blob: 3fa85f5ca49e000a7f5a469d2a2ebf6c86c21b84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/task.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
class TimerTest : public testing::Test {
// A base class timer task that sanity-checks timer functionality and counts
// the number of times it has run. Handles all message loop and memory
// management issues.
class TimerTask : public Task {
// Runs all timers to completion. This returns only after all timers have
// finished firing.
static void RunTimers();
// Creates a new timer. If |repeating| is true, the timer will repeat 10
// times before terminating.
// All timers are managed on the message loop of the thread that calls this
// function the first time.
TimerTask(int delay, bool repeating);
virtual ~TimerTask();
int iterations() const { return iterations_; }
const Timer* timer() const { return timer_; }
// Resets the timer, if it exists.
void Reset();
// Task
virtual void Run();
// Shuts down the message loop if necessary.
static void QuitMessageLoop();
static MessageLoop* message_loop() {
static MessageLoop* loop = MessageLoop::current();
return loop;
static int timer_count_;
static bool loop_running_;
bool timer_running_;
int delay_;
TimeTicks start_ticks_;
int iterations_;
Timer* timer_;
// static
void TimerTask::RunTimers() {
if (timer_count_ && !loop_running_) {
loop_running_ = true;
TimerTask::TimerTask(int delay, bool repeating)
: timer_running_(false),
timer_(NULL) {
Reset(); // This will just set up the variables to indicate we have a
// running timer.
timer_ = message_loop()->timer_manager()->StartTimer(delay, this, repeating);
TimerTask::~TimerTask() {
if (timer_) {
delete timer_;
if (timer_running_) {
timer_running_ = false;
if (--timer_count_ <= 0)
void TimerTask::Reset() {
if (!timer_running_) {
timer_running_ = true;
if (timer_) {
start_ticks_ = TimeTicks::Now();
void TimerTask::Run() {
// Test that we fired on or after the delay, not before.
const TimeTicks ticks = TimeTicks::Now();
EXPECT_LE(delay_, (ticks - start_ticks_).InMilliseconds());
// Note: Add the delay rather than using the ticks recorded.
// Repeating timers have already started ticking before
// this callback; we pretend they started *now*, then
// it might seem like they fire early, when they do not.
start_ticks_ += TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(delay_);
// If we're done running, shut down the message loop.
if (timer_->repeating() && (iterations_ < 10))
return; // Iterate 10 times before terminating.
timer_running_ = false;
if (--timer_count_ <= 0)
// static
void TimerTask::QuitMessageLoop() {
if (loop_running_) {
loop_running_ = false;
int TimerTask::timer_count_ = 0;
bool TimerTask::loop_running_ = false;
// A task that deletes itself when run.
class DeletingTask : public TimerTask {
DeletingTask(int delay, bool repeating) : TimerTask(delay, repeating) { }
// Task
virtual void Run();
void DeletingTask::Run() {
delete this;
// Can't call TimerTask::Run() here, we've destroyed ourselves.
// A class that resets another TimerTask when run.
class ResettingTask : public TimerTask {
ResettingTask(int delay, bool repeating, TimerTask* task)
: TimerTask(delay, repeating),
task_(task) {
virtual void Run();
TimerTask* task_;
void ResettingTask::Run() {
// A class that quits the message loop when run.
class QuittingTask : public TimerTask {
QuittingTask(int delay, bool repeating) : TimerTask(delay, repeating) { }
virtual void Run();
void QuittingTask::Run() {
void RunTimerTest() {
// Make sure oneshot timers work correctly.
TimerTask task1(100, false);
EXPECT_EQ(1, task1.iterations());
// Make sure repeating timers work correctly.
TimerTask task2(10, true);
TimerTask task3(100, true);
EXPECT_EQ(10, task2.iterations());
EXPECT_EQ(10, task3.iterations());
TEST(TimerTest, TimerComparison) {
// Make sure TimerComparison sorts correctly.
const TimerTask task1(10, false);
const Timer* timer1 = task1.timer();
const TimerTask task2(200, false);
const Timer* timer2 = task2.timer();
TimerComparison comparison;
EXPECT_FALSE(comparison(timer1, timer2));
EXPECT_TRUE(comparison(timer2, timer1));
TEST(TimerTest, TimerCase) {
TEST(TimerTest, BrokenTimerCase) {
// Simulate faulty early-firing timers. The tasks in RunTimerTest should
// nevertheless be invoked after their specified delays, regardless of when
// WM_TIMER fires.
TimerManager* manager = MessageLoop::current()->timer_manager();
TEST(TimerTest, DeleteFromRun) {
// Make sure TimerManager correctly handles a Task that deletes itself when
// run.
new DeletingTask(50, true);
TimerTask timer_task(150, false);
new DeletingTask(250, true);
EXPECT_EQ(1, timer_task.iterations());
TEST(TimerTest, Reset) {
// Make sure resetting a timer after it has fired works.
TimerTask timer_task1(250, false);
TimerTask timer_task2(100, true);
ResettingTask resetting_task1(600, false, &timer_task1);
EXPECT_EQ(2, timer_task1.iterations());
EXPECT_EQ(10, timer_task2.iterations());
// Make sure resetting a timer before it has fired works. This will reset
// two timers, then stop the message loop between when they should have
// finally fired.
TimerTask timer_task3(100, false);
TimerTask timer_task4(600, false);
ResettingTask resetting_task3(50, false, &timer_task3);
ResettingTask resetting_task4(50, false, &timer_task4);
QuittingTask quitting_task(300, false);
EXPECT_EQ(1, timer_task3.iterations());
EXPECT_EQ(0, timer_task4.iterations());
TEST(TimerTest, FifoOrder) {
// Creating timers with the same timeout should
// always compare to result in FIFO ordering.
// Derive from the timer so that we can set it's fire time.
// We have to do this, because otherwise, it's possible for
// two timers, created back to back, to have different times,
// and in that case, we aren't really testing what we want
// to test!
class MockTimer : public Timer {
MockTimer(int delay) : Timer(delay, NULL, false) {}
void set_fire_time(const Time& t) { fire_time_ = t; }
class MockTimerManager : public TimerManager {
MockTimerManager() : TimerManager(MessageLoop::current()) {
// Pops the most-recent to fire timer and returns its timer id.
// Returns -1 if there are no timers in the list.
int pop() {
int rv = -1;
Timer* top = PeekTopTimer();
if (top) {
rv = top->id();
delete top;
return rv;
MockTimer t1(0);
MockTimer t2(0);
TimerComparison comparison;
EXPECT_TRUE(comparison(&t2, &t1));
// Issue a tight loop of timers; most will have the
// same timestamp; some will not. Either way, since
// all are created with delay(0), the second timer
// must always be greater than the first. Then, pop
// all the timers and verify that it's a FIFO list.
MockTimerManager manager;
const int kNumTimers = 1024;
for (int i=0; i < kNumTimers; i++)
manager.StartTimer(0, NULL, false);
int last_id = -1;
int new_id = 0;
while((new_id = manager.pop()) > 0)
EXPECT_GT(new_id, last_id);