blob: 9b7c726089ca3a9516f8f40376fc5eddbf02dccb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef BASE_TIMER_H_
#define BASE_TIMER_H_
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/time.h"
// Timer/TimerManager are objects designed to help setting timers.
// Goals of TimerManager:
// - have only one system timer for all app timer functionality
// - work around bugs with timers firing arbitrarily earlier than specified
// - provide the ability to run timers even if the application is in a
// windows modal app loop.
class MessageLoop;
class TimerManager;
class Task;
// The core timer object. Use TimerManager to create and control timers.
class Timer {
Timer(int delay, Task* task, bool repeating);
// The task to be run when the timer fires.
Task* task() const { return task_; }
void set_task(Task* task) { task_ = task; }
// Returns the absolute time at which the timer should fire.
const Time &fire_time() const { return fire_time_; }
// A repeating timer is a timer that is automatically scheduled to fire again
// after it fires.
bool repeating() const { return repeating_; }
// Update (or fill in) creation_time_, and calculate future fire_time_ based
// on current time plus delay_.
void Reset();
// A unique identifier for this timer.
int id() const { return timer_id_; }
// Protected (rather than private) so that we can access from unit tests.
// The time when the timer should fire.
Time fire_time_;
// The task that is run when this timer fires.
Task* task_;
// Timer delay in milliseconds.
int delay_;
// A monotonically increasing timer id. Used for ordering two timers which
// have the same timestamp in a FIFO manner.
int timer_id_;
// Whether or not this timer repeats.
const bool repeating_;
// The tick count when the timer was "created". (i.e. when its current
// iteration started.)
Time creation_time_;
// Used to implement TimerPQueue
class TimerComparison {
bool operator() (const Timer* t1, const Timer* t2) const {
const Time& f1 = t1->fire_time();
const Time& f2 = t2->fire_time();
// If the two timers have the same delay, revert to using
// the timer_id to maintain FIFO ordering.
if (f1 == f2) {
// Gracefully handle wrap as we try to return (t1->id() > t2->id());
int delta = t1->id() - t2->id();
// Assuming the delta is smaller than 2**31, we'll always get the right
// answer (in terms of sign of delta).
return delta > 0;
return f1 > f2;
// Subclass priority_queue to provide convenient access to removal from this
// list.
// Terminology: The "pending" timer is the timer at the top of the queue,
// i.e. the timer whose task needs to be Run next.
class TimerPQueue :
public std::priority_queue<Timer*, std::vector<Timer*>, TimerComparison> {
// Removes |timer| from the queue.
void RemoveTimer(Timer* timer);
// Returns true if the queue contains |timer|.
bool ContainsTimer(const Timer* timer) const;
// There is one TimerManager per thread, owned by the MessageLoop. Timers can
// either be fired by the MessageLoop from within its run loop or via a system
// timer event that the MesssageLoop constructs. The advantage of the former
// is that we can make timers fire significantly faster than the granularity
// provided by the system. The advantage of a system timer is that modal
// message loops which don't run our MessageLoop code will still be able to
// process system timer events.
// NOTE: TimerManager is not thread safe. You cannot set timers onto a thread
// other than your own.
class TimerManager {
explicit TimerManager(MessageLoop* message_loop);
// Create and start a new timer. |task| is owned by the caller, as is the
// timer object that is returned.
Timer* StartTimer(int delay, Task* task, bool repeating);
// Starts a timer. This is a no-op if the timer is already started.
void StartTimer(Timer* timer);
// Stop a timer. This is a no-op if the timer is already stopped.
void StopTimer(Timer* timer);
// Reset an existing timer, which may or may not be currently in the queue of
// upcoming timers. The timer's parameters are unchanged; it simply begins
// counting down again as if it was just created.
void ResetTimer(Timer* timer);
// Returns true if |timer| is in the queue of upcoming timers.
bool IsTimerRunning(const Timer* timer) const;
// Run some small number of timers.
// Returns true if it runs a task, false otherwise.
bool RunSomePendingTimers();
// The absolute time at which the next timer is to fire. If there is not a
// next timer to run, then the is_null property of the returned Time object
// will be true. NOTE: This could be a time in the past!
Time GetNextFireTime() const;
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
// For testing only, used to simulate broken early-firing WM_TIMER
// notifications by setting arbitrarily small delays in SetTimer.
void set_use_broken_delay(bool use_broken_delay) {
use_broken_delay_ = use_broken_delay;
#endif // UNIT_TEST
bool use_broken_delay() const {
return use_broken_delay_;
// Peek at the timer which will fire soonest.
Timer* PeekTopTimer();
void DidChangeNextTimer();
// A cached value that indicates the time when we think the next timer is to
// fire. We use this to determine if we should call DidChangeNextTimerExpiry
// on the MessageLoop.
Time next_timer_expiry_;
TimerPQueue timers_;
bool use_broken_delay_;
// A lazily cached copy of MessageLoop::current.
MessageLoop* message_loop_;
// A simple wrapper for the Timer / TimerManager API. This is a helper class.
// Use OneShotTimer or RepeatingTimer instead.
class SimpleTimer {
// Stops the timer.
// Call this method to explicitly start the timer. This is a no-op if the
// timer is already running.
void Start();
// Call this method to explicitly stop the timer. This is a no-op if the
// timer is not running.
void Stop();
// Returns true if the timer is running (i.e., not stopped).
bool IsRunning() const;
// Short-hand for calling Stop and then Start.
void Reset();
// Get/Set the task to be run when this timer expires. NOTE: The caller of
// set_task must be careful to ensure that the old task is properly deleted.
Task* task() const { return timer_.task(); }
void set_task(Task* task) {
owns_task_ = true;
// Sets the task, but marks it so it shouldn't be deleted by the SimpleTimer.
void set_unowned_task(Task* task) {
owns_task_ = false;
SimpleTimer(TimeDelta delay, Task* task, bool repeating);
Timer timer_;
// Whether we need to clean up the Task* object for this Timer when
// we are deallocated. Defaults to true.
bool owns_task_;
// A simple, one-shot timer. The task is run after the specified delay once
// the Start method is called. The task is deleted when the timer object is
// destroyed.
class OneShotTimer : public SimpleTimer {
// The task must be set using set_task before calling Start.
explicit OneShotTimer(TimeDelta delay)
: SimpleTimer(delay, NULL, false) {
// If task is null, then it must be set using set_task before calling Start.
OneShotTimer(TimeDelta delay, Task* task)
: SimpleTimer(delay, task, false) {
// A simple, repeating timer. The task is run at the specified interval once
// the Start method is called. The task is deleted when the timer object is
// destroyed.
class RepeatingTimer : public SimpleTimer {
// The task must be set using set_task before calling Start.
explicit RepeatingTimer(TimeDelta interval)
: SimpleTimer(interval, NULL, true) {
// If task is null, then it must be set using set_task before calling Start.
RepeatingTimer(TimeDelta interval, Task* task)
: SimpleTimer(interval, task, true) {
#endif // BASE_TIMER_H_