blob: a3f57cfc093a1d948e0c76e51a7ce6bc49dd3734 [file] [log] [blame]
* Option routines for CUPS.
* Copyright 2007-2014 by Apple Inc.
* Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products.
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
* property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
* law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
* which should have been included with this file. If this file is
* file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
* This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception.
* Include necessary headers...
#include "cups-private.h"
* Local functions...
static int cups_compare_options(cups_option_t *a, cups_option_t *b);
static int cups_find_option(const char *name, int num_options,
cups_option_t *option, int prev, int *rdiff);
* 'cupsAddOption()' - Add an option to an option array.
* New option arrays can be initialized simply by passing 0 for the
* "num_options" parameter.
int /* O - Number of options */
cupsAddOption(const char *name, /* I - Name of option */
const char *value, /* I - Value of option */
int num_options,/* I - Number of options */
cups_option_t **options) /* IO - Pointer to options */
cups_option_t *temp; /* Pointer to new option */
int insert, /* Insertion point */
diff; /* Result of search */
DEBUG_printf(("2cupsAddOption(name=\"%s\", value=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)", name, value, num_options, (void *)options));
if (!name || !name[0] || !value || !options || num_options < 0)
DEBUG_printf(("3cupsAddOption: Returning %d", num_options));
return (num_options);
* Look for an existing option with the same name...
if (num_options == 0)
insert = 0;
diff = 1;
insert = cups_find_option(name, num_options, *options, num_options - 1,
if (diff > 0)
insert ++;
if (diff)
* No matching option name...
DEBUG_printf(("4cupsAddOption: New option inserted at index %d...",
if (num_options == 0)
temp = (cups_option_t *)malloc(sizeof(cups_option_t));
temp = (cups_option_t *)realloc(*options, sizeof(cups_option_t) * (size_t)(num_options + 1));
if (!temp)
DEBUG_puts("3cupsAddOption: Unable to expand option array, returning 0");
return (0);
*options = temp;
if (insert < num_options)
DEBUG_printf(("4cupsAddOption: Shifting %d options...",
(int)(num_options - insert)));
memmove(temp + insert + 1, temp + insert, (size_t)(num_options - insert) * sizeof(cups_option_t));
temp += insert;
temp->name = _cupsStrAlloc(name);
num_options ++;
* Match found; free the old value...
DEBUG_printf(("4cupsAddOption: Option already exists at index %d...",
temp = *options + insert;
temp->value = _cupsStrAlloc(value);
DEBUG_printf(("3cupsAddOption: Returning %d", num_options));
return (num_options);
* 'cupsFreeOptions()' - Free all memory used by options.
int num_options, /* I - Number of options */
cups_option_t *options) /* I - Pointer to options */
int i; /* Looping var */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFreeOptions(num_options=%d, options=%p)", num_options, (void *)options));
if (num_options <= 0 || !options)
for (i = 0; i < num_options; i ++)
* 'cupsGetOption()' - Get an option value.
const char * /* O - Option value or @code NULL@ */
cupsGetOption(const char *name, /* I - Name of option */
int num_options,/* I - Number of options */
cups_option_t *options) /* I - Options */
int diff, /* Result of comparison */
match; /* Matching index */
DEBUG_printf(("2cupsGetOption(name=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)", name, num_options, (void *)options));
if (!name || num_options <= 0 || !options)
DEBUG_puts("3cupsGetOption: Returning NULL");
return (NULL);
match = cups_find_option(name, num_options, options, -1, &diff);
if (!diff)
DEBUG_printf(("3cupsGetOption: Returning \"%s\"", options[match].value));
return (options[match].value);
DEBUG_puts("3cupsGetOption: Returning NULL");
return (NULL);
* 'cupsParseOptions()' - Parse options from a command-line argument.
