blob: 5574790826de8f55ecb44fe2e864b4b89e432b80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains a class that can be used to extract the salient
// elements of a command line in a relatively lightweight manner.
// Switches can optionally have a value attached using an equals sign,
// as in "-switch=value". Arguments that aren't prefixed with a
// switch prefix are considered "loose parameters". Switch names
// are case-insensitive.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
class CommandLine {
// Creates a parsed version of the command line used to launch
// the current process.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Creates a parsed version of the given command-line string.
// The program name is assumed to be the first item in the string.
CommandLine(const std::wstring& command_line);
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
CommandLine(int argc, const char* const* argv);
// On non-Windows platforms, main() must call SetArgcArgv() before accessing
// any members of this class.
// On Windows, this call is a no-op (we instead parse GetCommandLineW()
// directly) because we don't trust the CRT's parsing of the command line.
static void SetArgcArgv(int argc, const char* const* argv);
// Returns true if this command line contains the given switch.
// (Switch names are case-insensitive.)
bool HasSwitch(const std::wstring& switch_string) const;
// Returns the value associated with the given switch. If the
// switch has no value or isn't present, this method returns
// the empty string.
std::wstring GetSwitchValue(const std::wstring& switch_string) const;
// Returns the number of "loose values" found in the command line.
// Loose values are arguments that aren't switches.
// (The program name is also excluded from the set of loose values.)
size_t GetLooseValueCount() const;
typedef std::vector<std::wstring>::const_iterator LooseValueIterator;
// Returns a const_iterator to the list of loose values.
LooseValueIterator GetLooseValuesBegin() const;
// Returns the end const_iterator for the list of loose values.
LooseValueIterator GetLooseValuesEnd() const;
// Simply returns the original command line string.
std::wstring command_line_string() const;
// Returns the program part of the command line string (the first item).
std::wstring program() const;
// An array containing the prefixes that identify an argument as
// a switch.
static const wchar_t* const kSwitchPrefixes[];
// The string that's used to separate switches from their values.
static const wchar_t kSwitchValueSeparator[];
// Appends the given switch string (preceded by a space and a switch
// prefix) to the given string.
static void AppendSwitch(std::wstring* command_line_string,
const std::wstring& switch_string);
// Appends the given switch string (preceded by a space and a switch
// prefix) to the given string, with the given value attached.
static void AppendSwitchWithValue(std::wstring* command_line_string,
const std::wstring& switch_string,
const std::wstring& value_string);
class Data;
// True if we are responsible for deleting our |data_| pointer. In some cases
// we cache the result of parsing the command line and |data_|'s lifetime is
// managed by someone else (e.g., the |Singleton| class).
bool we_own_data_;
// A pointer to the parsed version of the command line.
Data* data_;