blob: 9c20b548b474031e190c806c6aef2a5ad27a3c1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Time represents an absolute point in time, internally represented as
// microseconds (s/1,000,000) since the Windows epoch (1601-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
// (See System-dependent clock interface routines are
// defined in
// TimeDelta represents a duration of time, internally represented in
// microseconds.
// TimeTicks represents an abstract time that is most of the time incrementing
// for use in measuring time durations. It is internally represented in
// microseconds. It can not be converted to a human-readable time, but is
// guaranteed not to decrease (if the user changes the computer clock,
// Time::Now() may actually decrease or jump). But note that TimeTicks may
// "stand still", for example if the computer suspended.
// These classes are represented as only a 64-bit value, so they can be
// efficiently passed by value.
#ifndef BASE_TIME_H_
#define BASE_TIME_H_
#include <time.h>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
// Avoid Mac system header macro leak.
#undef TYPE_BOOL
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
// For struct timeval.
#include <sys/time.h>
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// For FILETIME in FromFileTime, until it moves to a new converter class.
// See TODO(iyengar) below.
#include <windows.h>
#include <limits>
namespace base {
class Time;
class TimeTicks;
// TimeDelta ------------------------------------------------------------------
class BASE_EXPORT TimeDelta {
TimeDelta() : delta_(0) {
// Converts units of time to TimeDeltas.
static TimeDelta FromDays(int64 days);
static TimeDelta FromHours(int64 hours);
static TimeDelta FromMinutes(int64 minutes);
static TimeDelta FromSeconds(int64 secs);
static TimeDelta FromMilliseconds(int64 ms);
static TimeDelta FromMicroseconds(int64 us);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
static TimeDelta FromQPCValue(LONGLONG qpc_value);
// Converts an integer value representing TimeDelta to a class. This is used
// when deserializing a |TimeDelta| structure, using a value known to be
// compatible. It is not provided as a constructor because the integer type
// may be unclear from the perspective of a caller.
static TimeDelta FromInternalValue(int64 delta) {
return TimeDelta(delta);
// Returns the internal numeric value of the TimeDelta object. Please don't
// use this and do arithmetic on it, as it is more error prone than using the
// provided operators.
// For serializing, use FromInternalValue to reconstitute.
int64 ToInternalValue() const {
return delta_;
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
struct timespec ToTimeSpec() const;
// Returns the time delta in some unit. The F versions return a floating
// point value, the "regular" versions return a rounded-down value.
// InMillisecondsRoundedUp() instead returns an integer that is rounded up
// to the next full millisecond.
int InDays() const;
int InHours() const;
int InMinutes() const;
double InSecondsF() const;
int64 InSeconds() const;
double InMillisecondsF() const;
int64 InMilliseconds() const;
int64 InMillisecondsRoundedUp() const;
int64 InMicroseconds() const;
TimeDelta& operator=(TimeDelta other) {
delta_ = other.delta_;
return *this;
// Computations with other deltas.
TimeDelta operator+(TimeDelta other) const {
return TimeDelta(delta_ + other.delta_);
TimeDelta operator-(TimeDelta other) const {
return TimeDelta(delta_ - other.delta_);
TimeDelta& operator+=(TimeDelta other) {
delta_ += other.delta_;
return *this;
TimeDelta& operator-=(TimeDelta other) {
delta_ -= other.delta_;
return *this;
TimeDelta operator-() const {
return TimeDelta(-delta_);
// Computations with ints, note that we only allow multiplicative operations
// with ints, and additive operations with other deltas.
TimeDelta operator*(int64 a) const {
return TimeDelta(delta_ * a);
TimeDelta operator/(int64 a) const {
return TimeDelta(delta_ / a);
TimeDelta& operator*=(int64 a) {
delta_ *= a;
return *this;
TimeDelta& operator/=(int64 a) {
delta_ /= a;
return *this;
int64 operator/(TimeDelta a) const {
return delta_ / a.delta_;
// Defined below because it depends on the definition of the other classes.
