blob: 4bf72d1530acf19f9300da5ea7aca732c4d53522 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gfx/font_utils.h"
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include "base/gfx/uniscribe.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/singleton.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include "unicode/uchar.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
// hash_map has extra cost with no sizable gain for a small number of integer
// key items. When the map size becomes much bigger (which will be later as
// more scripts are added) and this turns out to be prominent in the profile, we
// may consider switching to hash_map (or just an array if we support all the
// scripts)
typedef std::map<UScriptCode, const wchar_t*> ScriptToFontMap;
struct ScriptToFontMapSingletonTraits
: public DefaultSingletonTraits<ScriptToFontMap> {
static ScriptToFontMap* New() {
struct FontMap {
UScriptCode script;
const wchar_t* family;
const static FontMap font_map[] = {
{USCRIPT_LATIN, L"times new roman"},
{USCRIPT_GREEK, L"times new roman"},
{USCRIPT_CYRILLIC, L"times new roman"},
{USCRIPT_HIRAGANA, L"ms pgothic"},
{USCRIPT_KATAKANA, L"ms pgothic"},
{USCRIPT_THAI, L"tahoma"},
{USCRIPT_ARABIC, L"tahoma"},
{USCRIPT_ORIYA, L"kalinga"},
{USCRIPT_TAMIL, L"latha"},
{USCRIPT_TELUGU, L"gautami"},
{USCRIPT_LAO, L"dokchampa"},
{USCRIPT_TIBETAN, L"microsoft himalaya"},
{USCRIPT_CHEROKEE, L"plantagenet cherokee"},
{USCRIPT_YI, L"microsoft yi balti"},
{USCRIPT_SINHALA, L"iskoola pota"},
{USCRIPT_SYRIAC, L"estrangelo edessa"},
{USCRIPT_KHMER, L"daunpenh"},
{USCRIPT_THAANA, L"mv boli"},
{USCRIPT_MONGOLIAN, L"mongolian balti"},
// For common, perhaps we should return a font
// for the current application/system locale.
//{USCRIPT_COMMON, L"times new roman"}
ScriptToFontMap* new_instance = new ScriptToFontMap;
// Cannot recover from OOM so that there's no need to check.
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(font_map); ++i)
(*new_instance)[font_map[i].script] = font_map[i].family;
// Initialize the locale-dependent mapping.
// Since Chrome synchronizes the ICU default locale with its UI locale,
// this ICU locale tells the current UI locale of Chrome.
Locale locale = Locale::getDefault();
ScriptToFontMap::const_iterator iter;
if (locale == Locale::getJapanese()) {
iter = new_instance->find(USCRIPT_HIRAGANA);
} else if (locale == Locale::getKorean()) {
iter = new_instance->find(USCRIPT_HANGUL);
} else {
// Use Simplified Chinese font for all other locales including
// Traditional Chinese because Simsun (SC font) has a wider
// coverage (covering both SC and TC) than PMingLiu (TC font).
// This also speeds up the TC version of Chrome when rendering SC pages.
iter = new_instance->find(USCRIPT_SIMPLIFIED_HAN);
if (iter != new_instance->end())
(*new_instance)[USCRIPT_HAN] = iter->second;
return new_instance;
Singleton<ScriptToFontMap, ScriptToFontMapSingletonTraits> script_font_map;
const int kUndefinedAscent = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
// Given an HFONT, return the ascent. If GetTextMetrics fails,
// kUndefinedAscent is returned, instead.
int GetAscent(HFONT hfont) {
HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
HGDIOBJ oldFont = SelectObject(dc, hfont);
BOOL got_metrics = GetTextMetrics(dc, &tm);
SelectObject(dc, oldFont);
ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
return got_metrics ? tm.tmAscent : kUndefinedAscent;
struct FontData {
FontData() : hfont(NULL), ascent(kUndefinedAscent), script_cache(NULL) {}
HFONT hfont;
int ascent;
mutable SCRIPT_CACHE script_cache;
// Again, using hash_map does not earn us much here.
// page_cycler_test intl2 gave us a 'better' result with map than with hash_map
// even though they're well-within 1-sigma of each other so that the difference
// is not significant. On the other hand, some pages in intl2 seem to
// take longer to load with map in the 1st pass. Need to experiment further.
typedef std::map<std::wstring, FontData*> FontDataCache;
struct FontDataCacheSingletonTraits
: public DefaultSingletonTraits<FontDataCache> {
static void Delete(FontDataCache* cache) {
FontDataCache::iterator iter = cache->begin();
while (iter != cache->end()) {
SCRIPT_CACHE script_cache = iter->second->script_cache;
if (script_cache)
delete iter->second;
delete cache;
} // namespace
// TODO(jungshik) : this is font fallback code version 0.1
// - Cover all the scripts
// - Get the default font for each script/generic family from the
// preference instead of hardcoding in the source.
// (at least, read values from the registry for IE font settings).
// - Support generic families (from FontDescription)
// - If the default font for a script is not available,
// try some more fonts known to support it. Finally, we can
// use EnumFontFamilies or similar APIs to come up with a list of
// fonts supporting the script and cache the result.
