blob: 834241423fe96310a2966705a8ca54036d2cf714 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/process_util.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/string_tokenizer.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
namespace {
enum ParsingState {
// Reads /proc/<pid>/stat and populates |proc_stats| with the values split by
// spaces.
void GetProcStats(pid_t pid, std::vector<std::string>* proc_stats) {
FilePath stat_file("/proc");
stat_file = stat_file.Append(IntToString(pid));
stat_file = stat_file.Append("stat");
std::string mem_stats;
if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(stat_file, &mem_stats))
SplitString(mem_stats, ' ', proc_stats);
} // namespace
namespace base {
ProcessId GetParentProcessId(ProcessHandle process) {
FilePath stat_file("/proc");
stat_file = stat_file.Append(IntToString(process));
stat_file = stat_file.Append("status");
std::string status;
if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(stat_file, &status))
return -1;
StringTokenizer tokenizer(status, ":\n");
ParsingState state = KEY_NAME;
std::string last_key_name;
while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
switch (state) {
case KEY_NAME:
last_key_name = tokenizer.token();
state = KEY_VALUE;
if (last_key_name == "PPid") {
pid_t ppid = StringToInt(tokenizer.token());
return ppid;
state = KEY_NAME;
return -1;
FilePath GetProcessExecutablePath(ProcessHandle process) {
FilePath stat_file("/proc");
stat_file = stat_file.Append(IntToString(process));
stat_file = stat_file.Append("exe");
char exename[2048];
ssize_t len = readlink(stat_file.value().c_str(), exename, sizeof(exename));
if (len < 1) {
// No such process. Happens frequently in e.g. TerminateAllChromeProcesses
return FilePath();
return FilePath(std::string(exename, len));
NamedProcessIterator::NamedProcessIterator(const std::wstring& executable_name,
const ProcessFilter* filter)
: executable_name_(executable_name), filter_(filter) {
procfs_dir_ = opendir("/proc");
NamedProcessIterator::~NamedProcessIterator() {
if (procfs_dir_) {
procfs_dir_ = NULL;
const ProcessEntry* NamedProcessIterator::NextProcessEntry() {
bool result = false;
do {
result = CheckForNextProcess();
} while (result && !IncludeEntry());
if (result)
return &entry_;
return NULL;
bool NamedProcessIterator::CheckForNextProcess() {
// TODO(port): skip processes owned by different UID
dirent* slot = 0;
const char* openparen;
const char* closeparen;
// Arbitrarily guess that there will never be more than 200 non-process
// files in /proc. Hardy has 53.
int skipped = 0;
const int kSkipLimit = 200;
while (skipped < kSkipLimit) {
slot = readdir(procfs_dir_);
// all done looking through /proc?
if (!slot)
return false;
// If not a process, keep looking for one.
bool notprocess = false;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NAME_MAX && slot->d_name[i]; ++i) {
if (!isdigit(slot->d_name[i])) {
notprocess = true;
if (i == NAME_MAX || notprocess) {
// Read the process's status.
char buf[NAME_MAX + 12];
sprintf(buf, "/proc/%s/stat", slot->d_name);
FILE *fp = fopen(buf, "r");
if (!fp)
return false;
const char* result = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
if (!result)
return false;
// Parse the status. It is formatted like this:
// %d (%s) %c %d ...
// pid (name) runstate ppid
// To avoid being fooled by names containing a closing paren, scan
// backwards.
openparen = strchr(buf, '(');
closeparen = strrchr(buf, ')');
if (!openparen || !closeparen)
return false;
char runstate = closeparen[2];
// Is the process in 'Zombie' state, i.e. dead but waiting to be reaped?
// Allowed values: D R S T Z
if (runstate != 'Z')
// Nope, it's a zombie; somebody isn't cleaning up after their children.
// (e.g. WaitForProcessesToExit doesn't clean up after dead children yet.)