Time operator+(Time t) const;
TimeTicks operator+(TimeTicks t) const;
// Comparison operators.
bool operator==(TimeDelta other) const {
return delta_ == other.delta_;
bool operator!=(TimeDelta other) const {
return delta_ != other.delta_;
bool operator<(TimeDelta other) const {
return delta_ < other.delta_;
bool operator<=(TimeDelta other) const {
return delta_ <= other.delta_;
bool operator>(TimeDelta other) const {
return delta_ > other.delta_;
bool operator>=(TimeDelta other) const {
return delta_ >= other.delta_;
friend class Time;
friend class TimeTicks;
friend TimeDelta operator*(int64 a, TimeDelta td);
// Constructs a delta given the duration in microseconds. This is private
// to avoid confusion by callers with an integer constructor. Use
// FromSeconds, FromMilliseconds, etc. instead.
explicit TimeDelta(int64 delta_us) : delta_(delta_us) {
// Delta in microseconds.
int64 delta_;
inline TimeDelta operator*(int64 a, TimeDelta td) {
return TimeDelta(a * td.delta_);
// Time -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Represents a wall clock time.
class BASE_EXPORT Time {
static const int64 kMillisecondsPerSecond = 1000;
static const int64 kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond = 1000;
static const int64 kMicrosecondsPerSecond = kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond *
static const int64 kMicrosecondsPerMinute = kMicrosecondsPerSecond * 60;
static const int64 kMicrosecondsPerHour = kMicrosecondsPerMinute * 60;
static const int64 kMicrosecondsPerDay = kMicrosecondsPerHour * 24;
static const int64 kMicrosecondsPerWeek = kMicrosecondsPerDay * 7;
static const int64 kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond = 1000;
static const int64 kNanosecondsPerSecond = kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond *
#if !defined(OS_WIN)
// On Mac & Linux, this value is the delta from the Windows epoch of 1601 to
// the Posix delta of 1970. This is used for migrating between the old
// 1970-based epochs to the new 1601-based ones. It should be removed from
// this global header and put in the platform-specific ones when we remove the
// migration code.
static const int64 kWindowsEpochDeltaMicroseconds;
// Represents an exploded time that can be formatted nicely. This is kind of
// like the Win32 SYSTEMTIME structure or the Unix "struct tm" with a few
// additions and changes to prevent errors.
struct BASE_EXPORT Exploded {
int year; // Four digit year "2007"
int month; // 1-based month (values 1 = January, etc.)
int day_of_week; // 0-based day of week (0 = Sunday, etc.)
int day_of_month; // 1-based day of month (1-31)
int hour; // Hour within the current day (0-23)
int minute; // Minute within the current hour (0-59)
int second; // Second within the current minute (0-59 plus leap
// seconds which may take it up to 60).
int millisecond; // Milliseconds within the current second (0-999)
// A cursory test for whether the data members are within their
// respective ranges. A 'true' return value does not guarantee the
// Exploded value can be successfully converted to a Time value.
bool HasValidValues() const;
// Contains the NULL time. Use Time::Now() to get the current time.
Time() : us_(0) {
// Returns true if the time object has not been initialized.
bool is_null() const {
return us_ == 0;
// Returns true if the time object is the maximum time.
bool is_max() const {
return us_ == std::numeric_limits<int64>::max();
// Returns the time for epoch in Unix-like system (Jan 1, 1970).
static Time UnixEpoch();
// Returns the current time. Watch out, the system might adjust its clock
// in which case time will actually go backwards. We don't guarantee that
// times are increasing, or that two calls to Now() won't be the same.
static Time Now();
// Returns the maximum time, which should be greater than any reasonable time
// with which we might compare it.
static Time Max();
// Returns the current time. Same as Now() except that this function always
// uses system time so that there are no discrepancies between the returned
// time and system time even on virtual environments including our test bot.
// For timing sensitive unittests, this function should be used.
static Time NowFromSystemTime();
// Converts to/from time_t in UTC and a Time class.
// TODO(brettw) this should be removed once everybody starts using the |Time|
// class.
static Time FromTimeT(time_t tt);
time_t ToTimeT() const;
// Converts time to/from a double which is the number of seconds since epoch
// (Jan 1, 1970). Webkit uses this format to represent time.
// Because WebKit initializes double time value to 0 to indicate "not
// initialized", we map it to empty Time object that also means "not
// initialized".
static Time FromDoubleT(double dt);
double ToDoubleT() const;
// Converts to/from the Javascript convention for times, a number of
// milliseconds since the epoch:
static Time FromJsTime(double ms_since_epoch);
double ToJsTime() const;
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
static Time FromTimeVal(struct timeval t);
struct timeval ToTimeVal() const;
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
static Time FromCFAbsoluteTime(CFAbsoluteTime t);
CFAbsoluteTime ToCFAbsoluteTime() const;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
static Time FromFileTime(FILETIME ft);
FILETIME ToFileTime() const;
// The minimum time of a low resolution timer. This is basically a windows
// constant of ~15.6ms. While it does vary on some older OS versions, we'll
// treat it as static across all windows versions.
static const int kMinLowResolutionThresholdMs = 16;
// Enable or disable Windows high resolution timer. If the high resolution
// timer is not enabled, calls to ActivateHighResolutionTimer will fail.