// - Consider using UnicodeSet (or UnicodeMap) converted from
// GLYPHSET (BMP) or directly read from truetype cmap tables to
// keep track of which character is supported by which font
// - Update script_font_cache in response to WM_FONTCHANGE
const wchar_t* GetFontFamilyForScript(UScriptCode script,
GenericFamilyType generic) {
ScriptToFontMap::const_iterator iter = script_font_map->find(script);
const wchar_t* family = NULL;
if (iter != script_font_map->end()) {
family = iter->second;
return family;
// TODO(jungshik)
// - Handle 'Inherited', 'Common' and 'Unknown'
// (see )
// For 'Inherited' and 'Common', perhaps we need to
// accept another parameter indicating the previous family
// and just return it.
// - All the characters (or characters up to the point a single
// font can cover) need to be taken into account
const wchar_t* GetFallbackFamily(const wchar_t *characters,
int length,
GenericFamilyType generic,
UChar32 *char_checked,
UScriptCode *script_checked) {
DCHECK(characters && characters[0] && length > 0);
UScriptCode script = USCRIPT_COMMON;
// Sometimes characters common to script (e.g. space) is at
// the beginning of a string so that we need to skip them
// to get a font required to render the string.
int i = 0;
UChar32 ucs4 = 0;
while (i < length && script == USCRIPT_COMMON ||
U16_NEXT(characters, i, length, ucs4);
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
script = uscript_getScript(ucs4, &err);
// silently ignore the error
// hack for full width ASCII. For the full-width ASCII, use the font
// for Han (which is locale-dependent).
if (0xFF00 < ucs4 && ucs4 < 0xFF5F)
script = USCRIPT_HAN;
// There are a lot of characters in USCRIPT_COMMON that can be covered
// by fonts for scripts closely related to them.
// See[:Script=Common:]
// TODO(jungshik): make this more efficient with a wider coverage
// (Armenian, Georgian, Devanagari, etc)
if (script == USCRIPT_COMMON || script == USCRIPT_INHERITED) {
UBlockCode block = ublock_getCode(ucs4);
switch (block) {
script = USCRIPT_HAN;
// Another lame work-around to cover non-BMP characters.
const wchar_t* family = GetFontFamilyForScript(script, generic);
if (!family) {
int plane = ucs4 >> 16;
switch (plane) {
case 1:
family = L"code2001";
case 2:
family = L"simsun-extb";
family = L"arial unicode ms";
if (char_checked) *char_checked = ucs4;
if (script_checked) *script_checked = script;
return family;
// Be aware that this is not thread-safe.
bool GetDerivedFontData(const wchar_t *family,
int style,
LOGFONT *logfont,
int *ascent,
HFONT *hfont,
SCRIPT_CACHE **script_cache) {
DCHECK(logfont && family && *family);
// Using |Singleton| here is not free, but the intl2 page cycler test
// does not show any noticeable difference with and without it. Leaking
// the contents of FontDataCache (especially SCRIPT_CACHE) at the end
// of a renderer process may not be a good idea. We may use
// atexit(). However, with no noticeable performance difference, |Singleton|
// is cleaner, I believe.
FontDataCache* font_data_cache =
Singleton<FontDataCache, FontDataCacheSingletonTraits>::get();
// TODO(jungshik) : This comes up pretty high in the profile so that
// we need to measure whether using SHA256 (after coercing all the
// fields to char*) is faster than StringPrintf.
std::wstring font_key = StringPrintf(L"%1d:%d:%ls", style, logfont->lfHeight,
FontDataCache::const_iterator iter = font_data_cache->find(font_key);
FontData *derived;
if (iter == font_data_cache->end()) {
DCHECK(wcslen(family) < LF_FACESIZE);
wcscpy_s(logfont->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, family);
// TODO(jungshik): CreateFontIndirect always comes up with
// a font even if there's no font matching the name. Need to
// check it against what we actually want (as is done in FontCacheWin.cpp)
derived = new FontData;
derived->hfont = CreateFontIndirect(logfont);
// GetAscent may return kUndefinedAscent, but we still want to
// cache it so that we won't have to call CreateFontIndirect once
// more for HFONT next time.
derived->ascent = GetAscent(derived->hfont);
(*font_data_cache)[font_key] = derived;
} else {
derived = iter->second;
// Last time, GetAscent failed so that only HFONT was
// cached. Try once more assuming that TryPreloadFont
// was called by a caller between calls.
if (kUndefinedAscent == derived->ascent)
derived->ascent = GetAscent(derived->hfont);
*hfont = derived->hfont;
*ascent = derived->ascent;
*script_cache = &(derived->script_cache);
return *ascent != kUndefinedAscent;
int GetStyleFromLogfont(const LOGFONT* logfont) {
// TODO(jungshik) : consider defining UNDEFINED or INVALID for style and
// returning it when logfont is NULL
if (!logfont) {
return (logfont->lfItalic ? FONT_STYLE_ITALIC : FONT_STYLE_NORMAL) |
(logfont->lfWeight >= 700 ? FONT_STYLE_BOLD : FONT_STYLE_NORMAL);
} // namespace gfx