// There could be a lot of zombies, can't really decrement i here.
if (skipped >= kSkipLimit) {
return false;
} = atoi(slot->d_name);
entry_.ppid = atoi(closeparen + 3);
// TODO(port): read pid's commandline's $0, like killall does. Using the
// short name between openparen and closeparen won't work for long names!
int len = closeparen - openparen - 1;
if (len > NAME_MAX)
len = NAME_MAX;
memcpy(entry_.szExeFile, openparen + 1, len);
entry_.szExeFile[len] = 0;
return true;
bool NamedProcessIterator::IncludeEntry() {
// TODO(port): make this also work for non-ASCII filenames
if (WideToASCII(executable_name_) != entry_.szExeFile)
return false;
if (!filter_)
return true;
return filter_->Includes(, entry_.ppid);
// On linux, we return vsize.
size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPagefileUsage() const {
std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
GetProcStats(process_, &proc_stats);
const size_t kVmSize = 22;
if (proc_stats.size() > kVmSize)
return static_cast<size_t>(StringToInt(proc_stats[kVmSize]));
return 0;
// On linux, we return the high water mark of vsize.
size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakPagefileUsage() const {
std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
GetProcStats(process_, &proc_stats);
const size_t kVmPeak = 21;
if (proc_stats.size() > kVmPeak)
return static_cast<size_t>(StringToInt(proc_stats[kVmPeak]));
return 0;
// On linux, we return RSS.
size_t ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetSize() const {
std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
GetProcStats(process_, &proc_stats);
const size_t kVmRss = 23;
if (proc_stats.size() > kVmRss) {
size_t num_pages = static_cast<size_t>(StringToInt(proc_stats[kVmRss]));
return num_pages * getpagesize();
return 0;
// On linux, we return the high water mark of RSS.
size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakWorkingSetSize() const {
std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
GetProcStats(process_, &proc_stats);
const size_t kVmHwm = 23;
if (proc_stats.size() > kVmHwm) {
size_t num_pages = static_cast<size_t>(StringToInt(proc_stats[kVmHwm]));
return num_pages * getpagesize();
return 0;
size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPrivateBytes() const {
return 0;
// Private and Shared working set sizes are obtained from /proc/<pid>/smaps,
// as in
bool ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetKBytes(WorkingSetKBytes* ws_usage) const {
FilePath stat_file =
std::string smaps;
int shared_kb = 0;
int private_kb = 0;
int pss_kb = 0;
bool have_pss = false;
if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(stat_file, &smaps))
return false;
StringTokenizer tokenizer(smaps, ":\n");
ParsingState state = KEY_NAME;
std::string last_key_name;
while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
switch (state) {
case KEY_NAME:
last_key_name = tokenizer.token();
state = KEY_VALUE;
if (last_key_name.empty()) {
return false;
if (StartsWithASCII(last_key_name, "Shared_", 1)) {
shared_kb += StringToInt(tokenizer.token());
} else if (StartsWithASCII(last_key_name, "Private_", 1)) {
private_kb += StringToInt(tokenizer.token());
} else if (StartsWithASCII(last_key_name, "Pss", 1)) {
have_pss = true;
pss_kb += StringToInt(tokenizer.token());
state = KEY_NAME;
ws_usage->priv = private_kb;
// Sharable is not calculated, as it does not provide interesting data.
ws_usage->shareable = 0;
ws_usage->shared = 0;
if (have_pss)
ws_usage->shared = pss_kb;
return true;
// To have /proc/self/io file you must enable CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING
// in your kernel configuration.
bool ProcessMetrics::GetIOCounters(IoCounters* io_counters) const {
std::string proc_io_contents;
FilePath io_file("/proc");
io_file = io_file.Append(IntToString(process_));
io_file = io_file.Append("io");
if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(io_file, &proc_io_contents))
return false;
(*io_counters).OtherOperationCount = 0;
(*io_counters).OtherTransferCount = 0;
StringTokenizer tokenizer(proc_io_contents, ": \n");
ParsingState state = KEY_NAME;
std::string last_key_name;
while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
switch (state) {
case KEY_NAME:
last_key_name = tokenizer.token();
state = KEY_VALUE;
if (last_key_name == "syscr") {
(*io_counters).ReadOperationCount = StringToInt64(tokenizer.token());
} else if (last_key_name == "syscw") {
(*io_counters).WriteOperationCount = StringToInt64(tokenizer.token());
} else if (last_key_name == "rchar") {
(*io_counters).ReadTransferCount = StringToInt64(tokenizer.token());
} else if (last_key_name == "wchar") {
(*io_counters).WriteTransferCount = StringToInt64(tokenizer.token());
state = KEY_NAME;
return true;
} // namespace base