// When disabling the high resolution timer, this function will not cause
// the high resolution timer to be deactivated, but will prevent future
// activations.
// Must be called from the main thread.
// For more details see comments in
static void EnableHighResolutionTimer(bool enable);
// Activates or deactivates the high resolution timer based on the |activate|
// flag. If the HighResolutionTimer is not Enabled (see
// EnableHighResolutionTimer), this function will return false. Otherwise
// returns true. Each successful activate call must be paired with a
// subsequent deactivate call.
// All callers to activate the high resolution timer must eventually call
// this function to deactivate the high resolution timer.
static bool ActivateHighResolutionTimer(bool activate);
// Returns true if the high resolution timer is both enabled and activated.
// This is provided for testing only, and is not tracked in a thread-safe
// way.
static bool IsHighResolutionTimerInUse();
// Converts an exploded structure representing either the local time or UTC
// into a Time class.
static Time FromUTCExploded(const Exploded& exploded) {
return FromExploded(false, exploded);
static Time FromLocalExploded(const Exploded& exploded) {
return FromExploded(true, exploded);
// Converts an integer value representing Time to a class. This is used
// when deserializing a |Time| structure, using a value known to be
// compatible. It is not provided as a constructor because the integer type
// may be unclear from the perspective of a caller.
static Time FromInternalValue(int64 us) {
return Time(us);
// Converts a string representation of time to a Time object.
// An example of a time string which is converted is as below:-
// "Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT". If the timezone is not specified
// in the input string, FromString assumes local time and FromUTCString
// assumes UTC. A timezone that cannot be parsed (e.g. "UTC" which is not
// specified in RFC822) is treated as if the timezone is not specified.
// TODO(iyengar) Move the FromString/FromTimeT/ToTimeT/FromFileTime to
// a new time converter class.
static bool FromString(const char* time_string, Time* parsed_time) {
return FromStringInternal(time_string, true, parsed_time);
static bool FromUTCString(const char* time_string, Time* parsed_time) {
return FromStringInternal(time_string, false, parsed_time);
// For serializing, use FromInternalValue to reconstitute. Please don't use
// this and do arithmetic on it, as it is more error prone than using the
// provided operators.
int64 ToInternalValue() const {
return us_;
// Fills the given exploded structure with either the local time or UTC from
// this time structure (containing UTC).
void UTCExplode(Exploded* exploded) const {
return Explode(false, exploded);
void LocalExplode(Exploded* exploded) const {
return Explode(true, exploded);
// Rounds this time down to the nearest day in local time. It will represent
// midnight on that day.
Time LocalMidnight() const;
Time& operator=(Time other) {
us_ = other.us_;
return *this;
// Compute the difference between two times.
TimeDelta operator-(Time other) const {
return TimeDelta(us_ - other.us_);
// Modify by some time delta.
Time& operator+=(TimeDelta delta) {
us_ += delta.delta_;
return *this;
Time& operator-=(TimeDelta delta) {
us_ -= delta.delta_;
return *this;
// Return a new time modified by some delta.
Time operator+(TimeDelta delta) const {
return Time(us_ + delta.delta_);
Time operator-(TimeDelta delta) const {
return Time(us_ - delta.delta_);
// Comparison operators
bool operator==(Time other) const {
return us_ == other.us_;
bool operator!=(Time other) const {
return us_ != other.us_;
bool operator<(Time other) const {
return us_ < other.us_;
bool operator<=(Time other) const {
return us_ <= other.us_;
bool operator>(Time other) const {
return us_ > other.us_;
bool operator>=(Time other) const {
return us_ >= other.us_;
friend class TimeDelta;
explicit Time(int64 us) : us_(us) {
// Explodes the given time to either local time |is_local = true| or UTC
// |is_local = false|.
void Explode(bool is_local, Exploded* exploded) const;
// Unexplodes a given time assuming the source is either local time
// |is_local = true| or UTC |is_local = false|.
static Time FromExploded(bool is_local, const Exploded& exploded);
// Converts a string representation of time to a Time object.
// An example of a time string which is converted is as below:-
// "Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT". If the timezone is not specified
// in the input string, local time |is_local = true| or
// UTC |is_local = false| is assumed. A timezone that cannot be parsed
// (e.g. "UTC" which is not specified in RFC822) is treated as if the
// timezone is not specified.
static bool FromStringInternal(const char* time_string,
bool is_local,
Time* parsed_time);
// The representation of Jan 1, 1970 UTC in microseconds since the
// platform-dependent epoch.
static const int64 kTimeTToMicrosecondsOffset;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Indicates whether fast timers are usable right now. For instance,
// when using battery power, we might elect to prevent high speed timers
// which would draw more power.
static bool high_resolution_timer_enabled_;
// Count of activations on the high resolution timer. Only use in tests
// which are single threaded.
static int high_resolution_timer_activated_;
// Time in microseconds in UTC.
int64 us_;
// Inline the TimeDelta factory methods, for fast TimeDelta construction.