* This function converts space-delimited name/value pairs according
* to the PAPI text option ABNF specification. Collection values
* ("name={a=... b=... c=...}") are stored with the curley brackets
* intact - use @code cupsParseOptions@ on the value to extract the
* collection attributes.
int /* O - Number of options found */
const char *arg, /* I - Argument to parse */
int num_options, /* I - Number of options */
cups_option_t **options) /* O - Options found */
char *copyarg, /* Copy of input string */
*ptr, /* Pointer into string */
*name, /* Pointer to name */
*value, /* Pointer to value */
sep, /* Separator character */
quote; /* Quote character */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsParseOptions(arg=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)", arg, num_options, (void *)options));
* Range check input...
if (!arg)
DEBUG_printf(("1cupsParseOptions: Returning %d", num_options));
return (num_options);
if (!options || num_options < 0)
DEBUG_puts("1cupsParseOptions: Returning 0");
return (0);
* Make a copy of the argument string and then divide it up...
if ((copyarg = strdup(arg)) == NULL)
DEBUG_puts("1cupsParseOptions: Unable to copy arg string");
DEBUG_printf(("1cupsParseOptions: Returning %d", num_options));
return (num_options);
if (*copyarg == '{')
* Remove surrounding {} so we can parse "{name=value ... name=value}"...
if ((ptr = copyarg + strlen(copyarg) - 1) > copyarg && *ptr == '}')
*ptr = '\0';
ptr = copyarg + 1;
ptr = copyarg;
ptr = copyarg;
* Skip leading spaces...
while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
ptr ++;
* Loop through the string...
while (*ptr != '\0')
* Get the name up to a SPACE, =, or end-of-string...
name = ptr;
while (!strchr("\f\n\r\t\v =", *ptr) && *ptr)
ptr ++;
* Avoid an empty name...
if (ptr == name)
* Skip trailing spaces...
while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
*ptr++ = '\0';
if ((sep = *ptr) == '=')
*ptr++ = '\0';
DEBUG_printf(("2cupsParseOptions: name=\"%s\"", name));
if (sep != '=')
* Boolean option...
if (!_cups_strncasecmp(name, "no", 2))
num_options = cupsAddOption(name + 2, "false", num_options,
num_options = cupsAddOption(name, "true", num_options, options);
* Remove = and parse the value...
value = ptr;
while (*ptr && !_cups_isspace(*ptr))
if (*ptr == ',')
ptr ++;
else if (*ptr == '\'' || *ptr == '\"')
* Quoted string constant...
quote = *ptr;
_cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);
while (*ptr != quote && *ptr)
if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
_cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);
ptr ++;
if (*ptr)
_cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);
else if (*ptr == '{')
* Collection value...
int depth;
for (depth = 0; *ptr; ptr ++)
if (*ptr == '{')
depth ++;
else if (*ptr == '}')
depth --;
if (!depth)
ptr ++;
else if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
_cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);
* Normal space-delimited string...
while (*ptr && !_cups_isspace(*ptr))
if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
_cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);
ptr ++;
if (*ptr != '\0')
*ptr++ = '\0';
DEBUG_printf(("2cupsParseOptions: value=\"%s\"", value));
* Skip trailing whitespace...
while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
ptr ++;
* Add the string value...
num_options = cupsAddOption(name, value, num_options, options);
* Free the copy of the argument we made and return the number of options
* found.
DEBUG_printf(("1cupsParseOptions: Returning %d", num_options));
return (num_options);
* 'cupsRemoveOption()' - Remove an option from an option array.
* @since CUPS 1.2/macOS 10.5@
int /* O - New number of options */
const char *name, /* I - Option name */
int num_options, /* I - Current number of options */
cups_option_t **options) /* IO - Options */
int i; /* Looping var */
cups_option_t *option; /* Current option */
DEBUG_printf(("2cupsRemoveOption(name=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)", name, num_options, (void *)options));
* Range check input...
if (!name || num_options < 1 || !options)
DEBUG_printf(("3cupsRemoveOption: Returning %d", num_options));
return (num_options);
* Loop for the option...
for (i = num_options, option = *options; i > 0; i --, option ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, option->name))
if (i)
* Remove this option from the array...
