector
// CBF_BITMAP pixels byte array
// size gfx::Size struct
// CBF_SMBITMAP shared_mem shared memory handle
// size gfx::Size struct
// CBF_DATA format char array
// data byte array
typedef std::vector<char> ObjectMapParam;
typedef std::vector<ObjectMapParam> ObjectMapParams;
typedef std::map<int /* ObjectType */, ObjectMapParams> ObjectMap;
// Buffer designates which clipboard the action should be applied to.
// Only platforms that use the X Window System support the selection
// buffer. Furthermore we currently only use a buffer other than the
// standard buffer when reading from the clipboard so only those
// functions accept a buffer parameter.
enum Buffer {
#if defined(OS_LINUX)
static bool IsValidBuffer(int32 buffer) {
switch (buffer) {
return true;
#if defined(OS_LINUX)
return true;
return false;
static Buffer FromInt(int32 buffer) {
return static_cast<Buffer>(buffer);
// Write a bunch of objects to the system clipboard. Copies are made of the
// contents of |objects|. On Windows they are copied to the system clipboard.
// On linux they are copied into a structure owned by the Clipboard object and
// kept until the system clipboard is set again.
void WriteObjects(const ObjectMap& objects);
// Behaves as above. If there is some shared memory handle passed as one of
// the objects, it came from the process designated by |process|. This will
// assist in turning it into a shared memory region that the current process
// can use.
void WriteObjects(const ObjectMap& objects, base::ProcessHandle process);
// Tests whether the clipboard contains a certain format
bool IsFormatAvailable(const FormatType& format, Buffer buffer) const;
// As above, but instead of interpreting |format| by some platform-specific
// definition, interpret it as a literal MIME type.
bool IsFormatAvailableByString(const std::string& format,
Buffer buffer) const;
// Reads UNICODE text from the clipboard, if available.
void ReadText(Buffer buffer, string16* result) const;
// Reads ASCII text from the clipboard, if available.
void ReadAsciiText(Buffer buffer, std::string* result) const;
// Reads HTML from the clipboard, if available.
void ReadHTML(Buffer buffer, string16* markup, std::string* src_url) const;
// Reads a bookmark from the clipboard, if available.
void ReadBookmark(string16* title, std::string* url) const;
// Reads a file or group of files from the clipboard, if available, into the
// out parameter.
void ReadFile(FilePath* file) const;
void ReadFiles(std::vector<FilePath>* files) const;
// Reads raw data from the clipboard with the given format type. Stores result
// as a byte vector.
void ReadData(const std::string& format, std::string* result);
// Get format Identifiers for various types.
static FormatType GetUrlFormatType();
static FormatType GetUrlWFormatType();
static FormatType GetMozUrlFormatType();
static FormatType GetPlainTextFormatType();
static FormatType GetPlainTextWFormatType();
static FormatType GetFilenameFormatType();
static FormatType GetFilenameWFormatType();
static FormatType GetWebKitSmartPasteFormatType();
// Win: MS HTML Format, Other: Generic HTML format
static FormatType GetHtmlFormatType();
#if defined(OS_WIN)
static FormatType GetBitmapFormatType();
// Firefox text/html
static FormatType GetTextHtmlFormatType();
static FormatType GetCFHDropFormatType();
static FormatType GetFileDescriptorFormatType();
static FormatType GetFileContentFormatZeroType();
// Duplicates any remote shared memory handle embedded inside |objects| that
// was created by |process| so that it can be used by this process.
static void DuplicateRemoteHandles(base::ProcessHandle process,
ObjectMap* objects);
void DispatchObject(ObjectType type, const ObjectMapParams& params);
void WriteText(const char* text_data, size_t text_len);
void WriteHTML(const char* markup_data,
size_t markup_len,
const char* url_data,
size_t url_len);
void WriteBookmark(const char* title_data,
size_t title_len,
const char* url_data,
size_t url_len);
void WriteWebSmartPaste();
void WriteFiles(const char* file_data, size_t file_len);
void WriteBitmap(const char* pixel_data, const char* size_data);
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_FREEBSD)
// |format_name| is an ASCII string and should be NULL-terminated.
// TODO(estade): port to mac.
void WriteData(const char* format_name, size_t format_len,
const char* data_data, size_t data_len);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
void WriteBitmapFromSharedMemory(const char* bitmap_data,
const char* size_data,
base::ProcessHandle handle);
void WriteBitmapFromHandle(HBITMAP source_hbitmap,
const gfx::Size& size);
// Safely write to system clipboard. Free |handle| on failure.
void WriteToClipboard(unsigned int format, HANDLE handle);
static void ParseBookmarkClipboardFormat(const string16& bookmark,
string16* title,
std::string* url);
// Free a handle depending on its type (as intuited from format)
static void FreeData(unsigned int format, HANDLE data);
// Return the window that should be the clipboard owner, creating it
// if neccessary. Marked const for lazily initialization by const methods.
HWND GetClipboardWindow() const;
// Mark this as mutable so const methods can still do lazy initialization.
mutable HWND clipboard_owner_;
// True if we can create a window.
bool create_window_;
#elif defined(USE_X11)
// Data is stored in the |clipboard_data_| map until it is saved to the system
// clipboard. The Store* functions save data to the |clipboard_data_| map. The
// SetGtkClipboard function replaces whatever is on the system clipboard with
// the contents of |clipboard_data_|.
// The Write* functions make a deep copy of the data passed to them an store
// it in |clipboard_data_|.
// Write changes to gtk clipboard.
void SetGtkClipboard();
// Insert a mapping into clipboard_data_.
void InsertMapping(const char* key, char* data, size_t data_len);
// find the gtk clipboard for the passed buffer enum
GtkClipboard* LookupBackingClipboard(Buffer clipboard) const;
TargetMap* clipboard_data_;
GtkClipboard* clipboard_;
GtkClipboard* primary_selection_;