// static
inline TimeDelta TimeDelta::FromDays(int64 days) {
return TimeDelta(days * Time::kMicrosecondsPerDay);
// static
inline TimeDelta TimeDelta::FromHours(int64 hours) {
return TimeDelta(hours * Time::kMicrosecondsPerHour);
// static
inline TimeDelta TimeDelta::FromMinutes(int64 minutes) {
return TimeDelta(minutes * Time::kMicrosecondsPerMinute);
// static
inline TimeDelta TimeDelta::FromSeconds(int64 secs) {
return TimeDelta(secs * Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond);
// static
inline TimeDelta TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(int64 ms) {
return TimeDelta(ms * Time::kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond);
// static
inline TimeDelta TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(int64 us) {
return TimeDelta(us);
inline Time TimeDelta::operator+(Time t) const {
return Time(t.us_ + delta_);
// TimeTicks ------------------------------------------------------------------
class BASE_EXPORT TimeTicks {
TimeTicks() : ticks_(0) {
// Platform-dependent tick count representing "right now."
// The resolution of this clock is ~1-15ms. Resolution varies depending
// on hardware/operating system configuration.
static TimeTicks Now();
// Returns a platform-dependent high-resolution tick count. Implementation
// is hardware dependent and may or may not return sub-millisecond
static TimeTicks HighResNow();
// Returns the current system trace time or, if none is defined, the current
// high-res time (i.e. HighResNow()). On systems where a global trace clock
// is defined, timestamping TraceEvents's with this value guarantees
// synchronization between events collected inside chrome and events
// collected outside (e.g. kernel, X server).
static TimeTicks NowFromSystemTraceTime();
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Get the absolute value of QPC time drift. For testing.
static int64 GetQPCDriftMicroseconds();
static TimeTicks FromQPCValue(LONGLONG qpc_value);
// Returns true if the high resolution clock is working on this system.
// This is only for testing.
static bool IsHighResClockWorking();
// Returns true if this object has not been initialized.
bool is_null() const {
return ticks_ == 0;
// Converts an integer value representing TimeTicks to a class. This is used
// when deserializing a |TimeTicks| structure, using a value known to be
// compatible. It is not provided as a constructor because the integer type
// may be unclear from the perspective of a caller.
static TimeTicks FromInternalValue(int64 ticks) {
return TimeTicks(ticks);
// Returns the internal numeric value of the TimeTicks object.
// For serializing, use FromInternalValue to reconstitute.
int64 ToInternalValue() const {
return ticks_;
TimeTicks& operator=(TimeTicks other) {
ticks_ = other.ticks_;
return *this;
// Compute the difference between two times.
TimeDelta operator-(TimeTicks other) const {
return TimeDelta(ticks_ - other.ticks_);
// Modify by some time delta.
TimeTicks& operator+=(TimeDelta delta) {
ticks_ += delta.delta_;
return *this;
TimeTicks& operator-=(TimeDelta delta) {
ticks_ -= delta.delta_;
return *this;
// Return a new TimeTicks modified by some delta.
TimeTicks operator+(TimeDelta delta) const {
return TimeTicks(ticks_ + delta.delta_);
TimeTicks operator-(TimeDelta delta) const {
return TimeTicks(ticks_ - delta.delta_);
// Comparison operators
bool operator==(TimeTicks other) const {
return ticks_ == other.ticks_;
bool operator!=(TimeTicks other) const {
return ticks_ != other.ticks_;
bool operator<(TimeTicks other) const {
return ticks_ < other.ticks_;
bool operator<=(TimeTicks other) const {
return ticks_ <= other.ticks_;
bool operator>(TimeTicks other) const {
return ticks_ > other.ticks_;
bool operator>=(TimeTicks other) const {
return ticks_ >= other.ticks_;
friend class TimeDelta;
// Please use Now() to create a new object. This is for internal use
// and testing. Ticks is in microseconds.
explicit TimeTicks(int64 ticks) : ticks_(ticks) {
// Tick count in microseconds.
int64 ticks_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
typedef DWORD (*TickFunctionType)(void);
static TickFunctionType SetMockTickFunction(TickFunctionType ticker);
inline TimeTicks TimeDelta::operator+(TimeTicks t) const {
return TimeTicks(t.ticks_ + delta_);
} // namespace base
#endif // BASE_TIME_H_