DEBUG_puts("4cupsRemoveOption: Found option, removing it...");
num_options --;
i --;
if (i > 0)
memmove(option, option + 1, (size_t)i * sizeof(cups_option_t));
* Return the new number of options...
DEBUG_printf(("3cupsRemoveOption: Returning %d", num_options));
return (num_options);
* '_cupsGet1284Values()' - Get 1284 device ID keys and values.
* The returned dictionary is a CUPS option array that can be queried with
* cupsGetOption and freed with cupsFreeOptions.
int /* O - Number of key/value pairs */
const char *device_id, /* I - IEEE-1284 device ID string */
cups_option_t **values) /* O - Array of key/value pairs */
int num_values; /* Number of values */
char key[256], /* Key string */
value[256], /* Value string */
*ptr; /* Pointer into key/value */
* Range check input...
if (values)
*values = NULL;
if (!device_id || !values)
return (0);
* Parse the 1284 device ID value into keys and values. The format is
* repeating sequences of:
* [whitespace]key:value[whitespace];
num_values = 0;
while (*device_id)
while (_cups_isspace(*device_id))
device_id ++;
if (!*device_id)
for (ptr = key; *device_id && *device_id != ':'; device_id ++)
if (ptr < (key + sizeof(key) - 1))
*ptr++ = *device_id;
if (!*device_id)
while (ptr > key && _cups_isspace(ptr[-1]))
ptr --;
*ptr = '\0';
device_id ++;
while (_cups_isspace(*device_id))
device_id ++;
if (!*device_id)
for (ptr = value; *device_id && *device_id != ';'; device_id ++)
if (ptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1))
*ptr++ = *device_id;
if (!*device_id)
while (ptr > value && _cups_isspace(ptr[-1]))
ptr --;
*ptr = '\0';
device_id ++;
num_values = cupsAddOption(key, value, num_values, values);
return (num_values);
* 'cups_compare_options()' - Compare two options.
static int /* O - Result of comparison */
cups_compare_options(cups_option_t *a, /* I - First option */
cups_option_t *b) /* I - Second option */
return (_cups_strcasecmp(a->name, b->name));
* 'cups_find_option()' - Find an option using a binary search.
static int /* O - Index of match */
const char *name, /* I - Option name */
int num_options, /* I - Number of options */
cups_option_t *options, /* I - Options */
int prev, /* I - Previous index */
int *rdiff) /* O - Difference of match */
int left, /* Low mark for binary search */
right, /* High mark for binary search */
current, /* Current index */
diff; /* Result of comparison */
cups_option_t key; /* Search key */
DEBUG_printf(("7cups_find_option(name=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p, prev=%d, rdiff=%p)", name, num_options, (void *)options, prev, (void *)rdiff));
#ifdef DEBUG
for (left = 0; left < num_options; left ++)
DEBUG_printf(("9cups_find_option: options[%d].name=\"%s\", .value=\"%s\"",
left, options[left].name, options[left].value));
#endif /* DEBUG */ = (char *)name;
if (prev >= 0)
* Start search on either side of previous...
if ((diff = cups_compare_options(&key, options + prev)) == 0 ||
(diff < 0 && prev == 0) ||
(diff > 0 && prev == (num_options - 1)))
*rdiff = diff;
return (prev);
else if (diff < 0)
* Start with previous on right side...
left = 0;
right = prev;
* Start wih previous on left side...
left = prev;
right = num_options - 1;
* Start search in the middle...
left = 0;
right = num_options - 1;
current = (left + right) / 2;
diff = cups_compare_options(&key, options + current);
if (diff == 0)
else if (diff < 0)
right = current;
left = current;
while ((right - left) > 1);
if (diff != 0)
* Check the last 1 or 2 elements...
if ((diff = cups_compare_options(&key, options + left)) <= 0)
current = left;
diff = cups_compare_options(&key, options + right);
current = right;
* Return the closest destination and the difference...
*rdiff = diff;
return (current);